Chapter 12: Tracking Them Down

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I grabbed Komaeda's arm and led him to where I thought I should be heading. "H-huh? Where are we going, exactly?" Komaeda asked.

I stopped and turned to look at him. "Do you mind keeping your mouth shut 'til we get there?"

Komaeda narrowed his eyes. "Okay. Rude bunch..."

Now... where do we go from here? Hm... maybe I should try consulting some people on where they think they might be. Yeah... that sounds like a good plan. Should I start with the school staff? Crap... I know very well they would never give a straight answer to a Reserve Course student... unless–

"Hey, Komaeda? Do you mind doing a quick favor for me?" I smiled as I turned to him.

"Sure. And what would that be?" He tilted his head slightly.

"You'll see."


I found myself standing behind a tree as Komaeda was told exactly what to ask them. He lost his memories, so I have to make sure he does this right. It's probably going to be difficult since he doesn't really know what I'm looking for. When he was asking them, I tried my best to listen while still being undercover.

"Hello." Komaeda told someone from the staff who was on guard.

The guy looked at him. "Oh, hello, there, Komaeda. Super High School Level Lucky Student, right?" Crap...!

"I guess...?" That's good enough... "I supposedly have a question for you."

"Oh? And what could that be?"

"Um... trespassers... could they be... at the moment?" Komaeda hesitated. I facepalmed.

"Oh? The trespassers? You want to know where they are?" The guy asked.

I sighed in relief. At least he knew what Komaeda meant. I listened in more.

"Y-yeah, that." Komaeda said. He looked like he was sweating.

"Ah, I see. Well, right now, we think they fled west. So in case they decide to come back, we raised security around the campus."


"No problem."

Komaeda then walked back over to me and I took him into a more hidden area. "That was a close call. West, huh..." I muttered.

"Sorry if I couldn't get the exact answers you're probably looking for..." Komaeda said.

"No, it's good enough. At least I know which direction we should be heading to." I pulled out my phone and opened the compass app. I turned it around until I pinpointed it at west. "Alright, follow me."

"What are we even doing? I'm just blindly following you at the moment. I don't even know where on Earth we are going or what you plan on doing!" Komaeda's tone changed drastically.

I looked him in the eyes. "You wanna know where we're going?"


"We're going to track down the people who did this to you. Hopefully, we'll decide more on what to do when we get there."

"Oh, should've told me earlier, y'know."


"Look, you have been so sketchy since we met. You come to my hospital bed crying as an absolute stranger to me and now you're dragging me around on this little 'mission' of yours without giving me any details?"

"Calm down, Komaeda. Look, I knew you before you lost your memories and now I'm working to try and get your memories back. Just... hold on."

"And you expect me to believe that?"

"Hey, what's seriously up with you?"

"Oh, nothing. Just the fact that I don't know whether or not I can trust you. How do I know if you're not lying?"

"I-I'm not, I swear!" He does have a point there. "Look, you ended up at the hospital because you hit your head too hard and you lost your memories! Didn't the doctor tell you?!"

"Just because my memories are gone, doesn't mean I can be taken advantage of. What if I didn't know you before I lost my memories?" Is this Komaeda more difficult than the original?

"You did! Look, now's not the time to be difficult. Let's just get going already!"

"And why should I?"

"Please don't tell me you're not coming." I said in a disappointed tone.

"Of course not."

"No, you have to! You lost your memories! Where the hell can you even go?!"

"I'll figure that out on my own." He began to walk away.

"HOLD IT– Ugh, forget it. Go wherever the hell you want. I don't need you." I said.

He then disappeared into the trees. I immediately felt hurt. Why did this have to happen?! Why is he so damn unreasonable?! I guess I'll have to do this shit on my own. I held the compass on my phone in my hand and headed west.


Eventually, I felt tired and exhausted from walking. I feel as though I've been walking for hours. But I have to find them, no matter what. I was walking for so long, I almost forgot what I was heading west for. I feel like it's been hours... I checked the time on my phone. It has been hours...! What the heck? How come I haven't reached my goal yet?!

I decided to take a rest beside a river. The place I was sitting on was more elevated than the river. I could see the river from down below. I sat beside a tree. I looked at the ground and spaced out. I couldn't help but think about what happened earlier. Komaeda... why did it end that way?

I just realized: I've been walking for hours without anything to eat. Now that I think about it, I'm starving. It's hot too. I don't feel well. And just when I thought my luck couldn't get any worse, a crow came dashing in and began pecking at my hair. I tried shooing it away with my arms. "GET AWAY, YOU–" It didn't seem to be getting away and before I knew it, it had knocked me off the cliffside. I grabbed onto the grass and struggled as my legs dangled above the river. Dammit...! Can my day get any worse?! I tried heaving myself up, but I was unable to. Is this... the end?

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