Chapter 14

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Everyone is struggling, even aizawa is struggling since the place is very far away and literally on the top of the mountain, and let's add the animals and insects that can attack them any second.

Thankfully Koda is there to talk to the animals, and even though he hated it, he even communicate with the insects. It's very visible to everyone's face that they are struggling, and even they stop multiple times just to kae a rest, but no one complains, since they knows it's a training.

And once they are on the top of the mountain, they become visibly disappointed and hopeless to the view. It's a old ass building, and a man with a suit looking at them very disappointed, because he expect more to the future heroes, but it looks like they are worst than the normal academic students that used to class here.

"I really expect more to all of you, but looks like I'm wrong... Very wrong."

"Hahahah that's going to be the future heroes? How disappointing."

Karma insulting the whole group but not to loud so he won't wake up the sleeping izuku that he's carrying. The whole class 1-a is confuse and bakugo's really mad, but to exhausted to do something.

But the whole class is confuse, like what is this guy doing here?, Why is he here?, This place is a private place so how can a person like him get in.

Karasuma just very disappointed that he didn't even mind to introduce himself, he just walk away while karma goes to the field, where's the rest of the 3-e is. Leaving the whole 1-a group laying on the ground struggling to gain back their energy.

And back to the 3-e they are talking about the things will happen for the whole week training the future heroes, since first it's a sudden order, second they are legally out the school, and third they are back at their home.

They see karasuma walking towards them so they form their line as usual, well except karma since he is giving izuku a queen treatment, placing him in a comfortable lounger that Koro sensei brought, and making sure izuku is comfortable and sleeping peacefully.

"Welcome home, end class. I will apologize to the government's behalf for a sudden order, even though I don't want to do this, I still have to listen to the higher ups...."

"...don't tell me"

They having some theories about what happened, but they all clearly thinking the same thing. And karasuma look at them puzzled, he can't understand the teens mind, but even though he can't understand them he still put more effort to read them easily and to learn about them.

"The karasuma, the sir karasuma got blackmailed."

And that's when he realized that he fucked up, he's getting flashbacks about what happened to Koro sensei when the kids figure out the mistake Koro sensei made. They constantly made fun of Koro sensei, and it last for 2 and a half months.

Karasuma knows he can't get away on since the kids always knows the truth, even though you lie they just basically knows if someone is lying or not. So karasuma just sucked it up and decide what he's going to do.

"The principal hacked us, and found out about the true identity of midoriya. We don't kn-"

Karasuma suddenly sense a heavy aura, it really caught him out guard so he just get into his defence position, But once he look at the student, that's when he realized that heavy murderous aura is coming from those kids.

The end class love to tease each other, that's how they have fun and love each other. But when someone outside the end class family target one of them, that's when the protective mode on, they will do anything to get rid off the people who get any information that can hurt them.

".. I.. it's not a threat! It's just a deal, since I have a teaching history now. Me and Irina are the only squad members who can teach so it's still going to be our task."

"And I'm back here with all of the brats, and who are those kids on the entrance?"

Irina walk next to karasuma, and seems she's used to the mountain climbing. And most of you might thinking, if they only want karasuma and Irina to teach, then why's the whole 3-e is there?.

"Okay end class, since you really care about this property you will be our assistants, that means you'll have to make the damages minimize, and like our old deal... We have to force them to surpass their limits."

That's right, they really love this place to the point they don't want some strangers to step on the bottom of the mountain. So they planned who's going to do the things have to do and protect and group up.

"Those "future heroes" might destroy one of the hard work here."

"Oh if they destroy one of our plants they will be hanged upside down just like Koro sensei."

"Don't let them see the pool, it's ours and ours only."

"... Okay well I'll prepare their room to sleep at, and nagisa can you prepare our outdoor beds."

Everyone cheers, since it's been a while since they use the outdoor beds, it's made out of nets that hangs on the trees to make a stable bed, Koro sensei made it for them, it's near the pool since some of them don't want to swim, they either hangout or sleep on that net bed.

Once karma is done, he goes to the brutal group, where they are going to make the future heroes stay miserable, since they have all the students information on izuku's bag they will know what weakness they can improve and take their can out of their comfort limits.

"Well looks like this is going to be an interesting and fun week"

(Ello fellas, I'm sorry for long and short update, I can't multitask I have so many hobbies lol)

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