Chapter 17

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"Are you fully awake now?."

"Yes thank you karma."

"We also helped!!"

"ohh.  Well thank you too rio."

Rio just giggle like a little kid who just got complement by their parents by doing some stupid things. The class e-3 just chatting and having their time while the class 1-A just watching them.

"hey who told all of you to stop?!, go from the start! "


"just who made rio and karma the incharge of the training by the way?"

"the group system is still the same kid, it's just the team of akabane got voted to be incharge of trainings while the others is on cleaning and cooking."

Izuku look at karasuma,  since izuku is already on his awake states karasuma can get close to the teen comfortably.

" i thought it's a team rotation. "

" looks like you've been very busy,  it's been a while since the rotation technique changed."

"it changed?!"

"yup, since everyone also agree that they will currently stop the rotation and stick into the role you've pick."

Karma gave the papers to izuku it contains the roles of each group and the schedule that's going to happen in a week.

"Is this all?"

"That's all, but since this is just new to all of us."

Karma take the page contained of schedules of the whole week and then ripped it half.

"This still can change."


Rio shouted and the others just smile and even some laugh because it's really became awkward and rio got shy after that shout, and they made fun of Rio's embarrassed face.

They suddenly hear some laughter joined them and it's the 1-A class, they think it's also hilarious. But they didn't even notice the 3-e stopped.

"come on izu, let's go inside and help the others"

Karma lead izuku, but izuku just follow him. Karma already know what's going to happened, so once izuku got out of their sight. They started to glare at the class but not releasing any blood lust because even izuku is out of their sight, izuku still can sense the blood lust.

"Who told you to stop and laugh?"




Every 1-A exhastedly lay on the floor, it's already dinner so they are also very hungry, they can't find the other 3-e so they can't even have food.

"this is hard! It's an incredibly monstorous training"

"and i don't even get why deku kun don't even join us, he's just with the other class."

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