Chapter 27

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Mike couldn't get out of bed. He hadn't been to school either. The hospital still didn't call. He was expecting them to call his parent's house since that's the number he wrote down.

He couldn't stop rereading the note. Why did Will see himself as such a burden? And Mike meant this in the absolute most kindest way possible... What is wrong with him? Is it like- physically impossible for Will to see the fault in anyone else but himself? He was way too worried about making himself the bad guy when 99% of the time, it isn't his fault. He's trying to force himself to see only the good in everyone. But why?

Mike suddenly jumped at the sound of knocking at the door. With Nancy being at work, he was the only one there. He didn't feel like getting up though. His entire body was numb, he couldn't get up.

"MICHAEL! I KNOW YOU'RE NOT AT SCHOOL, OPEN UP!" They voice called out.

It was his mom. Why is she here?

Mike reluctantly got up and answered the door.  "Hi?"

"Hi Mikey!" Holly greeted.

"Hey Hol." Mike returned as he hugged his little sister. "Honey, the hospital called. They said that Will is allowed visitors today." Karen explained.
"Wait, seriously? I can go see him?" "Mhm, I thought we would pick you up since you're skipping school and everything." She raised her eyebrows in disapproval.

"Oh, whatever... there's like one more week of school left." He rebutted.

"Yeah, after you already missed two weeks from suspension Michael." She argued. "Ugh, can we go now?" "Mike, maybe you should shower first or maybe look like you didn't just roll out of bed." His mom suggested.

"But I did just roll out of bed."

"Exactly. Now hurry up!" She exclaimed while walking into the apartment. "I can't believe you're trying to visiting your boyfriend, looking like a slob." She joked.


The three of them made it to the hospital and Mike of course, immediately jumped out first.
He made it to the front desk. "Hi, I'm here to visit William Byers." There was a different lady at the desk this time.

"Ok, William Byers is in room 234. Are you a friend of his?" The lady asked.

"Yes, and my mom and sister are coming in behind me as well." He answered

"Ok, no problem! Have a good day."

Mike quickly ran to the halls, in search of room 234. He went to the elevator and held it open for his mom and sister to run inside.

222, 233, 234... "Mom, it's this one!" Mike carefully opened the door to see a nurse standing replacing some kind of bag on a machine. "Hi, are you all visiting?" The nurse asked as she turned to face the family at the door. "Yeah, we are." Mike answered for them.

"Ok, well we're pretty sure he can hear what's going on around him but he isn't awake obviously. So try and talk to him, make him feel safe and comfortable."


"I'll leave you all to it!" The nurse said as she passed by, walking out of the door.

The three of them slowly approached the bed.

Will looked so small. Just as pale as before when Mike saw him. But even then, Mike found him pretty. He was so peaceful.

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