chapter 5

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Izuku is in the principal office, he was called earlier he hated here, not even a single thing he can like in here.

"Do you need something, principal asano?"

"Actually izuku i'm the one who called you not my father."

That make it worse.

"What do you want?"

"Look izuku I know I'm late but let's talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about asano."

"Please just hear me out!"

Izuku didn't expect the top 2 and the son of the principal to beg about it.

"Fine..., What is it?"

Asano is about to walk towards izuku but izuku stopped him.

"Izuku... I know what father did is wrong! But please go back next to me, I love you, and I don't want you to get influence by those delinquents-"

"Delinquents? Hah you're calling people that accepted me as I am a delinquents?. And love me? Do you think I didn't know that on my tormented days you just sit back and watching with someone beside you?."

Izuku turn around and held the door knob.

"And don't call me again using your father's name. You're just wasting your precious time with vice president."

Izuku walk out while asano just stay there and starting to regret the person he love the most, that the only person who can and allow to stay on his side.


Everything happened so fast, and really fast that they didn't even realize that they are attached into their target. And it's already their graduation, while everyone is still grieving they still have to put their strong face on.

On that whole year is really fun to them, so many challenges they have to get through together, and showing their talents. And the most popular talents for them is izuku's talent.

Izuku's make up skills improved so much, to the point that he can make you a different person in a second. And because of his picture memory he can memorize the look at their targets and even can disguise using their target's close ones.

And in one time where nagisa and izuku have to pretend to be a girl just to extra protection from the girls, because of izuku's make up skill he make nagisa more feminine, while he make himself as a nerd girl since he don't want any kind of attention.

And because karma being karma he take a picture of it and use it as a blackmail or just for laughs.

But now, they are here on the stage getting their diploma, without their favorite teacher, they killed their teacher... Or so they thought... they are all going to be separated again, going to their dreams... And since izuku is just an makeup master, he try to take a shot in UA's general education

Since he's on UA he want to meet all of the potential and future hero and even thinking in the future he can stealing their identity for escape.

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