Chapter 33

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"Will come on, get up." Mike lightly rubbed Will's back as his steady breathing caused it to go up and down. He was sleeping peacefully, and didn't budge. Mike tapped a bit harder. "Wiiill?" He dragged. "Wake up we gotta get ready." Will responded with a light moan that turned into a yawn all without picking his head up from his pillow.

"S' too early," He whispered. "Will I have to go get my sister please get up." Mike shook his half-sleeping boyfriend. 

"Fine," Will groaned, as he finally lifted his head turning towards Mike.

Will loved waking up to Mike every morning and then going to sleep next to him every night. They practically lived together at this point and Will wouldn't want it any other way. As he lifted his head, he turned to see Mike's beautiful dark, wooden eyes that seemed to twinkle in the morning darkness. This. This right here was the moment Will started imagining the rest of their life together and he saw himself loving every minute of it. This was the person he would be with forever. He just knew it.

"Get up Will. I'll even help you get ready! Are you gonna shower? Cause I could definitely help you do that." He smirked.

"You perv!" Will slapped his boyfriend in the chest. "Hey I'm just trying to be helpful is all. But anyways, hurry up! I have to get there and then my house to drop Holly off and then to school. So if you don't wanna be late, I suggest you get out of bed like right now. I'm gonna make something to eat."

About 20 minutes later, Will was all showered and readied up while Mike was- Well, whatever Mike's definition of ready was. Mike made a big bowl of Rice Krispies, and sat down at the table ushering Will to sit next to him. "Let me get you a spoon." Mike got up to grab a matching spoon and handed it to Will. Mike took a few big bites all in the span of 30 seconds.

"Geez Mike slow down!" Will nudged with laughter. "Haven't seen you take any bites."

"It's cause I don't want your Rice Krispies!"

"Well what do you want? I mean it's your house."

"I don't really want anything." Will suggested softly. "Ok well Rice Krispies it is!" Mike said as he took a spoonful to Will's mouth. "I told you that you have to eat breakfast baby. You don't even have to eat at school. Just some breakfast ok?" Will swallowed his bite of cereal. "Yeah I know."


"Come on, let's go get Holly." Mike said as he opened his car door in the parking lot of Nancy's apartment complex.

"I don't feel like it." Will whined. "Can't I just nap?" "You're gonna stay in here by yourself?" Mike questioned. "Uh yeah? Don't act like I can't handle myself for two minutes Mike." He scoffed.

"Alright, alright!" Mike put his hands up in defeat. "I'll be back." He exited the car.

A few minutes later, Mike came back to the car helping Holly inside. "WILL HI!" Holly basically screamed as Mike held her ever moving body down to her car seat. "Hi Holly!" He replied. "I'm going home today! Are you coming to my house too?"

"No, he's not Hol." Mike answered for him. "We're just dropping you off. We have to go to school today." "Oh." Holly said sadly.

"Don't worry Daisy; We'll see you soon." Will tried to cheer her up.

"I wish it could be like before." She sighed. "I wish Will would come over a lot and we could all play dress up together in my room. Why can't you ever be at home Mikey?"

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