Chapter 18

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"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Will asked Mike with worry in his eyes as they sat on his bed.

"Yeah, it's nothing, Will." Mike laughed it off.
"I'm sorry, I don't know why he's acting all weird all of a sudden. I'll talk to him soon, I promise!" Will explained, grabbing ahold of his boyfriend's arm.

"It's fine Will, I swear. We can just... let it go." Mike shrugged in return. "I guess." Will replied.

Although Will had reluctantly kept the door open, the boys still craved physical touch. Mike lay back in bed as Will cuddled up to him while drifting off to sleep. Will could sleep on him for eternity. Well by eternity he meant an hour because that's how long he slept before waking up to a grinning Mike.

"Tired are we?"

"Yeah I guess." Will answered, returning the smile. "Hey I wanted to ask you something." Mike started, slightly petting the boy's arm below him. "Yeah?" "Did anyone say anything to you at school Will? Like something- I don't know... mean?"

Will's smile slowly faded away. "I mean they always have something to say so..." Will trailed off. "Well, I meant like since they found out that we were dating." Will had trouble remaining eye contact with Mike anytime he talked about his feelings. "Nothing bad. Just like a few whispers of 'I knew it' and a few- a lot of dirty looks." Will corrected himself at the end. "People think I have some kind of disease so they don't really wanna come near me. I guess that's a good thing." He smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey, well you can talk to me about anything. I want you to know that. You're not alone ok Will?"
This is why Will didn't want Mike to find out. He didn't want Mike to know how messed up he was because now he's going to feel the need to protect him and walk on eggshells around him. This is exactly what he didn't want. He wanted to be normal. Not like a child made of glass, so fragile they would break at the slightest touch. That's just how Johnathan has treated him earlier and it's what Mike was doing now.

"Yeah, Mike. I know."

The pair's smiles were broken up by a frustrated looking Johnathan coming through the door. "Did you want something?" Will spat. "Yeah actually I do, Johnathan spat back. I think it's time that Mike went to his own house for a change." Will gave his brother a confused look. "Jon what are you talking about now?" "I just think he's been over here a while and that it's time for him to leave. I mean you guys spent the entire night here together last night and basically the whole day today. He should go home." Johnathan said, trying to reason. Will didn't know what to say. He knew Mike wasn't on the best terms with his family right now so he had to lay low for a while. And obviously he wouldn't be able to explain it to Johnathan; Mike was barely comfortable talking about it to Will!

"Jon, you're being absolutely crazy. We haven't even done anything- just let him stay."

"It wasn't a request and it's not up for debate, Will. He needs to go home, now." Johnathan huffed.

Mike started to get up. "I think I'm just gonna go Will." He said, starting towards the door.

"Mike wait- Jon that's not fair!" Will yelled, now getting up from his spot on the bed too.

"When your mom isn't home, I'm in charge and you do what I tell you to do!" Johnathan raised his voice, matching Will's.

"I'll see you later, Will." Mike said softly as he slipped out of the door.

"What the hell Johnathan!? Why are you being such an asshole to him? We literally didn't do anything how many times do I have to say it? Why do you hate him all of a sudden?" Aggravated questions rose from Will's mind.

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