Chapter 18

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"IZU IS!!!"

Karma announce then most of them create some drum roll, even some of them is just praying for some gods.






The E3 just making loud noices and being chaotic big family, while the 1-A is confuse about everything.

"midoriya?, that's midoriya?"

"that's impossible, does he have a secret quirk of shapeshift or something?"

"No way!!, Deku been quirkless!!"

"there's so many things that can make you look like a different person, problem kids."

They look behind them and see aizawa with his grin and a big stack of money on his hands.

"quirks is not the only thing can solve your problems, that's why we are here, now get your dinner then go back to the room and sleep, you all have a long day tomorrow."

Aizawa walk away from the whole class then go to the other teachers and even wave his money on them.


Once the whole class 1-A and aizawa is completely sleeping, leaving the 3-E outside, thick aura is surrounding them. They are all formed and stay silent and infront of them is karasuma and irina.

"i know all of you have this annoyance to those 'future heroes', but we are also ordered to protect them during their stay here."

Karma just lost interest then starting to just being annoyance to izuku. Acting like a toddler who is bored at the place and whats to go somewhere else.

"izu! Let's goooo~!!"

Izuku just smile there innocently just focusing at karasuma, ignoring karma while karma is clinging to him and constantly telling him that he wanted to go somewhere else.

"anyway, there are also another mission that got collide to this mission, and since we temporarily got izuku back, i'll give this mission to his team, so it will got handle easily and faster."

Karasuma give Izuku a stack of papers then Izuku saluted before he disappeared with karma and nagisa. Most of them seems don't want to protect the 1-A, but it's an order so they have to do it.

"I'm going to say that izu deserve to get the mission since it's been a while since he got one but bro why would we have to look after those future heroes, they called future heroes for some reason."

"i know! We all have some concerns but they are here to train not to throw them in a life and death situations, they got enough experience but lacked of knowledge."

"But still, it's not our responsibility to look for them"

They all walk away with a bit annoyed and disappointed in their faces, and just do the order even though they are not approve about it, Karasuma look like a bit guilt and worried about all of them, even though karasuma thinks having this type of mission is pain in his ass, it turns out that he slowly getting close the the kids... Just like they are his own children


Izuku stab a man then wipe a blood on his face, everyone is dead around him. Karma and nagisa is just looking for extra secret compartments and important documents.

"why do we keep getting this kind of dirty work?, i heard on rio that they only have a switch item mission, and yet i always got this messy mission."

"atleast we got the real assassin's work. Government really this fucked up."

"well we got the corrupted governor so it feels like killing one of the governor who forcefully killed koro sensei."

Nagisa and karma just talking and doing their work while izuku just went silent, deep in thought and staring at no where.

"all clear let's go."

Nagisa said, then karma notice izuku's behaviour. Which make him worried, he get close to izuku then gently grab his hands.

"are you okay?"

"i'm okay... Just thinking."

Izuku started to walk away back to their vehicle, which leave nagisa and karma worried, but they follow him eventually.

For the most of the ride izuku just silence and looking at the window deep on thought to the point nagisa is also starting to notice it also and getting worried.

"what would you both do if you both saw that koro sensei is alive?"

That made karma and nagisa out of guard, they don't know if izuku is just asking them as a joke or seriously because izuku remain to have this neutral expression.

"well we all actually discuss this before and all of us agreed that we will continue the life with him, not as assassin and target but as family."

Izuku got quiet abit, and then nagisa and karma just look at izuku with such worried, they know izuku is one of the people who defended koro sensei so izuku is the most devastated on koro sensei's death.

"you know izu we can go to his grave yard.. "

Izuku knock on the driver sit then whisper something to the driver, the driver seems hesistant at first since it's really late at night and izuku is ordering him to go to other place. But in the end they ended up going to the place izuku wanted.

Karma and nagisa is confuse when izuku got out of the vehicle then started to walk towards the alleyway, nagisa and karma also follow him.

"izu where are we going?"

"babe we have to go back, it's getting late you must have been tired."

Izuku just stay silent then opened the door which reveal a stairs going down, they all go down following izuku with confusion and guard up.

"where are we izu?"

Once they got to the end of the stairs Izuku clap twice and all the lights opened, to revealed a big room full of machineries and costumes

"welcome to my laboratory."

Izuku says with monotone voice, karma and nagisa is amuse of all the things izuku has been created, and some of them izuku already uses, for example the disguise he uses to blame the corrupted governor.

"is this all of your works?"

Nagisa is just looking around amused then stop when he saw karma is looking on something with a cloth on his hands. Nagisa get closer to see a glass tube full of liquid with a human in it.


(hello!!, sucks got sick so it got longer to post than i thought but sheesh here you go.)

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