Chapter 4

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tw: This chapter has mention of suicide self-harm

Will was for once leaving school with a positive feeling. That feeling lasted up until he got home. Will went up to his room regretting everything. Wait.

Regret? Will had the best time with Mike. He'd never felt that type of connection with anyone else. He didn't regret it. He'd probably even do it again if given the chance. But Jane. How could he do this to her? She was so clueless. He felt so bad. He was a bad person. He didn't deserve her. He didn't deserve any of his friends. He deserved nothing. He didn't even think he deserved to live. He should kill himself right now. Then maybe no one would be caught in this mess. He even roped in a random boy he'd just met THAT morning. He deserved to die. Right?

Will thought about it all night. He heard the phone ringing. A lot actually. He didn't care. He didn't sleep. At least it was Friday. After school he would have two days to just sleep. Will walked into school and saw Dustin. Dustin gave him a nod of reassurance before he headed to class. It seemed like he loved to be early.

Will felt terrible. He went to the bathroom to wash his face and clear his head. He stood in front of the mirror for a while. How long was a while? The bell had rang. Will was late. At least this meant the bathroom was empty. At least he thought.

Him. Of course it was him. What does he want now? To ruin Will's life some more? Or maybe to hold Will in his arms? God I hope that's what he's here for.



"Um, I think we should talk." "I have to get to class. I'm late." Mike stood in front of the door, blocking Will's exit. "Please? For a minute?" Will reluctantly backs away and folds his arms. He stares at Mike. Almost studying him. "Will. If you don't want me around then just say the word. I tricked you into going into that closet with me and I've felt bad ever since. And y-you didn't pick up any of my calls so I just thou-" Will kisses him. He pushed into him which caused Mike to hit the bathroom door loudly. They both giggle. Mike grabs Will's face with both hands but his hands once again make their way down to Will's waist, pushing it closer against his. Will grins through the kisses. Mike breaks the kiss to look down at Will. "I don't want this to end, Will" "Me either Mike." Mike holds the short boy in his arms, laying his head on top of Will's.

"Come over." Mike blurted out suddenly.

"W-what?" Will responded looking up at him.

"To my house. After school, come over to my house."

"Mike I don't know if I sho-"

"Please?" Mike cut him off. "I need you." Mike let go of a deep breath.

"M-mike-" Will sighed.

"Promise me? Promise you'll come over?" Will noticed how desperate Mike began to sound.

"I promise."

Mike gives him one last kiss before leaving the restroom.

Will walked to his classes with a smile on his face. He'd never felt this way before. He wasn't even thinking about Jane.

Should he've been?

Finally, it was lunch time again. Will had began to dread lunch time. He saw Mike and Jane walk in first. Jane with both her arms holding on to one of Mike's. Will didn't even care. For once he felt secure. He felt wanted.

Lunch ended and the friends went their separate ways. Except for Max and Will of course.

"You were right."

"What?" Max answered while walking next to Will.

"You were right. I do like him." Will repeated while not looking up.

"Oh. W-Well what are you going to do now?"

"I don't know." Will answered still not looking at Max.

Will didn't tell her what happened between the two. The thing that happened more than once. The thing that seemed to be the only thing in the world that Will cared about at the time.

He didn't have to tell her.

Max knew that Will was keeping something. Something definitely happened that caused Will to say that. She knew it. She just couldn't prove it. So she kept her mouth shut.

Will was on the edge of his seat waiting for the last bell to ring. He hadn't been to Mike's house since his 13th birthday party in middle school. The bell rang after what seemed like forever and Will ran to his bike and started on his way to Mike's house. It was close by. Closer than Will's house.

Will walked to the door feeling really nervous. He knocked and Mike's older sister answered. She looked at him.


"Come on in." She then motioned to Will with a smile.

Mike came running up the stairs from the basement. "Hey." "Hi." Mike then grabbed Will's arm, pulling him towards the basement. "Come on!"

Mike's older sister Nancy watched as her brother practically dragged the poor boy downstairs. Mike's little sister then came out of her room.

"Who's that?" She asked innocently.

"It's Mike's crush." Nancy said while giggling and motioning her finger to the lips.

"It's a secret."

Meanwhile, downstairs, Mike and Will sat on the couch in silence.

"Sooo, what do you wanna do?" Will asked him.

"I don't know, '' Mike started. Enjoy each other's company?" He asked while looking over at Will with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah." Will responded while smiling and getting closer to the boy.

The two got closer together and locked hands. They just sat like that for a while.

Mike then softly kissed the boy on his head, then his cheek, then his lips. Will kissed him back. Then he stopped. It had caught up to him.

The guilt.

"W-why'd you stop? What's wrong, did I do something?"

Will loved how sensitive and worried Mike got. But he couldn't think about it right now.

"I- I just don't think we should be doing this. You know? To Jane." Will trembled.

Mike's face dropped.

"But I like you." Mike answered looking slightly teary eyed.

"And I like you too. But Jane, s-she's my friend and I- I just can't do this to her."

Mike sighed. He didn't say anything. He simply held Will and hugged him tight. They were so wrapped up in each other that they didn't hear Lucas coming downstairs. He saw them hugging each other tightly. This was not a "friendly" hug. Lucas left, running up the stairs. This caught their attention. Lucas ran to his car as Mike ran up the stairs trying to see who it was. Lucas was driving away but Mike saw the car. He knew it was Lucas. His heart sank.

So this is what I have for now :)


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