Chapter 21

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Everything went fine..? Everyone really have an roller-coaster emotion going on, at first they are crying because of the memory of the day they killed koro sensei.

Then saying their "i miss you" 's to koro sensei, then they starting to took care koro sensei abit then turned into laughing and then chaos arose when karma did something.

Karma threw a food on koro sensei, that hit koro sensei directly to his face, covering his whole face with the food.

(too lazy to chose a food just imagine it)

Everyone went quiet, dumbfounded and processing what just happened.

"what was that for?!"

Koro sensei said then karma just started laughing.

"i'm.. I'm just testing if you're still fast, but i guest not."

"I'm not on my old body so i don't have that mach 20 speed."

"didn't you tell us you used to be an assassin"

Everyone got quiet then some of them even starting to get a plate of food.

"oh yes i remember that, sensei tell that to us.... So where did you're reflex goes koro sensei?"

Kaede asked with a smile on her face, but her aura is different from her sweet smile, she also take a plate of food the look at koro sensei.

Koro sensei now thinking he can't escape this situation, Since his new body is identical to his old human body, izuku based the body when koro sensei is experimented on plus the months of recovery, so it's pretty weak.

"... fuck... "


After all the food fight, the class got out of the restaurant with still foods all over them, still laughing their lungs out.

They all surrounded koro sensei, while walking back to the school. Except for izuku and karma who is far behind them.

On the food fight izuku try his best to not get foods over him, so he try his best to avoid all of it, even try to hide outside the VIP room, but i didn't work when karma who is covered in food himself hug izuku from behind.

Which made izuku really mad that cause karma's bruise in his cheek, karma is keep apologising which usually izuku accepting it immediately, but karma is apologising with a teasingly smirk on his face while still trying to hug him, which really made izuku smack the shit out off karma.

"aw aw.. Haha.. Okay okay i'm sorry"

Karma raise his hands in defeat, while still have a smile in his face and chuckling abit. Izuku fasten his walk to get away from Karma abit, but just like a literally karma, Karma is right behind him, following him.

They both catch up with the others then when they finally got someone's attention to karma's bruises, she immediately started to laugh.

"karma really have a weakness to izuku"

Nagisa says while rio still laughing.

"geez i can't believe the karma who is laughing while playing at a person and torturing them after, let himself get punched by izuku"

Terasaka said with sarcastingly disappointed tone.

They all just jokingly teasing karma and izuku, while koro sensei is a bit out and can't understand the jokes they are saying. Since never inform koro sensei about what happened when he was gone, he didn't know that izuku and karma is a thing.

"Oh come on they are lovers, i will also do that when kaede is hurting me."


And then that made something click into koro sensei, because of nagisa's sentence he able to piece it together.

"wait you both are together now?"

Koro sensei said that made everyone quiet down, then look at him. With a shocking expression, everyone then look at izuku.

"you didn't tell that to koro sensei before?"

"well i thought we all will going to tell him about what happened when koro sensei is gone that time, but you all decided to have food fight."

"so you both are together."

"well yes koro sensei, me and karma are together."

They went quiet again becausekoro sensei is quiet, then the tension lessen when koro sensei smile like a winner smile.

"i win the bet! Finally, take that irina and karasuma"

"... Haha... A bet?"

"yes!, well irina is the first who challenge me so i go with her flow because the bet is money"

"oh yeah, we forgot to inform bitch sensei and karasuma sensei to go also."

Izuku is about to pull out his phone when karma stopped him.

"no need we're on the way there anyway so we don't need to inform then, let's just surprice them."

Karma then think abit then a sudden grin creep into his face, he's thinking something bad, koro sensei usually stay and watch the pranks karma used to pull but now he seems get the prank immediately then have a grin also in his face.

Everyone look at the two then they immediately got the message.

"looks like this is going to be a good scream."


Irina and karasuma is back at the teacher's office and really looking at seems to be trespassing homeless guy (koro sensei in diffent clothes) , they are there because ritsu alerted them that someone is on the building.

"who are you?"

"please help me!!! Someone is controlling my body!"

The guy is acting histerical he is screaming like he's in pain then clenching to his head.

(don't know why he have good acting skills but good)

Irina is about to assist the guy when the guy grab him by her hand then pull her closer. Irina is resisting abit but they heard a familiar chuckle.

"kukuku, you both think you can kill me that easily?"

Koro sensei try to make a expression of his old smily face then look while looking at both of them, they both look at koro sensei with terror then irina started to scream out loud while hitting koro sensei with everything she got hands on mostly her purse.

(ello i accidently publish this chapter earlier because something caught me off guard when i was writting this so sorry for the notif earlier!, anyway here it is and asking how are you all?)

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