Chapter 16

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a/n: woah... another update? ive been so productive this weekend fr 🫶🫶

The rest of Mike's classes went by quickly. He was happy because he needed it to be lunch time already so he could talk to Will. It was his last class before lunch, Spanish, and he had it with Lucas. He didn't want to see him, the way he acted as if they had some sort of disease made Mike angry. What was with Mike? Why did he have the constant urge to just punch somebody today?

Mike took his seat near the back of the classroom, praying Lucas would just skip or something today. Pretty soon, Lucas walked into the classroom, heading to his spot next to Mike. Mike instantly looked straight ahead. "Uh, Mike are we good?" Lucas asked, noticing Mike's behavior.

"Just leave me the fuck alone Lucas." He spat in response.

"Can't you just hear me out?"


"Hay algún problema?" Their teacher was now staring at them, with her arms crossed.

"No." Mike furrowed his eyebrows. "No problem." "Well then listen up!" She responded.

This class went by the slowest which frustrated Mike even more. The only thing that calmed his nerves was the thought of seeing Will. Well of course he had to fix everything first.

Pretty soon, the bell rang and Mike rushed out of class. He headed to the cafeteria in search of Will but he wasn't anywhere to be found. He noticed Max taking a seat at their usual table, probably waiting on Lucas. Mike had a guess to where Will could have gone so he headed to the far bathrooms.

The bathroom seemed empty at first glance but Mike knew to check under the stalls. "Will, can we please talk?" Mike asked, in front of the door.
"Only if A. You calmed down or B. You're ready to tell me what's wrong." Will answered. "Please just open the door Will."

Will reluctantly got up and opened the stall door.

"I missed you." Mike attempted with a smile.
Will kept a blunt face and crossed his arms.

"No?" Mike joked.

"Did you have something to say to me or not?" Will eventually asked.

"Yeah, uh- I'm really sorry for what I said earlier. I wasn't thinking- like at all and I know it's not an excuse but I just haven't been myself today."

"I can see that." Will simply answered under his breath. "You gonna tell me why you haven't been yourself today?"

"I- I just don't wanna worry you, let's just go." Mike grabbed Will's hand, trying to lead him out of the stall. He didn't budge. "No, Mike." "Come on, can we please just go to lunch?"

"I said no. Why do you force me to tell you everything but then turn around and hide something that's obviously affecting you? It's not fair."

Mike was quiet. He was proud that Will told him exactly how he felt but he was disappointed in himself for being so afraid to tell Will what had happened last night.



"stop moving." Mike murmured, still half asleep. "I'll be right back." Will whispered while trying to loosen Mike's grip. Mike reluctantly let go.

Well now Mike definitely couldn't go back to sleep. He got up to wait for Will to come back which was taking too long. And by too long, Mike meant 30 seconds. He noticed a phone on Will's dresser and thought that maybe he should call his mom just so she knew he was ok. I mean yeah it was like 2am but knowing her, she's probably still up worried sick.

He dialed the numbers to his house and the phone barely rang one full time before someone picked up.

"Hey uh- Mom, I just wanted you to know that I'm ok. I'm sleeping over at the Byers' and I'll be at school tomorrow." But it wasn't his mom.

"Michael? Are you at that queer boy's house? I want you home now. You're going to catch whatever he and his deadbeat brother has."


"Michael, home, now."

"What? Hell no! You made Will cry, I'm not coming home until you calm down dad. And what do you mean catch whatever he has?"

"You know what I mean Michael. You need to stay away from that boy. He's turning you gay, it's sinful and unnatural. I don't want that to happen to you so stop being disrespectful and get home. Don't make me come and get you myself Mike."

"Unnatural? Seriously dad what is wrong with you?"

"Michael he's gonna give you urges, it's all apart of their plan. And if you don't hang up this phone and get your ass over here right now, don't even think about coming back at all."

"Wh- what? What are you even talking about? You've seriously lost it. And that's ok, I don't plan on coming back anyways. Oh and I'll be sure to control my 'urges' around my boyfriend dad. Hopefully he doesn't bend over in front of me. Who knows what I might do." Mike spat sarcastically. "Bye." Mike slammed the phone back in it's spot on the dresser.

He went over and sat back down on the bed, trying to calm himself down for about a minute. He suddenly heard the door open and looked up to see Will. If anybody could calm him down, it was Will. Why'd he wait so long to talk to him again?

"I thought you said you'd be right back?" Mike said, fake pouting.

"You're such a baby." Will chuckled, taking a seat next to Mike. "I know." Mike got closer and kissed the boy. Will didn't seem to mind so Mike got even closer, running his fingers through Will's brunette hair.

Mike wanted Will to know how he felt. He needed to prove it. Obviously his dad couldn't see what they were doing but Mike felt like he was proving something to him. What was he proving exactly?

He didn't know.

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