Chapter 1: Hajime Hinata

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I was going for a walk while being focused on my phone. My name is Hajime Hinata and I'm a Reserve Course student at Hope's Peak Academy. Anyone would rather be in the Main Course to the point where "Reserve Course" can somehow be an insult.

Main Course students are elite and talented students who get chosen specifically by the Academy itself. On the other hand, Reserve Course students have parents who paid large amounts of money just to have their children enrolled at Hope's Peak. It's less honorable of a role.

I was walking down a sidewalk and stopped to wait for the crosswalk to be available. I looked and saw a white-haired guy who was reading a sheet of paper while walking on the sidewalk. He didn't seem to be paying attention to his surroundings. He seemed like he was in High School. Then what caught my eye the most was– his uniform. He's a student in the Hope's Peak Main Course? So, he has a talent?

In the distance, I heard barking. A dog? There was also someone yelling from a distance. A dog with a leash strapped around its neck leaped from the bushes and bumped into the guy without stopping. This caused him to trip. "My luck really is the worst..." He said quietly, which I happened to hear.

I walked up to him. "H-Hey... are you oka–" What cut me off was a ringing sound, which seemed to be coming from a cell phone. The boy, who didn't seem to notice my presence, picked up his phone from his pocket as he stood up again and brushed off some rocks and dirt which got caught on his pants. He held the phone to his ear and walked off. He didn't even notice me–

Well, that's alright. He was probably busy. That call must've been important or something. I didn't want to bother him.

I headed to the bus stop. I took out a piece of paper from my pocket and looked at it. Apparently, for organization purposes, they handed us assigned bus seats. It was to prevent chaos in finding seats. It's for those who were planning to use this bus continuously. I could take a car, but I decided to take the bus instead. I didn't mind.

I waited for the bus to arrive. There appears to be some other people who were waiting at the same bus stop. After waiting about 10 minutes, which I kept gazing at my watch to confirm, the bus arrived. "So... I'm sitting at... the row 12 window seat. Pretty sure that's at the far back. What a bummer." I muttered to myself. I got on the bus and searched for my seat. I eventually found it. "It's in the back alright..." I sighed and sat beside the window.

I looked out the window and watched as a line of people began boarding the bus. Some were looking around for their seats. I was staring outside for a bit, trying to withdraw my attention from the crowd. My thoughts were interrupted by a calm voice. "Hello, this is row 12, right?"

I turned to see who it was. It was the same boy I saw earlier! Now I see his appearance clearly. He had messy, white, shoulder-length hair. His eyes were a light gray-green color. He also has abnormally pale skin. And as I noticed earlier, he was wearing a Hope's Peak Main Course uniform. "Mhm. This is row 12."

"Oh, so I'll be sitting here." He went ahead and sat on the seat beside me. I looked back out the window as the bus began moving. "Since we're going to be sitting beside each other for the whole year, I think it's best if we get to know each other. We can start with introductions. It'd be bad for us to not make friends."

I looked back at him. "I'm... Hajime Hinata."

"Hajime, huh..." He gazed at my clothing. "Oh, that uniform... I feel like I've seen it before..."

"Yeah, it's a Reserve Course uniform." I said, a little embarrassed that I had to tell this stranger that.

"So you don't possess talent?" He asked.

I hesitated. "Y-yeah..."

"I see... Well, my name is Nagito Komaeda. It's nice to meet you."

"Y-yeah, same here."

"You could probably tell already, but I'm enrolled in Hope's Peak's Main Course. I'm known as the Super High School Level Lucky Student."

"L-lucky...? Th-that's a talent?" I was confused.

"Well, I wouldn't say it is. For some reason, I'm abnormally lucky. So lucky that I happened to win the Hope's Peak lottery to be enrolled in the Main Course. I refused to go, but they really wanted me there. So that's how I became a student there. It's a boring way to get into Hope's Peak, right? It's as boring as my lame talent... which isn't really a real talent as I see it. Anyway, enough about me. What made you want to enroll at Hope's Peak Academy?"

"I don't know. I've... always admired Hope's Peak Academy and dreamed of being a part of the Main Course. But... I'm not an elite, since I'm not talented. I enrolled in the Reserve Course, hoping it would give me a chance."

"I see. That's what I would call, your hope."


"Yep. Your hope. You know, if your hope is strong enough, maybe your dreams will come true after all!" He gave out some laid-back laughter.

This guy... He seemed fine at first, but now he's giving off a weird vibe. "What... are you talking about?"

"Did I run my mouth again? Sorry, I tend to do that. I just hope we can be good friends, that's all. Isn't that right, Hajime?"

"Y-yeah." He's a little confusing, but he seems like a nice guy overall. I think we'll be able to get along well. I think. "Also, can you cut the first-name basis crap? It's a little strange since we just met."

"Oh, it's too informal? Alright, if you want me to call you 'Hinata', I can do that."

I sighed. "Good,"

Nagito Komaeda, huh? It's better if I remember his name so I don't forget. The rest of the bus ride was pretty quiet since we didn't really know what else was there to say, but it went quite well. It was already really chatty in the bus anyway, so there was no need. I guess this is where everything starts.

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