Chapter 9

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"Will, please just tell me the truth. Mike was now on the verge of tears. I just need to know b-because I care about you. I never wanna see you in pain and I- I just can't have you doing this to yourself under my watch and-"

"Under your watch Mike?" Will exclaimed, now getting off of Mike's chest. "I mean why did you even choose me in the first place? We barely talked after we started high school. Why do you suddenly care about me so much? Huh Mike?" Will's face was now deep red with... Will didn't know what emotion he was feeling right now. All of them?

"What do you mean suddenly? Will, I've always cared about you." Mike said, frowning with his eyes widening.

"Yeah, well pretending that I don't exist for almost 2 years is a really weird way of showing it." Will scoffed.

"I THINK I LOVE YOU!" Mike loudly blurted out.

"W-what?" Will answered with his eyes widening at Mike.

"I-I don't know why I just said that I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have said that and now you're probably uncomfortable and don't even want to talk to me about it anymore and-"

Will cut the rambling boy off with a kiss.

Mike softly caressed Will's cheek and kissed him back. They kissed passionately for about 30 seconds before Will pulled away.

"I think I love you too."

Mike smiled at the boy. "Well, I guess we're on the same page then!" Will laughed at his silly joke and hugged him, laying down once again.

"Mike, is it ok if I don't really wanna talk about it right now?"

Mike looked at the boy with disappointment. "Can we at least talk about it soon?"

"Yeah Mike." Will said, hoping it satisfied Mike.

"And can you promise that you'll stop?" Mike asked, pleadingly while hugging the boy tighter. "Please?"

"Yeah Mike." Will answered again quietly with a half smile.

"Thank you little one." Mike said as he started to kiss Will's neck.


The two lay with each other on Mike's bed until they fell asleep together. That was until they were woken up by something unexpected.

"Michael, what are you doing home so ea- MICHAEL WHEELER!"

Mike jumped out of his sleep, waking Will up in the process. It was his mom, Karen, back from picking up his little sister from school. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

The boys quickly pulled away from their cuddling position. "Mom I- We were just- H- I fell asleep and-"

"Michael," She started oddly calm. "I need to speak with you in the kitchen immediately."

Mike slowly nodded and followed her downstairs, leaving Will scared out of his mind in his bedroom alone.

"Michael, I have many questions for you right now but I'm just going to start off with this one... What were you and William doing in your bedroom together like that alone?" She asked, finally sounding concerned.

"Mom I swear, he was just sick and and I took him here because his mom wasn't home and I-"

"Spare me the lies Michael! Please." Karen said with worry in her eyes.

"Ok. But mom we seriously weren't actually doing anything. A-and he actually wasn't feeling well- I found him crying and- and then I took him here to talk and we just ended up falling asleep. But that's all mom I swear! I swear on my life!"

"Ok, ok Mike I believe you. I just hate that you have to be so secretive about everything. You don't tell me anything anymore." Karen responded softly.

"Well don't act like you actually give a shit about what happens in my life." Mike said quietly.

"Michael Wheeler! You know I care about you and I would love it if you felt comfortable to talk to me about these things Mike. I'm your mother. And I- Well I didn't know that you- Well that you liked boys." Karen whispered the last sentence.

"Well to be fair, I didn't know either." Mike responded, now trying to hide his frustration.

"A-are you and William... together?" Karen asked, trying not to sound judgemental.

"I don't know I- I mean- Would you think it was gross if we were?" Mike asked his mother.

"Michael, I could never think something like that. You're my son and I love you! I'm so happy that you're finally talking to me about these types of things."

Karen hugged her son.


"Yeah honey?" She answered while still hugging Mike.

"Can we not tell dad about me and Will?" He looked up at her.

"Your secret is safe with me Michael. Karen smiled.

Just then, Will came downstairs. "H-hey." He said, not yet knowing the tone of the conversation.

"Hi, William." Karen said with a smile.

"Mom, it's just Will." Mike corrected her.

"Oh, I'm sorry. How are you Will?" Karen repeated. Mike making his mom correct herself for him made Will blush.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking Mrs. Wheeler." Will smiled back.

"Well that's great. I just wanted to apologize for scaring you awake. I didn't know you were here. But I guess I'm just going to leave you two to talk. I have some errands to run anyways" She continued while getting up. "Look after your sister Mike. See you boys later!" And just like that, she was gone just as quick as she got here.

"Let's go downstairs." Mike said

As they sat on the basement couch Mike began to look at Will nervously.

"I hope it's ok that I uh- I told my mom that we were kinda together."

"What did she say about it?" Will asked, cuddling up to the boy.

"She just said that she was glad that I told her. She actually seemed happy for me? I don't know." Mike asked, still in disbelief of the loving conversation he just had with his mother.

Will reached up to give Mike a peck on the lips.

"Together." He smiled.

Mike nodded his head.


i really like this chapter... it's so sweet

~ Mo :P

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