Chapter 20

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Months passed nothing really happened that much, the 1-A still having a hell of a training until to the day they leave, but for a week of them being there the 3-e got close with some of the 1-a.

But some of the 1-a... Just naturally outsiders. 3-e just can't accept them, is ot because of their personality?, their aura? Vibes? Etc... But even tho the both sided tried to get along for the sake of the tension on the 3-e's territory, but those remaining 1-a outsiders just hard to handle with.


"raise your hand for me"

"kukuku izu really looking out for me, it feels like i'm at retiring home"

Koro sensei raise his hand with ease, and izuku is writing something in his notebook to monitor koro sensei if there's something bad is going on with his new body.

"of course koro sensei, you know me. I will take care of all the end class family."

"if i have known i will get a new body i could have not says those things when you all 'killed' me"

Izuku is writting to his books about the things he observe so far, and he thinks koro sensei is all fine now, he's been observing koro sensei for months now, and nothing is wrong with the new body.

"but at least you heard their confession"

"you also tear up that day"

Koro sensei poke izuku's cheek just to be annoying.

"well i never though this will work, and i'm still a human being with feelings."

Izuku writes on his paper then once he's finish he put it on his desk and then smile at koro sensei.

"okay koro sensei! Since you've been following the diet, you can now eat fast foods! I'm going to treat you for a fast food you want to go!"

Koro sensei is happy, he's been suffering for eating small amount of homemade food so he can regain his calories limit.

"oh my, that's why you're my favourite student! And a date with izu that's a great idea!"

(OI OI FYI DATE ISN'T ALWAYS MEANT ROMANTIC SHITZ, Think of it as father and son hangout)

"i was about to contact the others to have a surprise reunion, but since sensei want just both of us then let's do it"

"wait really? I'm can meet them?"

"since when did i say such non sense about good news?"

Izuku waving his phone, already texted the group chat to meet him to a buffet house that they all always goes to.

"wait i'm not ready yet! I don't have good clothes here!! "

Koro sensei acted like a teen who just got informed that he's invited to a party hosted by the popular people at school.

"we can just go buy some on the way there"

"but still i can't just go out wearing an all white plain clothes, it will made me look like i escaped from an hospital because of the enormous money i need to pay, or i escaped from a mental hospital"

"you can wear this, koro sensei"

They both look at the door to see karma standing there.

"karma! My devil student"

"That's me"

Karma walk over to koro sensei then give him the paper bag with the clothes he got. Then he walk towards izuku and sit to the nearest chair he sees.

"what is the reason you pay a visit, karma?"

"Well i saw your text in the group chat, so i may just pay a visit here, and looks like bringing his old clothe really needed."

"old clothes? You mean that clothes he wears before? Karma thay's too big for his current body."


Koro sensei said while wearing his old clothes... But different. It perfectly on his size, a bit baggy but it's always how koro sensei clothes are.

"well it's my plan to give him his old clothes at first as a prank, but i decided to just make a duplicate but small size."

"how do you even get his right size?"

Karma take out a piece of paper.

"i took a look at your analysis book about koro sensei, that's where i got the information about his sizes."

"no way did i miss placed it?"

"no, you're just too busy that day so i got bored that i started to look at the papers that is allover the table."

They heard the door opened to see nagisa get in.

"i hope i didn't interrupted of what ever you both talking about."

"haha nagisa, no it's okay, it' s really nothing important. Why did you pay a visit?"

Nagisa get in then just sit next to them.

"well i saw your text, then i figured out that you're about to do an reunion so i decided to go here so i can go to the restaurant with you."

Now koro sensei snap out from his amazement about his new clothes, and just notice nagisa is there also.

"oh nagisa! You're here also."

"ah yes sensei, oh and i'm also here because i'm also going to give you this."

Nagisa give koro sensei, the moon tie. Since Nagisa is one of the student who really impacted Koro sensei's death to their lives, Nagisa kept it for his future job.

"awww nagisa, thank you."

Since they all know how much the tie values to koro sensei.


"what do you think the reason Izuku gathered us all here?"

"yes this really triggered some memories"

"right?! But i really miss this place so.."

They all got quiet, and just mixed emotion surrounded them. sadness , happiness, etc. But then the door opened.

"hello guys"

The three walked in, with a guy behind them, some of them really confused but then they heard the familiar voice and the annoying chuckle.

"we gathered all of you here to say hello to koro sensei."

The whole class froze, not even a sound come out to them, they all dumbfounded. But then they all screamed so loud because of confusion.

(sorry for late update, got lazy. But how are you all? Doing fine?)

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