Chapter 11

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Izuku just look at Rio like he's about to kill her.

"Do I look okay?, I thought the punishment is just like the past, like tickling or double suicide but I got is a giant ass tattoo that supposed to be an prank to Koro sensei."

"Aww you continue the venom spreading tattoo!"


Yuma just laugh Abit and walked towards izuku and hold his arm.

"It's not that bad."

When he lift izuku's sleeves it's already visible, those thick lines wrapping izuku's arms like it's really spreading. And even the whole 3-e saw it.

"Oh shit it's really bad."


Karma just hug him it's either because he want to tease izuku again or just got bored.

"Come on izu, you're the disguise master here, you can just cover it."

Izuku just look at karma like he's the dumbest person he saw in his entire life.

"I still don't know how can you be very smart and very stupid at the same time. THIS IS FRESH TATTOO I CAN'T COVER IT WITH MAKEUP IT WILL GET INFECTED!"

"well.... looks like it's your problem now disguise master."

Izuku just sigh, he have no choice since it's an permanent tattoo, and karma payed for it so he don't have to worry about how expensive it is.

"Is it worth it spending that high amount of money karma?"

Izuku said in sarcasm tone, but even though he just telling it in sarcasm way, he already knows the answer.

"It's not even an ant bite In my bank account"

"I swear to God if you use one of my bank-"

"I used one of your classmate's bank account"

Izuku look at karma dumbfounded, then look at everyone to see who gave karma the bank account, but everyone think he already knows.


Ritsu appear on the screen of the store next to them, and she have this biggest smile on her face.

"Good job ritsu!!"

"Anything for izu!!"

"Uhh.. can we go now we're hungry."

Karma let go of izuku and lead the whole class, izuku go with nagisa since he is the mature one and the occupied one, since everyone is talking with each other and nagisa is just on the side, stayed quiet.

"Looks like your classmate will treat us again."

"She's rich, she won't even going to notice we spend it."

"Well it's really expected with the yaoyorozu member."

They talk and talk, they all even goes to the VIP of 5 star restaurant just for fun, but they really ended up enjoying all the food and have fun, and talk about some things happened for the past months of not seeing each other.

Well until the sun goes down and the shop slowly closing, they all says their good bye's and Karma drop off izuku in the entrance of the UA, karma kiss him good bye and then even he don't want to he drive off.

Izuku open the door and he got grab on the hand, well since he just got the tattoo the muscle is still sensitive. But he have to stay his posture and expression. He got grabbed and drag to the living room where everyone is there.

They all asking different questions at the same time, which is really izuku just ignore since he really don't want to answer any of it.

"Whoa one by one everyone."

"Midoriya, where did you go earlier?."

"Some where."

They keep asking them then They all suddenly feel scared..., fear because of the scene earlier, they don't want to ask because they are still izuku's friend but they have to say it.

"Midoriya, why did you spend time with them?"

Izuku froze in that question, since he still didn't know what happened for the past hours he and karma left the whole 2 class.

"What do you mean?, You know they are my previous classmates, and my family of course I'm going to spend time with them."

"It's not like that midoriy-"

"Those shitty extra you called "family" is a bunch of villains DEKU!!!,"

Something snapped in izuku, he have a urge to kill every living thing inside the dormatory. But he can't do that without more context.

"What do you mean, Bakugo."

"Bakugo calling them villains is to far. Midoriya, we meant is they are very rude."

"How so?"

Izuku is literally on the edge, he have to get more context, and make them all understand the 3-e. But they all got silent, even some of them are thinking about what to say. Since from the start it's fun all the rudeness started when they all spat some insult to izuku.

"I've known them longer than anyone here, of course they have reason to be rude, they only act 'rude' when someone insulted one of us."

Izuku observe them all, they seems a bit guilty about it but they don't want to say anything, since they also talk many bad things about izuku.

"And since we treat each other as a family, we are entitled to each other's safety... Mentally or physically. So please understand them, they are just overprotective to their family.. I know you would do it to your family also..."

They still silent and starting to understand the attitude of the 3-E, well since they understand easily izuku also got out of that edge of urges to kill.

"Well then I'm tired I'm going to my room now"


Izuku go to his room while the whole class sigh in defeat and disappointment to themselves.

"I can't believe we accused them that bad"

"Right?! It's look like they really have a strong bond"

"And it's our fault in the first place, we insulted izuku."

"Well we can't help it, we are just curious on his past class that we didn't even realize we started to insult him."

They all agree and just accept the guilt.

(Sorry for the late update, something big come out so I have to assist that first, but now I have free time and I finished the chapter finally)

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