chapter 4

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Ever since Koro sensei starting to teach, the students really got their eyes on the money, they don't care what will happens to each other's, so terasaka use nagisa to be one of their sacrifice, since they think nagisa is useless.

But izuku heard their conversation, since izuku don't want to kill Koro sensei and don't want his friend to get hurt, so he switch the grenade to a sculpture one, and place that grenade inside of terasaka's locker.

And once the class started that's when the trap started also, even Koro sensei got fool into that trap also, but once terasaka activated the grenade, instead of the grenade around nagisa's head activated, the locker exploded.

"What the!!"

But still, even no one get injured Koro sensei still got mad, and do something that everyone will never forget.

Ever since that 3e call him "Koro sensei" and their life got more... Excited, lively, and happy. They even put some acts to trick Koro sensei.

Nagisa just observing Koro sensei and writing Koro sensei's weakness, while izuku just sometimes listen to some of Koro sensei's weakness, but he's really not that interested on the weaknesses. Not long enough karma akabane got transferred to 3e because of his violence.

Of course nagisa and izuku is very happy about it, and karma seems really shock to see izuku in 3e because he knew that izuku is far more intelligent and kindest in this school, so there's no solid reason to get him here.

But the real thing is, it's really destructive when izuku and karma's got into a same room, because of karma's influence, izuku got some of his bad habits like pranking, manipulating, blackmailing and some fucked up shits.

Since when they are first year. nagisa, karma and izuku are classmates, but karma and izuku are friends first. Students feared them both, they called the duo. "The twin personality with different faces."

Since izuku have this angelic face that he can even fool everyone and gaslight them to think that he's innocent. Really an angel with a nasty behavior. While karma is a devil inside and outside. And they became friends with nagisa which he get the title as "the calm" one.

Karma just do anything to get Koro sensei, but time pass Koro sensei can read him, and just preventing him from doing shit. Even do some insane shit by jumping the mountain, but it got settle down, while karma is walking away, Koro sensei notice izuku is also there, while holding his wallet and smiling angelic to him.

But now their friendships get more stronger than before, and they even bonded with their classmates and teachers, some accidents happened but got solved immediately. And there's some New students... And a new teacher, were added.

A female teacher, Irina jelavic (my keyboard can't change the c). Izuku seems recognized Irina but he can't point out where or when did he saw Irina, but he knew he met Irina before.

But because of Irina's flirty personality, every one hated her, she always flirt and not being serious on her job, even complaining about small things.

But after a day of Irina's stubbornness, she then get accepted by the students and just teach the students like a teacher's responsibility. But she still have this... personality that she can abuse in her missions, and even used it to embarrass her students.

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