chapter 7

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Aizawa is watching the student got out the building, one by one, but something weird happened when the students walks in.

Aizawa can't point his finger on it, so he decided to ignore it and just proceeded to the test. Well to the point that The test finished and show the scores.

And then dismissed them, to go back to their classroom while aizawa is walking through the hallway and minding his business, he didn't notice someone is beside him.

"Looks like they have some good quirks, they still can learn and grow."

Aizawa look at the person who talk, and he saw it's izuku with his notebook writing something.

"When did you get here?"

Izuku look at aizawa and seems confused.

"I've been by your side this while time, mr.aizawa."

Look aizawa might always don't care about anything, but he still aware of things surrounding him. Very aware of things that even a normal person can't sense.


He whispered to himself, he really can't believe that he can't sense that person who is a gen ed student.

"Oh I learn how to stealth when I was a kid,.. you know bullies".

Aizawa still don't believe in it, since even someone self learn about stealth he can still sense that person, but izuku is different, it's like izuku is a professional at something.

But aizawa don't want any confrontation, so he just let it go, and continue at walking.

Once he got to their classroom, the whole class A is there.

"Okay class, I forgot to tell and introduce you to someone, he got switched courses from gen ed course, by the principal himself."

Izuku walk out from aizawa's behind, and smile at every one.

"Hello my name is Izuku midoriya, I'll be your classmate for this year, I hope we all get along."

Well izuku think that he have this good and peaceful introduction, but looks like he forgot about the explosion friend.


Izuku just smile with his innocent smile ever, and turn to bakugo.

"Bakugo, nice to meet you again."


"bakugo... Are you deaf or you're just too loud to hear it?, It said that I got transferred here from gen ed by the principal himself."

"Ya dude calm down"

"Calm down bakugo, now like I said midoriya here is got transferred from gen ed to hero course. Since this section have vacant, he got transferred to this section. So if you like to question midoriya you can raise your hand and he's going to call you, so don't bother me."

Aizawa just go in his sleeping bag and lay on the floor. Izuku looked around while most of the people raised their hand.


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