Chapter 11

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(a/n long chapter alert! Longest chapter yet, being at like 1300 words)

After Holly finished her grilled cheese, she went up to her room to play with her tea set. Mike took this opportunity to take Will back to his room.

Mike lay down on his bed while Will, once again, cuddled up next to him. Was he being too clingy? He should probably give him some space or Mike would get tired of him. But he just couldn't let go.

He noticed Mike was being pretty quiet so he looked up at him.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Will asked. (a/n corny asf just go w it)

"You." Mike replied, his face still pondering. This of course, made Will blush.

"I was just thinking- When I chased you into the bathroom earlier, why were you crying?" Mike asked now looking down at Will' eyes with worry.

"Mike do we seriously have to talk about this right now?" Will said with his face getting hot.

"Yeah, Will we do have to talk about it. I'm worried about you. Please, just tell me why you were crying and then I'll leave you alone about it for the rest of the day. We can even watch a movie downstairs together if you want. I promise." Mike said, stroking Will's hair below him.

"Ok." Will started. "When I got to school, I saw Max in the hallway crying so I asked her what was wrong. All she said was "She knows" then she walked away. Lucas was there too and he-"Will stopped.

"What happened Will?"

"He told me that Jane knows about.. us." Small tears fell down Will's face.

"Shhh shh." Mike wiped the tears from Will's face. "Will, it's nothing to cry over. I- I mean she would've found out eventually." He tried to confront Will.

"B- but I betrayed her." He answered through sobs.

"Will, come on just stop crying, please. It's ok, if she was really your friend then she would understand. I promise."

"But I wasn't being her friend. I'm just a terrible person and I-"

"WILL PLEASE!" Mike cried loudly. So loud, it made Will jump away from his spot on Mike.

Now the tears were on Mike's face. "Will please stop saying those things about yourself. You're not a bad friend and you're not a bad person, you're like the most perfect person I've ever met and I'm so so sorry that I stopped talking to you I never should've done that, I never should've hid my feelings for you and tried to make you jealous and it's my fault you think those things about yourself because I've always liked you and I was too much of a bitch to admit it." Mike was completely out of breath now.

Will didn't even know what to say. He barely even caught all of that.

So he did the only thing he could think of and hugged the tall boy. Will hugged him so tight, his lungs were restrained.


After sitting in silence for what seemed like hours. Will spoke up, as he usually does when it goes quiet between the two. "So what about that movie you promised me?" He looked up at Mike with a smirk.

"Come on." Mike motioned Will up, returning the smile.

Mike grabbed the shorter boy's hand and dragged him downstairs, bumping into his dad on the way. He quickly let go when him and his dad saw the two.

Ted just cleared his throat, trying to think nothing of it. "Michael I think you have some company." He said, motioning Mike toward the front door.

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