Chapter 6

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Nezu is looking at the informations of the student this year of school, since he really have this feeling that he will going to have a student this year. and there's someone caught his eyes.

Izuku, Nezu somehow have an gut that most of izuku's information is hidden, since Nezu being Nezu he believes that the guts he's feeling is real, so he decided to check on izuku's background by hacking to gain izuku's information.

But something stopped him, it's a Virus. Or should we say it's an AI ritsu. And the screen show karasuma.

"Sorry Mr. Nezu, but we can't give you much more information about this person."

"Wow is this kid really that important that an higher position of government protecting it?."

"... Look Mr. Nezu I know you are really curious of some things you have guts on, but yes this kid is very important and I won't get ou-"

"Is he one of student in the assassination mission?"


"I knew it, if not you won't be protecting his information."

Karasuma sigh, he knows he don't have any responsibility to his students since they are not his students anymore, but they are still members of the assassination so it's his responsibility to kept their information protected and make them a normal kids again.

"Look, I know you're to smart and you know you're doing is illegal, you've do this every single time, but I think this time is too much, and fine he is one of the assassin, but it doesn't mean I will give you his information about his whole assassination."

"Oh so that's a good deal then."

"... What do you mean?"

"Well I just want his school information like his personality, his records and his real grades"

Nezu have this grin creeping his face, and karasuma staring to catch up to nezu's intentions.

"For that traumatic past experience I want the kids have their normal life."

"But you don't need to involve their grades and performance there Mr. Karasuma, that project and their school life is different subjects."

Karasuma think for a bit, he's hesitating of course since he knew izuku is the one who got affected about Koro sensei's death more. But in the end he decided.


Izuku knock into the principal's door and got welcomed by a knife flew towards him, but izuku suddenly catch it and walks in.

"Hello Mr. Nezu, I'm izuku midoriya."

"Oh young midoriya, there you are. Take a sit."

"Thank you for having me."

Izuku smile and go in the office and sit across nezu's desk. Nezu hand izuku an stack of papers. Not as thick at Koro sensei usually give them, but still thick to normal people

"That's content your schedule, the rules, the things you have to do, and the staff members and student's informations."

Izuku get confuse about it.

"Why would you give me the staff and students informations?"

"Well as you can see you are my student, and I will teach you more advance than a college graduate. I would glad to teach you all of it I really do, but I'm not into fighting, and I may be more into intelligent and you might think I must have some solution about it. but I still have responsibility as a principal, so for some time you will be in aizawa's Class"

"Aizawa? Eraserhead?"

"Yes he will teach you the hero course since the... New "teacher" is not really a teacher. So think me as your personal subject teacher."

"So you want me to stay on hero course?"

"Yes, since you're extremely different from others expect that you're my one and only student, but a specific person and I think you know who am I talking about, want you to have an normal teenager life. So I put you on available class... Which is class A."

The bell starting to ring and then izuku and Nezu just get up.

"That's the bell. you can read the paper later, or you can read it on the way there, I know you can do it."

Izuku got pushed out of the office.

"... Looks like I have to do this"

Izuku walk toward the 1-A's classroom, while reading the thick ass papers, but since it's not as thick as he used to read it and because of his photographic memory he can just technically finish it.


Once he got to the classroom he saw the door of 1-A opened and revealed aizawa going out the classroom, and saw him.

"... And who are you?"


Izuku hand the paper he just read and it's the fake information about izuku, and how he's going to transfer from gen ed course to hero course.

Aizawa look at him then sign him to follow him, so izuku just follow him since he's going to be his "homeroom" teacher. Well that's what the paper said.

They got into the area, and aizawa just go to his sleeping bag and just wait under the tree while izuku just go next to him.

"So what am I doing here?"

"Well since you're from the gen ed, will only temporary here and on the information you gave me, your quirk is base on mental quirk, so this physical test is not for you."

"Then what am I doing here then?"

"Well since your quirk is photographic memory I want you to analyze your classmates even small detail you have to analyze them and for combat that will be in other day."

"So I'm going to have different classes from them?"

"No it's just additional class."


A silent grew and aizawa grew impatient.

"Kids this days are so slow!'

"Or they are just waiting each other"

"Shush kid, I just want to rant"

"Oh,.. I will take a note about that."

Izuku look at the entrance and saw people starting to get out of the door and saw someone that he don't want to see.

Bakugo, He hide behind the tree and lower his presence, he don't want to see bakugo it will ruin both their time..

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