chapter 13

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"everyone form a line!!! Go into your line!"

Iida's been shouting about that for a past 5 minutes and he's the only one who's not in his line.

"Iida it's okay now, you can go back to your line also."

"But midoriya, if I didn't do this they will mess the line."

"It's already good iida, and no one will ruin the line and we're all already here so no need to be worry, everyone's just excited about it."

Uraraka said to calm iida down, since he's been being a over characterized because the fact that he's the class president.

"But I really don't get it, why are you all excited to go to the Kunugigaoka High School?."

"Are you kidding midoriya? I know you went to that majestic school but it's Kunugigaoka come on!"

"I just really don't get it, the buildings there is just like most of the public junior highschool around there."

"We don't care about that midoriya, we care about the view, the education system, and the creativity of the student there!"

"Okay okay..."

Izuku don't have the energy to debate about some things since he's been too busy all night, helping the important people in his life.

So he just pick some sit and just make himself comfortable, he need the energy to walk more so he just sleep after he sat down to his sit. Since he knows when they are going to get there.


Everyone has been having a good time on the bus, really excited about it, and even have this massive reaction once they got in the school. Izuku seems still want some more sleep but he recover some of his energy so that's good enough.

Once they got in the school, they're greet by the principal and his son themself. And that really make izuku's day feel worse, he don't want to see asano and why asano is here at the first place, he suppose to be at his school not here.

"Welcome to Kunugigaoka Junior High, UA students..."

The principal asano gakuho is giving some welcome speech and they all seems listening.., except for izuku since first he still half asleep, and second he's been trying to avoid the other asano.

His been shifting his spot into the middle of the crowded spot, he don't want to talk to that asano and he don't want to ruin his day more.

... But until the crowd shifted, since he's half asleep he didn't realize it, he didn't realize that they are now following the principal to their destination, he just realized it when he heard the voice that his been avoiding.

"...Izuku can we talk.-"

"Look asano, I don't care what's you're going to say, and like I said the last time. I don't want to see and talk to you ever again asano."

"I know please let's just ta-"

"midoriya let's go!!"

"I'm coming!!"

Izuku just ignore asano and go with the others, and some of them notice the interaction between the two of them. And since asano don't actually have something to do, so he have to go with his father escorting the whole class.

"Midoriya did you know him?"

since he's on his acting mode he can't really show his irritation so he just smile and nod.

"Oh how long did you know each other?"

Izuku seems concern about the sudden question, but he will not question about it since it's obvious that some of the girls grew some interest with the principal's son.

"We used to be classmates for 1 and a half year then I got transferred to different class."

"Is he... Single?"

"I don't know... Ask him"

They all look at asano except izuku since they are almost on the gates of the territory of class 3-e.

"... Well I am, but I have someone I love."

The girls got heartbreak about the answer, but since they got to know about that they just easily give up.

"Okay class 2-A I've love to escort you all the way to your destination but that territory isn't mine anymore, and I'm not allow to get in that gate so you have to go by your selves."

".. so you mean we're not going to do it here?"

"Of course not! I'm not the one who got the collaboration, so this is not the place for your training."

"Wait principal Nezu didn't tell me this, so who's going to lead us?"

They all got quiet, but the principal just look at izuku, and izuku is to tired because his energy that got earned earlier got drained by someone!!. Izuku is sigh and then smile.

"Fine, I'll lead you guys."

They all look at him, and seems confuse about it, even aizawa is confuse.

"You know the way?"

"Of course! I used to be on that class."

Izuku just go in the gate and just starting to walk, the other started to follow and some of them even saying thank you to the principal and even some flirt on the principal's son. And aizawa just so concerned that he faster his walk to catch up to izuku.

"Midoriya, how did you know the way?"

"Well Mr. Aizawa I used to be a student In this school, but something happened that led me to got transferred in different class.., a class of the outsider... The end class which is the class is on top of this mountain."

"So you do this daily basis?"


Izuku got snatched and they flew into the leaves, leaving the whole class confuse. But something got left in aizawa's hand, it's a paper... In fact a map, a drawn map that seems nonsense but still readable.

"What happened!!"


They all got worried about their classmate, but also they are scared to be left in the middle of the unknown Forrest.

"Mr. Aizawa what was that?!"

"... I don't know.. but their stealth is so good, I didn't even sense them and that speed getting midoriya, it might be the training..."

(Hello. Everyone, one more day and it's new year!!)

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