Chapter 29

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Will was finally home. Well- not exactly his home but at Nancy's apartment with Mike. Holly was out in the living room watching cartoons while Will and Mike were laying together in the spare bedroom.

"How many days of school did you miss Mike?" Will asked as he rested his head on Mike's chest. "Ugh, you sound like my mom." Mike groaned. "You know we have to go tomorrow right?"

"Nooo! You just got back!" He whined. "I wanna stay with you." "It's the last week Mike! I wanna be there. We're gonna be seniors next year." "Yeah, I'm aware..." He rolled his eyes. "But the kids hate us anyways. And no one really cares when you're gone this close to the end of the year." Mike complained.

"Whatever." Will sighed, loosening his grip. "No, wait we'll go! Promise." He hugged Will.

He gave Mike a weak smile in return. "Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Will announced as he got up from the bed.

"Will wait! My... uh... underwear is in there!" Mike yelled out quickly, trying to stop Will.

"Nothing I haven't seen before!" He giggled.

"No, wait!" Mike ran, beating Will into the bathroom, closing the door in his face. He opened the medicine cabinet, but thankfully it was empty since it was just the spare room. He saw a pair of scissors on the vanity so he quickly stuffed them in his pocket. He searched the room for anything else sharp in a panic.

"Uhm... I have to pee Mike."

Mike opened the door with a smile. "All good. Go pee!"

Will came out of the bathroom and rejoined Mike on the bed. "Are you ok Mike?" He worried. "I'm fine, why?" "Oh, you just seem kinda hyper or something- But I don't know. It's stupid..." he trailed.

In one swift motion Mike pushed Will flat on the bed as he got on top of him. "MIKE!" He giggled. "Of course I'm hyper. I've missed you so much." He kissed his lips before trailing down to his jawline. "I haven't been able to kiss you in so long."

"Miike, quit it!" Will complained with a smile as he draped his arms around Mike's neck. "Doesn't seem like you want me to quit it." He replied, continuing to kiss down his neck as he brought a hand underneath his shirt. "You're gonna have so many hickeys on your neck on your last day of school." Mike hummed. "Mmh- Mike, no." He slightly pushed away. "Baby what's wrong?" Mike questioned without removing his hand from Will's chest. "People already think I'm like a whore or something. He mumbled. What would happen if I showed up to school with hickeys?" "Then everyone would know that you belong to me." He reassured, continuing to leave marks on Will's neck. "But Miike..." Will let out a small moan. "But Wiiill..." (a/n- THIS IS NOT NOR WILL I EVER WRITE SM/T IN THIS)

Just as Mike started to lift the shirt, there was a knock at the door. He reluctantly climbed off of Will, who whined at the loss of pressure and yelled, "Come in!"

"Hi Mike, hi Will." Holly greeted. "im glad you taught her to knock first." Mike whispered to Will with a nudge. "Do you guys want to play house with me?" "Now Holly, what was the conversation we just had earlier?" Mike asked.

Holly sighed. "That Will has to rest first because he was in the hospital for a long time." "Mhm. Exactly. So why are we in here having this conversation again if you already remember what I told you?" He questioned his sister.

"Fine-uh." She groaned as she left, closing the door behind her.

"Now, back to what I was doing-"

"Uh..." Will cut him off. "I thought I had to rest Michael?" He pushed him off. "Ugh, you never let me doing anything." He playfully rolled his eyes as he sat back down.

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