Chapter 12

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Mike made sure that Will was secure in the car before getting into he drivers seat and pulling off. 

"Mike, maybe this was a bad idea." Will blurted out suddenly.

"W-What are you talking about?"

"I don't know... I guess maybe we rushed into things. Your family obviously doesn't approve and-"

"Will stop! It's just my dad who doesn't like the idea." Mike started with tears in his eyes. "He's an asshole. I promise it'll be ok please just give it some time. Ok?"

"Ok, Mike."


Pretty soon the two were at Will's house. Will unlocked the door expecting it to be empty.

"Hey Will." His older brother Johnathan greeted. "Hi Will's friend." He waved and smirked.

"Oh, I didn't know you were gonna be here Jon." Will responded, not answering the greeting.

"That's not how you say hello Will." Johnathan scolded, fake pouting.

"Oh yeah, uh- sorry. Hey Jon. You remember Mike don't you?"

Mike awkwardly smiled at Johnathan, remembering how they first "ran into each other" in Will's room.

"Yeah, it's nice to actually meet you Mike." Jon put his hand out for Mike to shake.

"It's nice to meet you too." Mike said, taking his hand.

"Hey, Will." Johnathan started. "Could I talk to you alone for a minute?"

Will nodded his head. "Yeah. Uh, you can just go to my room Mike. I'll be there in a second." Mike nodded his head and went toward the hallway.

"What did you need to talk about?" Will asked while walking toward the fridge. "Oh nothing much... just wondering when you were plan it on telling me about your new boyfriend." Jon said with a grin on his face. "Boyfriend? What? What are you even talking about? That's insane Jon!"
Will said, tripping over his words. "Come on Will, why do you keep hiding stuff from us lately. You never tell me and mom about your life anymore. But I mean you and Mike were kinda obvious not gonna lie." Johnathan continued.

"Obvious like how?" Will said, crossing his arms.

"I saw you guys in your room the other day. More than you thought."

Will's face reddened. "W-What?"
"Also, you get really quiet when you're hiding something. Mom said she thought you found a girl you liked. But I kinda maybe thought it wasn't a girl... maybe?" Johnathan looked over at Will, who was now standing next to him with a bowl of grapes in his hands, for reassurance.

"I really can't hide anything from you can I?" Will chuckled softly.

"Yeah, I guess not." Jon laughed back. "So are you gonna tell mom? She'll be home soon"

"I don't know. I feel bad cause of how distant I've been so I have to apologize but-"

"Will, no." Johnathan cut him off. "You're always apologizing for no reason. You were in a bad place and I'm sorry I took so long to realize that. You can talk to me and mom about anything and I really hope you know that. So if anything I should be sorry for not seeming very approachable lately. I'm really glad that you found someone to make you happy, Will." Jonathan motioned his head toward the hallway. "You deserve it. Big time." He smiled, nudging his younger brother.

"Thanks Johnathan." Will hugged his brother.

Jon hugged him back even tighter.

"Now don't keep your man waiting for too long" Johnathan laughed as Will let go.

Will rolled his eyes playfully as he went to his room with the grapes still in hand.

"I'm back!" Will said with a smile as he opened the door.

He then stopped in his tracks, noticing what Mike was holding.

His notebook. His special notebook. His suicide book.

"W-What are you doing with that?" Will asked, his voice breaking down at each word.

Mike turned to him, with his face red and puffy.

Was he crying?

"Will, I-"

"You need to go Mike." Will said bluntly.

"Will, please just talk to me-"

"I said you need to leave. Now, Mike."

"No." Mike protested.

"Mike, please." Will pleaded with tears coming out of his eyes now.

"No, Will." He said, getting closer. "I-I can't leave you alone knowing what you're going through. I care about you way too much a-and I just can't have you doing this to yourself. So no. I'm not going anywhere." Mike took the crying- no sobbing boy into his arms.

"I'm not going anywhere." He repeated, stroking the boy's hair.

a/n: so ummm i really like this chapter. kinda emotional ngl 😍
But anywaysssss (i shld try and coin that word atp) I'm gonna try and work on the next chapter... i dont rly know where I'm going with this story cause I didn't think I would have the motivation to even get THIS far. With that said, I really hope my loyal readers enjoyed this chapter and I'm so happy that I've found something that I enjoy that other people can enjoy too 🫶🫶 love y'all

~Mo :P

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