Chapter 7

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TW: su!c!de/s3lf-h&rm mention

Max broke free of Lucas's grasp. She turned to face Will, staring at him in a conflicted manner with tears still in her eyes. "Max? What happened?" Will asked, already on the verge of breaking down. "She knows." Max said quietly. "W-wait what do you mean she knows, Max?" Max slowly walks up to Will. "You know what I mean." Max says bluntly before pushing past him and walking away. "Lucas, what's going on?" Will asked in a complete state of panic. "I-I'm sorry, Will. Jane knows about you and Mike. She knows that you're the reason he broke up with her. I'm really sorry." Lucas walks away trying to follow Max, leaving Will standing there, alone, with a tear falling down his face.

Will broke into a sprint on his way to the boy's restroom. He went to the far one so he could be alone. He ran to the farthest stall and sat on the ground next to the toilet, sobbing uncontrollably. He went into his backpack, frantically searching for something. He soon pulled out the pocket knife his older brother Jonathan had gotten him for his birthday last year.

He continued to sob, staring at the knife and then down at the bright, blue vein on his wrist. He slowly opened the knife. "I just don't deserve anything."

"Will!" He suddenly heard a voice call. "Will, I know you're in here, I saw you run in."

It was Mike. Will kept silent, not wanting Mike to see him like this. Not wanting to see Mike at all. "Will I can see your legs." Mike chuckled. "Open the door." Will continued his silence, staring deeper into his vain. "Will please, I need to talk to you." No answer.

Mike went into the stall next to Will's, crawling under it to meet him. "Will, what's wr-"

He quickly noticed Will gripping the knife in one hand and making a fist with the other. "Will!" He violently grabbed the boy's hand, forcing him to release the knife. Will was numb, he looked at if he wanted to cry again but had no tears left. Mike cried for him, sobbed even. He hugged the boy, tight.

"Why would you do that?" Mike asked in between sobs, not letting go of him. "What happened? Was it something I did? Please just answer me, say SOMETHING!" Mike raises his voice without even realizing. "I'm sorry Will. I'm so sorry." Mike continues to cry. Will finally gets ahold of himself and hugs Mike back, causing him to stop crying. Mike took the knife and put it in his back pocket, taking the moment to look at Will's face. It was sad but emotionless at the same time. "I'm sorry." Will whispered, not being able to look Mike in the eyes. "You have nothing to apologize for, do you hear me? Nothing." Mike tiredly smiled while bringing him in for another hug.

He eventually released the boy to take another look at him. He tried to lift Will's chin but he resisted. Mike took a seat next to him. "Could you please just tell me why I found you like this? I wanna help you." Mike sighed. Will sat with his head to his knees.

"Things would be better for everyone if I was just gone." He mumbled, not necessarily talking to Mike.

"No it wouldn't?" Mike's voice cracked. "I would go crazy if you weren't in my life, Will. He got closer to the boy.

"YES IT WOULD, MIKE!" Will yelled, finally looking up at Michael. He was shocked, but also relieved that Will was talking to him. "You're supposed to be off dating some pretty girl like Jane and we're all supposed to be friends but I just couldn't let that happen. I had to get jealous and go after one of my best friend's boyfriend. And to top it all off, I had you all lie for me. Now everything is messed up because of me. Now you all hate me, especially Jane. I broke up the group because I'm a total freak that couldn't handle myself. So yeah, Mike, you'd all be better off without me."

Mike listened without once breaking eye contact. He was silent, taking in everything Will was saying to him.

"But why is this all on you?" Mike said, breaking the silence.

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