chapter 3

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Izuku like it being in class E, he don't have to be in a pressure place where everytime is competition, and to be an competitive. No need to get some classmates who will give you some work and even carry them for the rest of his life.

But now he's welcome to a class that accept him for who is he, and don't even pressure him, he love the fact that he's having fun with some real friends, not some just people who friend him because they want to used him. He really have the class not just as friends, but as a family.

That continue for a while, even the other classes hates their class and even look down on them, but the other class started to look at them different once izuku got transferred to class E. Since the other class except most of the class A, knows how powerful is izuku are.

Izuku also leaned that their current teacher is not actually supposed to be their teacher, and he learned that their former teacher is just disappeared on the last month of 1st year, nagisa don't know this either because he's in different class also when we we're In 1st year.

But now it's their first day of 3rd year and something weird happened. except of their teacher show up, but some random dudes with suits shows up.

They tells them everything from the start of a alien who recently destroyed the moon and introduce them to a BB guns and rubber knives that harmless to a human being but very harmful to a alien.

And they even promised that if they killed the alien they will get ten billion yen, which really hype the whole classroom.. well except for izuku.

Izuku thinks outside the box, why did the government pick them?, Why the boundary is so high? Why do they have to be the one who killed the alien?, And why did they give some teenagers that long time?.

Well most of that questions answered when they met the target, a octopus man with 20 Mach speed, and strength to the point confess that he destroyed the moon and even mess the other man that are going to be their teacher also.

But some new questions pop on izuku's head for the time passed they're spending time with their octopus teacher.

Like there's a big hole on the story the government tell them, if a octopus guy with squishy body destroyed an 70 percent of the moon it's impossible for a force to do it, if a punch do that the whole moon should be shattered but it's not.

But the only possible thing he can think that can do that is a nuke, or any explosion. A punch have a slow force but a explosion is sudden, so he dig deeper without telling to any of his friends.

And so he hacked the government log and he found out that some group of scientist went into the moon to experiment an mice but on the day the moon exploded there's a last log of experiment got send and it's an emergency or even a help signal, so he think something bad happened.

But when he's in the middle of digging he hears someone's or should I say there's people behind him so he looked behind him and there's some whole group there's even their new teacher karasuma

"Izuku midoriya, you know that what you've been doing is a top secret right?."

Izuku just looked at them without even a single emotion, and just stared at them.

"Well technically it's not secret since it's on new's like this researchers going to moon.-"

"You know what's we're talking about midoriya."

Izuku slam his laptop close and sit on his chair with an intense aura just staring at the group of adults, the only light source is the light of the remaining moon from the window that direct to izuku.

"... Do you seriously believe that he destroyed the moon or you all just dumb?."

"That's a top informati-"

Izuku slam his hand on his table then put his hand on his closed laptop.

"Even you didn't tell me I can do this over and over again to get the information I want."

They just amused by the aura of a quirkless 14 years old's giving, they even question it of how or if he's really a human. But karasuma thinks this is really problematic then karasuma sit on izuku's bed and just go to the flow of the boy's aura.

Karasuma know's that izuku is smart because of the informations of the students he got, so he know's it's really going to be problematic and even hard to convince a boy most importantly that they don't have any solid evidence to convince him.

"... How about this, let's make a deal."


Izuku is having a happy life with his classmates and their new teachers, izuku is already satisfied of the information that he squeeze out from their teacher. But now he used to be not participating any kind of things that lead to trying to assassinate their teacher.

But now he is participating just because of the other purpose of this whole assassination, izuku knows that he have brain but don't have a strength to protect him and others in any kind of problem they will encounter in the future.

He uses the lessons from karasuma and abuses the octopus teacher's speed by computing the timing and ways to trick the octopus teacher.

He's getting information by observing Koro sensei from the ways he talk, how he change expressions, and most importantly his weaknesses.

And he minimize the information he's giving to his friend nagisa because 1st he knows that karasuma's eyes is on him, 2nd he want fun, and he want to get it until the end of the time. He want to see how some inexperienced people teach them and even he want to know how fun will be it.

He don't want to finish this kind of thing early, he believes that they will have fun with the octopus teacher. But also know's what will they feel when the time they have no choice but to kill their teacher, so he's prepared for the worse.

But now he's not going to think the future, he's just going to think some fun ways to trick the octopus teacher and made him fall into his tricks.

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