Chapter 23

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Joyce and Hopper have been spending a lot of time together lately. Will tried to think nothing of it until he saw the two sharing an intimate hug outside the window. He loved seeing such a huge smile on his mom's face. She deserved to be happy. Anyways, things at school haven't changed much. People are scared of Mike's return, No one has really seen Jane, and Mike is still acting weird at the mention of Lucas. Who knows what he did to make Mike so angry. But Will definitely isn't going to ask. He's sick of the arguments and the yelling. That's why he made up with his brother. I mean, they still haven't talked about what was said between the pair but Will was perfectly fine with the fact as long as they were talking to each other again.

"So, anything I should know before going back tomorrow?" Mike asked Will who was sitting on Mike's bed, quietly drawing in his sketchbook as he layed on the floor on his back next to him.

"Uh, not really." Will started, not taking his eyes away from his book. "I've gotten really creepy stares though. "Well, I mean people do kinda think you're a badass or something because of ya know- Troy. They're actually kinda scared of you." He finished.

"You don't think I'm a badass?" Mike asked, jokingly offended, putting a hand up to his heart.

"You know what I think?" Will started again, finally ripping his eyes away from the drawing. "I think that you were completely out of control that day and you still barely even care." He stated, bitterly.

"Come on Will, you know I was just kidding. I do care. I apologized and I meant it." Mike spit out, now sitting up to look at his boyfriend.

"Yeah, to me. Look, I know that you don't like him and he obviously doesn't like you but you should apologize. I mean you did kinda send him to the hospital Mike. He had to get stitches and everything. And I heard a rumour that you messed up his nose so bad, he had to get it redone!"

"Okay, Will what are you even talking about? You actually want me to apologize to that asshole? After what he did? I'm sorry but you can forget it!" Mike replied in disbelief.

"Oh, come on Mike, you know what I told you. I know I was upset but I can get over it- Let it go. It's just some stupid notes on a locker. At least they aren't using me as a punching bag anymore. They don't even want to come near me." Will said the last part quietly to himself.

"Ok, and I get that Will. I really do. But you weren't there. He said stuff about you in front of all those people." Mike said nervously.

"What could he have said that was so bad Mike? Seriously, I'm asking- What?" Will was getting annoyed more by the second.

Mike shifted nervously on the floor, getting closer to Will. "H-he... He told everybody that you were a whore. And said something about you giving him a call and he asked me i-i-if you were good on your knees."

Will stared down at his boyfriend with his jaw dropped in complete silence. Mike could see the moment his little spirit got crushed. 

A tear dropped from Will's eye. "H-how would he know about that?" He started to ask shakingly. "There wasn't even anyone around." He was this close to breaking down.

Mike quickly got up and wrapped his boyfriend into a hug. "No Will, please don't cry. It's fine. I'm sure he was just trying to get me mad and it worked. I'm sorry I let him get the best of me. And none of those things they say about you is true. You're like the smartest guy I know and you're super pretty and I couldn't imagine a more perfect and deserving person to be with other than you. You can't let them get to you, Will. You can't let him win." Mike lovingly rubbed Will's arm.

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