Chapter 17

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a little spicy (nothing bad)


"Mike? Can you please just give me something? Why're you being like this? Or at least calm down first-"

"JUST LET IT GO WILL! God, I don't have to tell you every single detail about my life. Just chill."
Mike scoffed, raising his hands in the air in frustration.

"I need to chill, Mike? Me? You know what? Fine. It's ok, I'll just go 'chill' somewhere far away from you until you start acting normal again." Will pushed passed Mike and made his way to the restroom door. Mike stood there not knowing what to say next.

Will turned around once more while opening the door. "Oh, and I'm sorry that I assumed that the person who makes me spill everything about my life to them would even consider telling me why he's so angry with me; His boyfriend." He headed out of the open door, leaving the flustered Mike staring at the stained tile on the floor below him.

"shit." Mike murmured to himself.

He had to fix this. He had just gotten the boy he's longed for forever now and he was already on the verge of losing him. He decided not to chase after Will. He needed some time to cool off; The both of them needed some time to cool off..

The rest of the day went by as slow as ever. Usually throughout the day, Mike would see Will in the halls by his locker or talking to Max or something but he didn't once run into him today.

"He's avoiding me." Mike thought as he walked out of his final class of the school day.

Mike got in his car wondering if Will was angry enough at him to walk home. Will's house is a pretty far walk, he thought. He'll be exhausted by the time he got halfway.

Mike decided to stay in the student parking lot for a few more minutes before realizing Will probably started on his way home. He pulled out of the lot and drove around towards the front of the school.

There, was when he saw the most beautiful boy ever. His brunette hair glistening in the sunlight as his long eyelashes covered his shut lids. Headphones around his perfectly shaped face, soaking in his music.

It was a wake-up call. How could Mike ever hurt this boy? He couldn't lie to him, not anymore. He was going to tell him the truth; He deserved the truth. He had to first come up with a way to get him in the car.

Mike parked his car in front of the school and got out as quietly as he could, not trying to disturb the beauty captured by a seemingly tired Will. Mike slowly took a seat next to the boy but apparently failed his mission on being quiet because as soon as he got close by, Will opened his eyes.

"H-hey." Mike tried with a wave. "Hi." Will simply replied without looking over at Mike.

"What are you listening to?"

"Boys don't cry. It's one of my favorites right now." Will responded still looking forward.

"Oh.. cool, cool..."

"Was it me, Mike? Did I do something?" Will started, now turning his full body to Mike.

"Cause if I did I need you to let me know so I can fix it."

"Will what are talking about?" Mike could see the pain in his eyes and he hated it. He hated himself for making Will feel this way.

"You're mad at me. I know you are. You've been acting weird all day a- and you yelled at me..."Mike saw Will's eyes shaking.

"Will, I didn't mean what I said and I'm sorry. Please- just don't cry. I'm so sorry I said that and I'm not mad at you- you're perfect, I mean I could never be mad at you." Mike grabbed Will's hands in his own. "Well then why are you so angry?"

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