Chapter 2

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Will came into school late that day. He lied to his mom, telling her that he was sick. But was it a lie though? Will cried so much that night, he could hardly breath. He sure felt sick.

"Where've you been, Byers? No call?" Max said, sort of joking, "Sorry I just wasn't feeling well." He replied while taking a seat at the lunch table.

"Is that why you left my house so quickly the other night?" Jane jumped in.

"Jane", Max started. "Not right now."

Max's boyfriend then sat down silently next to her. "Oh my God Lucas where did you just come from?" She asked him, laughing. "Didn't I tell you? I'm magic." Lucas said while smiling and cuddling up to her. Mike then walked over to the group too. He took the same place next to Jane and across from Byers. He gave Jane a side hug as he sat.

"Hey Little One." Mike greeted with his arm still around Jane.

"I'VE ASKED YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT A MILLION TIMES MIKE!" Will yelled, drawing the attention of the entire lunch room.

No one has ever heard William Byers raise his voice like that. Ever.

Mike's now red face was shocked into silence. Everyone was.

"I- I should just go", Will whispered. He got up from the table and practically made a run for the doors. Mike followed after him, still burning up with embarrassment. "Will, wait!" Mike called after him.

Will slowed down but didn't turn to face him. "What?" Will said trembly with tears in his eyes once again. "Will I'm sorry. I-I didn't know that yo- that you hated the nickname so much. You know I didn't mean to like hurt your feelings or anything." Will turned to look at Mike.

He walked up closer, slightly looking up at him because of their height difference.

"It's ok. I- I know you don't mean any harm. It's just me."

"I didn't." Mike nodded along. "I would never hurt you."


They got even closer, practically breathing on each other's faces.


Mike went in and connected Will's pink lips and his rosie red lips together into a kiss. Will's eyes widened and he pulled away to Mike's surprise.

"I-I I'm sorry I d- I didn't mean t-"

Max then walked out of the lunch room, interrupting Mike.

"Are you two ok?"

"Yeah." Will answered not giving Mike the chance to say anything.

"We're fine. We can just talk on the way to math, Max."

"Ok. Max said, knowing something was wrong. Bye." Max went back inside the cafeteria.

Mike started to apologize again.

"Will, I'm really, really sorry I-" Will grabbed Mike's head and kissed him again to shut him up. "It's ok." Will whispered before turning toward the cafeteria doors.

"Will, wait." Mike said while violently grabbing his arm. "Are you gonna tell everyone about this?"

"Not if you don't." Will said with a half smile. Mike smiled back.

"Keep it between us?" Mike asked.

"Between us." Will answered.


People at school assumed that Will Byers wasn't into girls. He was even made fun of because of it. Will never said anything though. He never confirmed or denied anything. Why would he? Will didn't have anything to prove to anyone and he knew that.

"You like him don't you?" Max started bluntly on their way to class. "W- what d- who?"

"You have a crush on Mike. Don't you?" "Max, where's this coming from?" "The way you look at him. The way you act when he's around. I mean come on Will, the fact you left Jane's house like that after her and Mike kissed." That last sentence caught Will off guard. Why is she only now bringing attention to it? If Max really was his best friend then she would've known. She would've been there for him.

"Max what're you implying? Are you saying th- that I'm jealous of Jane?"

Max got slightly embarrassed.

"I- I don't know. I mean maybe. I-" Will spoke over her.

"And why after all this time do you care now? All you cared about is Jane dating your boyfriend's best friend. You've never cared about my opinion. I'm different and I- I know it but I mean- you're my best friend Max, y- you're supposed to be the one I can come to. The only one that understands me I-"

"Will, what are you talking about? I have no clue because you don't tell me anything. I can't read your mind Will and you can't just expect me to know what's going on with you. Jane's my friend and I was just excited for her. She's your friend too Will and you shouldn't've acted like that yesterday! The world doesn't revolve around you Will Byers. It's time you wake up, grow up, and understand that." Max huffed and rushed into their geometry class.

What does she mean by grow up? Why did she say the world doesn't revolve around me? I'm not selfish. I'm not immature. Am I?

Will walks into class, choosing a different seat than his usual one next to Max.

Soon, school is over and Will rushes over to his bike. He hops on and starts on his way back home.

While riding, he notices a car driving up slowly. Will became nervous. The window rolls down and he sees Mike driving with Lucas in the passenger seat next to him. He hoped it to be Max. But he was slightly excited with seeing Mike though, especially after what happened between them earlier.

"Hey Byers! Mike called out. Nice ass!" Mike rolled up the window cackling like a mad man while quickly driving away. Mike often joked around like that with people. Kind of weird, but he was popular so no one ever bats an eyelid.

Will's face started into a laugh, but then frowned. He didn't know how he was supposed to feel. But he undeniably felt guilty.

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