Chapter 16

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Izuku opened his eyes, and he was greeted with the blue sky covered with lives. He instantly warmed into the scene because he already knew where he is, and it's really comforting to him to remember the times he lay down into the mega hammock.

"Looks like you're awake problem child."

Izuku volt up and look down to another mega hammock to see aizawa. Izuku got carried on to the comfort to the point he let his guard down, and didn't even notice aizawa is below him.

"Yes... How long I've been sleeping?."

"I don't know, I slept like a log so I don't know how long I've been sleeping either."

"Well that's weird thing to hear coming out of the eraser head's mouth."

"Well in fact that I thought it's not comfortable, but it's really comfortable here."

Izuku look at the field and saw the whole class is already starting, they are warming up just like the early days of their training, but he notice something different. Most of the steps are either cut in half and even all the steps are the easy steps, that make izuku furious.

"What the FUCK are they doing!."

Izuku got of the hammock and Aizawa got confused because of the sudden action so he followed the young man. Izuku is furious because they just underestimate the A-1 and even making them do something easy that even they do it over and over again it won't make any process.

"Whoa there kitten."

"Karma get out of my way."

Each time Izuku goes to other way, Karma just block him with a wide smile in his face. Izuku Doesn't want to hurt Karma so he just try his best to get around him, but since Karma is also being a bitch he pick up izuku and place him oh his shoulder.

"Come on kitten, you know I feel something whenever I see you frustrated like this."

"Oh Karma... Put me down so I can have a sweet talk with them."

"Just let them be."

Karma is starting to walk back to the hammock place but Izuku started to get physical, but since Karma being Karma he just make it into an fun game, and even didn't acknowledge the fact that he's getting kicked. But the kicking stop when Karma grab his feet.

"You know that didn't hurt me."

"Karma please, Just let me talk to them!. Why are they underestimating them."

Karma stop then get Izuku down but still holding him so he won't be going anywhere, he look at his eyes and then smile.

"No one is underestimating someone kitten."

"What do you mean? I saw it in my own eyes."


"You all making it easy for them!"


"That won't make them improve!"


Izuku froze and then look into karma directly into his eyes, Karma looked like he don't care about what's happening and what some possibility will happened to the other class.

"They didn't do the easy training it's because Karasuma want to know how far they can take it, and even they are only doing that kind of thing some of them is already exhausted."

"That's right problem child, even tho I trained you all, those brats only training their quirks or even having fun and didn't take everything seriously."

Aizawa catch up on them, and seems like he's been watching the class trained, and quite even disappointed about the very visible unprofessional students doing a real training.

"we might can do the training from the start, but Karasuma's quirk got stronger so expect it to be harder for the beginners."

Izuku froze, how can he be so stupid he forgot about the quirk mechanisms. Even though it's not that long when he started going to UA he focused at being a spy to the whole 1-A.

"Right.. how can I be so dumb."

"Come on kitten it's not that bad, you're to focus at your work so you might be confused at the situation right now."

"Ya... I might be confused"

Izuku just starting to walk towards the field with Karma assisting him, but on Izuku's back Karma formed a thumbs up to signal the people behind the trees and bushes.

Once they got to the field, Izuku is greet with a cup of coffee and a warm smile on their faces.

"Izu, do you think we're doing a good job?"

"Come on Hinano, Izu just woke up let him recover for a bit."

"Oh yeah"

They all step back a bit, because they don't want to experience what happened in the past once again, It's still hunting them on their dreams, That's why they always give him coffee when he woke up and wait him to get fully awake.

"So... Why their positions are too... Bad."

Izuku is observing the class but Karma block his view by stepping infront of him and then smile.

"Just like I said Karasuma's quirk got stronger so their body strength is back at kid days."

"What do you mean, my q-"

Karasuma walked in confused at what's the commotion and got even confused when they talked about his quirk. But once he looked at Izuku, he already knows what his state of mind...

How did he know?... It's because he's there, watching the kid beating the abusive physical education teacher over and over again. (He fucking deserved it)

"Yes!! My quirk got stronger so that's why they are starting wayyyyy back."

"See, don't need to get worried, we didn't underestimate anyone here."

"... Really, then I have to put it on my notebook so I can remember it more easily."


"No need for that kitten, we already changed it."

They walked pass karasuma, but before that karma just have this even grin on his face then pat karasuma on his shoulder while mouthing 'good luck'.

That really made karasuma froze since he though he doesn't have to improve his quirk, but not he have his reason to continue his growth, because once Izuku figure out he's lying, torture will start immediately.

(Hello darlings I'm sorry for late update, pretty busy and need to catch up on some things ^^ but here's a new chapter, sorry if it's short I will write more starting next chapter. Now I hope you like this chapter.)

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