Chapter 10

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Izuku just push karma off him so hard, and izuku just putting his innocent smile again.

"Hi guys, what are you doing here?"

"We're going to have some shopping spree?,.. how about you? And who is that?"

Izuku look at karma, and karma is leaning on the wall, holding his stomach because izuku unconsciously hit him on the stomach.


Izuku is helping karma while apologizing over and over again,... But you know it's all a lie if this happens when it's only them and the e-3 izuku will just laugh his lungs out.

Then you can hear the loud group of people laughing and going to their direction.

"Karma got the punch again!!"

"You know izuku don't want PDA!!"

"...wait izuku is apologi--"

Kaede stop talking when nagisa stopped her, she looked at nagisa and look at the group of people he's looking at, and that's when all the e-3 understand the strange act.

Nagisa went to the 1-A with a sweetest smile he have.

"I'm sorry about our behavior you've just witnessed, I'm nagisa and all of us are izu's previous classmates."

"We're family nagisa.  FA. MI. LY!!"

Izuku yelled while secretly slapping karma's hand, because karma always getting some ways to touch him.

"Sorry, we consider our class as a big and inseparable Family"

Nagisa just smile while karma caught izuku and now izuku is lock into karma's arms. 1-A just watch the whole thing happens but nagisa and others blocked the view and nagisa just smiled at them.

"Now.. Let's talk about you guys! You're izuku's current classmates right?"

The 3-E is guiding the 1-A get out of the situation, while izuku just glare at them and thinking they are traitors for leaving him with karma. While karma just hug izuku.

"Hey guys!! You traitors!! Get me out of here!."

Kaede and the girls look at izuku and then karma that suddenly give them chills.

"You know we can't do that izu, you remember the last time we do that, and you know how over power karma's quirk is."

"He literally made the most of us 2 years old with the same body and memory..."

"That's means strength of 2 years old, and 2 years old don't even have quirks yet so we can't even depends on our quirks."

The girls just go and follow the others.

"Thanks girls, I promise we will catch up with all of you after I finish some business."

"What ever you say karma, we can't even stop you."

"Thank you!!, Now where are we? You really elbowed me pretty hard"

Now izuku recall all of the things happened previously, usually izuku don't fear anything. But he don't want to experience that again.

"Look karma, I'm sorry!!.."

Karma just smile and put izuku oh his shoulder and walk away. While izuku just trying to get out of his grasp and run back to the group, But the thing is karma already used his quirk on him so he can't do anything.


5 hours later.

"You know what, you're all fun to go out to!!. Is this why you're important to midoriya?"

Well for the whole 1-A and 3-e, the 3-e just distract them is they won't get worried about izuku. Well the 3-e seems so disappointed to the future hero, because they are too easy to get distracted and to manipulate.

Well as long as the 1-A won't suspect anything about izuku it's okay, since they know the fake identity of izuku inside the UA, it won't be so hard to go to the flow.

"Well let's talk about izuku, is it hard to your class to have a classmate that only have mental quirk?"

Uraraka ask, well the 3-e can sense that the whole 1-A is interested on the question, so the 3-e starting to doubt them.

"Well Kunugigaoka Junior High only judge you by your intelligence. so what ever quirk you have or even if you're quirkless, it's just useless to them."

"Midoriya have a photographic memory quirk right? He should be always on top!."

"Oh izu always on top 1, no one can take that spot from him."

"Top one?!"

Everyone seems shock, well it's seems like they're really underestimate izuku that much. That's really make the 3-e look down at 1-a more, if this is how they think of izuku then they are not qualify to be in the group. Because they know that kind of people can betray their so called "friend" once they're in a tight situation.

"You all seems cool, let's all be friends so we can all go out again!."

Well it's really bold to ask that when you just insulted their family member. So nagisa just smile but not the sweet smile that he gave earlier... It's a smile of threat, that even the whole 3-E gave that threat aura, that now 1-a can feel.

"No sorry YOU ALL can't"

"We're not just a group of friends, we're FAMILY."

"We can't just let some STRANGER in"

Well the 3-e keep spatting some reasons why 1-A can't be in the group. That's why the 1-A starting to feel belittled, and fear that Worst than getting attacked by a real villains.


Bakugo seems confident for a second, and then that's all changed when then the tension become stronger and heavier. That makes the whole 1-A froze. Most of the 3-e is walking away while some is left behind.

"It will be better if you all go back to your dormitory."

Nagisa threat then follow with the 3-e, and then the 1-A just leave the mall in silence.

The 3-e go to the spot where they usually meet up and izuku and karma is already there.

"Oh hehe did those little future heroes left already?"

"Yeah they got bored so they say they're going back to their dormitory."

"Anyway izuku, how's your new tattoo?"

(I think this chapter is boring and bad, but I don't know what to put in the chapter so I'm just going to throw some random shits)

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