Chapter 15

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Once they got the plan organized Karma's group go back to the group of future heroes to start the ordering around, since they have the brutal group, they are in charge at the training and making it hell difficult. They started to get excited to tormented a group of future heroes. They pour a  bucket of cold water to the future heroes to make them get up to the ground.


"Get up fresh meats, we have so many things to do."

"... umm so... is this really the place?"

Karma look at the person who spoke, and it's Iida.  And they all knows the information in each students and teacher that's going to be in their private place, Since Izuku have those information, So they're already knows the fact that Iida grew up in a wealthy family, and they included the dissatisfaction and complain about the current situation. So they put him on the rotten spoiled kid, who have a stick deep into his ass and feeling he's still a leader.

 "Yes, This is the place!. our beloved place."

"Stop chatting around Nakamura. Now get up and get in to that "shabby building" you've been complaining about."

Karma and the others, except for Nakamura walk away. since They have to plan the training and since Karma don't want to give any information to the people he  don't know... most importantly he don't like. so he just go back to Izuku and place him into the outdoor bed to give Izuku more space to sleep in.

"Don't worry about him, he's chill. Just do what he said and once you've got inside, follow the green haired girl inside, she will give you a tour... just don't you dare annoy her..."

"Nakamura come on!!"


Nakamura run to the group and that leaves the whole class and a teacher, They all look dumbfounded. They are really confuse about that whole warning thing, Some of them even think Karma is being a dick and some of them even think that they deserve getting this kind of treatment.

"Come on problem kids, They know better so go inside."

Aizawa broke the train of thoughts and so even though the students are too exhausted they force themselves to get up, Some of them even helping each other because they are too exhausted to walk towards the building. They got greet by the green haired girl and Nagisa.

"Oh there you are!, I've  been waiting for all of you"

"I'm sorry if we made you wait here, we just trying to get our breaths back to stable."

"oh it's okay, I'm nagisa by the way and this is kayano"

"you can just take a rest here inside for a bit."

They both lead the group and the group follows after, It's a tiny hallway, and it don't even have a AC. Most of the 1-a is now considering going back to their houses, but once they saw aizawa's cautious face, they just stop thinking about it and do what the 3-E said.

"And here is your rooms, left is for girls and right is for boys."

"... Oh so you mean we're sharing.. bedrooms?"

Kayano just smile at them, she don't want to handle such as spoiled people like them, they can see that the building is too small and they expected to get separate room per each people?, If they are not izuku's classmates they could've dead right now.

"... Well yes since the other rooms is either prohibited to go to, an major subject room, and the office. So there aren't much room left other than this two rooms."

"How about you all? Where are you going to stay at night in?"

"Oh it's nothing to be worried about that."

Nagisa continue what he's been doing and leaving the group with kayano, and he don't want to get involve into some kind of out burst kayano will make. But he will pray that kayano won't do anything to the group of future heroes yet.

"... So do you have any questions left?"

Iida is about to say something when aizawa just stop them, even though the teens don't read their surrounding aizawa is still an amazing underground hero, he can read the emotions that's happening around him, so he can sense that something bad will happened if they continue their complains.

"Nothing else, thank you for leading us to our room kayano."


"Iida!... Don't bother the young woman. Everyone get in to your rooms and get your things in also."

The students want to complain but they can't complain since it's Mr. Aizawa, he can expel someone without hesitation, and even though he's not going to expel someone some of the student can see the intention of the teacher, and they don't want to get in trouble so they just do what the teacher said.

Aizawa is also about to get in when kayano stopped him on his tracked, aizawa is confuse because he can't predict what's going to happen, hell he can't even think of possible things that will happen.

"You're not going to sleep with them, Mr. Aizawa."

".. huh? Then where am I going to sleep?."

Kayano look outside the opened door, and point at the group of people in the middle of the big ass field, aizawa seems confuse since it's just a open field, nothing else. So how can he sleep on the open field?.

"Just go to that group of people and they will lead you to the bed."

The future heroes look at them but can't hear their conversation, but they got confuse when aizawa just walk out. Since aizawa is their teacher why's aizawa leaving his students?. Kayano look back to the group of students then smile at them.

"You can all take a rest but we're expected you all to be ready and already outside, on that field in an hour."


"Yes an hour, so please enjoy your rest."

Kayano just leave the student, and now the students are having some problems of what to do, since they are too exhausted and hungry, an hour is not enough to them.

(Sorry for late update again, I'm really trying to update once a week but I'm too busy and lazy at the same time.)

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