Chapter 31

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Mike couldn't sleep. It was about 11pm, and Will was in bed next to him completely knocked out. As hard as he cried, he could use a good rest.

Mike knew he needed to get help for Will. He didn't know what to do but someone else might. He quietly got out of bed and tiptoed to the living room.

He reached for the phone and dialed the familiar number of the Byers residence.

It took a few rings before.... "Uhm.. hello?" Johnathan answered.

"Oh uh, it's Mike."

"Hi? Mike it's pretty late uh-why are you calling? Is Will ok?" He started to get a little concerned.

"Uhm." His voice trembled violently. "He told me uh- He said that the next time tried to kill himself he hopes it works." The tears started to come back. "I don't know what to do! He sounds serious!" He cried.

"Mike." Johnathan's voice went serious, "Where is he now?"

"He's in bed, asleep." "Ok, make sure he's in your sight at all times once he wakes up. Get him up early so you can stop over here before school in the morning." Johnathan asked.

"Ok. But do you have any idea of what I could say to him?" Mike was panicking.

"I don't know if anything's gonna work... the doctor recommended a mental health specialist, but we just can't afford that right now on top of insurance for the hospital bills. No matter how much we try... Try to get him to talk to your school counselor for a little while maybe?"

"She won't help with anything." Mike sighed.
"Well, just try it. Anything is better than nothing." "Ok. We'll be over there first thing tomorrow." "Alright. Thanks for telling me right away Mike." "Yeah, of course."


Mike hung up the phone and went on his way back to his room. He quietly laid next to a still sleeping Will who looked as peaceful as all ever. Why couldn't he live in his dream world where everything was happy? Of course Mike knew that life wasn't always going to be sunshine and rainbows like Will described his slumber. But why was life giving Will absolute hell? And how could Mike help him now?

Again, Mike couldn't sleep. He eventually dozed off for about an hour before his alarm woke him right back up.

He hit the machine and took a deep breath in. "Will, baby wake up..." Mike whisper-shouted. "hmph- It's really early Mike." Will responded without opening his eyes. "I know, we have to go to your house before school starts." "I don't feel like it." He frowned, finally opening his eyes. Mike wanted to smile at the sight of his beautiful, pouting boyfriend. "Well Johnathan called and said that he needed me to bring you over there this morning. You know I have to listen to him."

"Fiiiine," Will drug out like a child. "I have to shower really quick," He got up.

"I'm not stopping you. Just hurry up; I'll miss you too much." He whined. "I promise I'll be right out!" Will quickly ran to the bathroom, showing starting almost immediately.

Mike really wanted to go in there after him. Not for anything weird, but to make sure Will wasn't doing anything to hurt himself. But Mike knew that he had to give him some sort of privacy otherwise, he'd call himself crazy even more because of how his every move was being watched. So Mike gave him some space. Just a little.

About 5 minutes later, Mike found himself knocking at the door. "You ok?"

"Yeah! Just give me like 2 more minutes!"

He sounded so normal. So optimistic again. Like he was ok, like the conversation from last night never even happened, like he was happy. Mike just didn't understand. Maybe he just simply had bad days. No, he didn't believe that. It was definitely something bigger than that.

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