Chapter 1

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William Byers was quiet. He didn't have many friends, but the friends he did have were more than enough for him. Him and Max had been friends since 5th grade and then came along Jane in 8th. Now they were nearing the end of junior year.

"Hey Maaax. Jane said teasingly as they all sat at a table in the school cafeteria. I thought your boyfriend was gonna start sitting with us today." She laughed. "He is, I- I guess he's just late or something I don't know..." Just then Lucas ran up behind Max and hugged her. Max smiled widely. "What took you so long Lucas?"

"Oh, I was just waiting fo-"

Lucas was cut off by a tall boy with dark black hair.

"Mike." Will thought. Michael Wheeler was so annoying. Will has known him since middle school and felt as though he never grew up since then. Will did not like Mike... obviously. Yet felt a tiny comfort by the sound of his voice.

"Hey Mayfield, Jane, Little One." Mike smirked. People made fun of Will's size all the time, so he didn't find said joke very funny.

But Mike wasn't a bully to Will though. He knew that. Michael was just annoying. He looked up at Wheeler. "You know I hate it when you call me that." "Hush Little One the adults are talking." Mike grinned. Will's cheeks turned a light shade of pink as he quickly looked down at his food.

"Mike, what are you doing here?" Max asked, sounding a little annoyed. "I invited him. I couldn't leave my best friend hanging." Lucas said while patting Wheeler on the back.

"Best friend." Ha. That used to be Will's title when they were in middle school. What changed?

Lucas was popular. Maybe the most popular kid in school. He was the captain of the basketball team and people practically adored him. Mike Wheeler was his best friend and always went wherever Lucas went.

Lucas sat down next to Max and Mike took the seat next to Jane and across from Will.

During the last few minutes of lunch, before they headed to their dreaded classrooms, the group of friends had a great time all laughing with each other before the first moment happened.

As the five friends were talking, Mike slowly put his arm around Jane. Jane DEFINITELY noticed but acted as if it were nothing. Will looked up at the pair but Mike was already looking at Will. Him and Mike made direct eye contact causing Will to quickly shoot his head back down. The bell then rang. Two more classes to go.

Max and Will head off together because they both have geometry for 7th period. Will walked in silence. Max nudged him. "What?" "OMG WILL, DID YOU SEE THE WAY MIKE LOOKED AT JANE?" "W-what?" "Oh come on William, you mean to tell me you didn't see the obvious tension between them? I mean he wrapped his arm around her for God's sake!" Will nodded his head. "Yeah. Obvious tension." He trailed off. Max sensed she had said something wrong so they walked the rest of the way in silence.

The last bell of the day rang and everyone rushed out of the doors. "Hey Max! Lucas called out. You need a ride home?" Max smiled and ran over to Lucas, pecking him on the lips. "I was gonna hang out with Will and Jane at Jane's house. I mean you could come too if you want. I'm sure they won't even mind."


"Mmk. Max said nodding her head and pecking Lucas once again. I'll call you later then."

"Bye Max!" Lucas called while Max walked to the bike rack to meet her friends.

Max, Will, and Jane were all at Jane's house playing UNO when they heard a loud knock at the back door.

"What the hell was that?" Will said obviously freaked out. "I don't know. But let's find out shall we?" Max said with a smirk while starting toward the door. "Wait, Max", Jane started. What if it's like Michael Myers or something and he's here to kill us!" Max laughed and opened the door only to reveal the tall dark haired boy. "It's not Michael Myers, it's just Michael Wheeler." Max said bluntly with a slight eye roll.

"Hi Mike!" Jane said excitedly while jumping out of her seat. "Hey guys. I hope you don't mind, Lucas told me you were all hanging out here so I was wondering if I could hang with you guys too?" "I don't know Mike.. We real-" Jane cut Max off. "Of course you can!"

Mike smiled and took a seat at the table they were playing their card game at. "Hey Will." Mike smiled politely. "Hi Mike." Will smiled in the same way. "Well let's let Mike join in our game, Jane started. You know how to play UNO right?" "Of course I do Jane." Mike said, nudging her. She blushed from the slight touch.


"Well I have to get home for dinner or my mom will kill me." Mike said while slowly getting up from his chair.

"Oh, well um ok uh- let me walk you out", Jane replied quickly. (so desperate)

"Ok. Bye Mayfield. Bye Little One." Mike smirked again. Will was flustered and slightly smiled. "Don't call me that, Wheeler."

Jane and Mike walked out of the door. "I uh- I had a really good time tonight. Jane started. Maybe we could do this again." "Uh yeah." Mike said. They went silent and just stared at each other. Jane went for it. She kissed him. He didn't pull away. Mike grabbed Jane's cheek with his pale hand until they both slowly pulled away.

"Goodnight Mike."

"Yeah- Goodnight."

Jane came back inside the house with the most obvious grin on her face. "Jane?" Max started to ask. "You kissed him. Didn't you?" "Maybe..." "OH MY GOD JANE THAT'S AMAZING!" "I KNOW RIGHT?" As the girls squealed and jumped up and down in excitement, Will felt his face getting hotter and hotter. "I knew he liked you! I CALLED it."

"I know! Max, you know what this means?"

"What? What does it mean?" "This means we could be dating the two most popular boys in school and in turn, WE'D be the most popular girls in school.

"Oh come on Jane! You can't really be that superficial can you?

"Come on Max!"

"Will, tell Jane that thinking like that is a completely shallow mindset and that she shouldn't be worried about the high school social hierarchy!"

Will was silent.

"Helloooo? Earth to Will?"

He snapped out of it. "Oh- uh sorry. I should um- I should probably head home. My mom is probably uh- worried or something. B- bye guys."

Will rushed out of the door.

"What's his problem?" Jane asked.

"I- I don't know", Max lied. She has a few ideas as to what his "problem" could be.

"He probably just doesn't like Mike or something since he teases him so much", Jane laughed.

"Yeah. Probably."

Will hopped on his bike trying to hold back the tears. "Why am I upset over this?" He thought to himself. "Why do I feel jealous that he kissed her? I can't stand Michael, he doesn't even like me anymore."

Will started to think that Mike Wheeler did it on purpose.

But why would he do that?

Will got home, ignored the greetings from his brother and went to his room. It was time. The hot, salty tears came rushing down William's face. He cried until he fell asleep.

This is my first story ever so PLEASE bare with me cause I'm just making it up as I go ngl

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