Chapter 19

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Izuku expected this to happened, He planned to revive koro sensei by making his old body and his yellow glowing soul essence, that izuku collected.

When the day koro sensei died, he just finished a machine it function just like a machine on ghost buster, a machine that can trap souls, izuku don't even know why he made it and izuku didn't even believe on ghosts or souls so he just made it pure on boredom.

But that machine help him secretly collect koro sensei's soul, and now he is figuring out how to revive it in physical form. Even though most of his classmate is devastated but accepted that koro sensei died that day... Izuku is the only denial, he never admitted it but he will do anything just to revive koro sensei back.

"I really didn't plan to show anyone about this, but i thought you need to see this..."

The two teen just too stun to speak, they are just looking at the human floating in a tube full of unknown liquid. Izuku just get closer to them then place his hand on the glass.

"izu why do you have an unknown human in your lab?"

"Is this an experiment?"

Karma and Nagisa reacted like it's a daily things Izuku do, that made Izuku look at them, mixed feelings about the reaction on the two. He don't know if he's either get offended or relieve about their reaction.

And then it dawns to Izuku. Karma and Nagisa doesn't know what koro sensei looks like when he was a human, Izuku knows about it because he hacked into the past labs that koro sensei has been experimented at.

"... That's koro sensei..."

Both of the teen froze, they look at izuku then the human on the tube. They are too stun go speak and even karma looking at izuku and waiting for some kind of sike or something, but nothing come out of izuku's mouth. Izuku look at them with full of seriousness so they slowly believing him.

"koro sensei?"

"no that's impossible, we all saw him died,... he died on our hands-... "

"Nagisa!,... We know izu more than anyone... You know he wouldn't lie to us EVEN white lies he didn't do it."

(lol even white lies!! Bitch just going to slap them with the reality!)

Nagisa and karma seems don't know what to do when they got that information, and it become really awkward really fast.

"... So how can you know this is koro sensei?..."

Izuku press a button that made something move to reveal another tube that contain a yellow glowing orb that they saw when they put the knife on their beloved teachers heart.

"the last one and koro sensei will starting to get his consciousness."

Izuku move out of the way to show a button to the both of them, and signaling them to press it.

"since you are both special to me and koro sensei... You both get the honor to give koro sensei back his last soul."


"What happened to three of you?, you all look like shit."

"come on kaede, it's not that bad"

Izuku said, while drying his face with the towel and nagisa and karma just l washing their face on the sink outside the 3e' s building.

"you three have puff eyes, i never seen you three like that ever since koro sensei died."

Karma just walk towards izuku then izuku started to wipe dry Karma's face. Nagisa and kaede just look at them then look at each other, then nagisa started to look at kaede, the kind of look that he want that also. So kaede starting to wipe dry his face also, that made izuku laugh and karma frown a bit since they "copy" them.

"you're both really so immature"

Izuku manage to say between his laughs.

"what?? We are also couple, if you do anything couples do infront of us we will do it also!"

"fucking copycats, go and do something semi original, don't just copy us"

Karma insults, but even though he insulted them like that, they seems didn't mind or even bothered to the insult. they know karma for a long time now and everything insulting karma says it's just an playful and childish insult.

Nagisa and kaede just look at karma for a minute then kaede started to wipe nagisa's face again to annoyed karma, which made karma throw the bar of soap to them. Nagisa, kaede and izuku just laugh while the two couple just ran away from the angry karma.

"okay now that they are gone let's continue"

Izuku wipe again Karma's face that parts that he didn't wipe yet, and karma just looking at him, observing him to be infact, and once izuku is finish that's when karma give izuku a kiss.

"w-what was that about?"

Izuku stumble into his words because of the sudden kiss, his face slowly turning red and he starting to feel the heat.

"thank you kiss"

Karma just smile like it's nothing, he likes izuku's expression, and the flustered is one of his favorite, so he's purposely making izuku flustered.

"thank you kiss?"

"because you dry my face."

"well it's just my instincts!"


Karma froze then look at izuku creepily (fuck it i can't fucking spell) and obsessively. Karma grab izuku's shoulders to hold izuku still.

"instincts? So you've done it with others?"

Izuku knows he fucked up, because he always have this thing where he's body just move by it's own, and yes he wipe his classmates face before it's all because rio starting to act like a toddler and keep annoying izuku to the point izuku starting to act like a mother to her.

And the others starting to see the parental and child dynamic between the two so they dicided to be a kid also and call him mama bear.

"uhhh yes?"

(here is the update... I can't sleep. I'm fucking sleep deprived... But anyway how are you all?.. Doing fine? I hope you all are okay and doing well –mamabear ^v^)

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