Chapter 2: Encounter

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It was... I guess you could call it a normal day at Hope's Peak's Reserve Course.It was as boring as ever. There were a few arguments and fights between students that the staff refused to resolve... again. All I did most of the time was look out the window and stare at the Main Course building. I bet it's not as boring there as it is here. But maybe it is boring. All of the students are elites, after all. Nah, it's definitely better than here at least. The staff never gave two shits about us. Not like I care, anyway.

After school's out, I left the building. I was drinking an orange juice box that I saved for later. I walked and saw someone I recognized sitting on a bench. I walked over to her. She's Chiaki Nanami, the Super High School Level Gamer of the Main Course. We only became friends pretty recently but she would always invite me to play video games with her. Well, it's not like I'm good at them. Compared to her, all of my scores are left in the dust.

"Hey, Nanami." I greeted.

"Oh, Hinata! There you are! I picked up a new game for us to play."

"Y-yeah, that's great." I sighed with a smile. Our interaction was interrupted by a pretty familiar voice which I think I recognized.

"Oh, Hinata, is it?!" It almost startled me.

I turned to see that it was the same guy I met earlier. "Oh, it's you again."

"Komaeda, you two know each other?" Nanami asked.

"Ahaha, we only just met earlier today. We were together on the bus." Komaeda clarified.

"Oh, I see." She calmly responded.

"Yeah..." I'm pretty sure I'm just a guy he met on the bus. Why does he seem so content in being my friend? It's not like I was chosen for Hope's Peak Academy. So why does he bother talking to me? From the way he was talking to me on the bus, he seemed to not know much about the Reserve Course at all.

"Well, he's just a Reserve Course student, anyway." Komaeda said. That did it for me.


"Oh, did I hurt your feelings? Sorry, it's normal for trash like me to slip up like that." What is it with this guy?


"Oh, don't mind him, Hinata. This is just how he is." Nanami explained. Well, it surely didn't seem like that when we first met on the bus!

"That's one way to put it, Nanami." Komaeda replied. "So... you know him as well?"

"We only met like a week ago." Nanami answered.

"I see." Then we heard a buzzing sound. Komaeda brought out his phone. "How unfortunate. There's somewhere I need to be. See you, then." Those were his last words before leaving Nanami and I. Honestly, this guy is really strange. Why did he change up like that?

"So... how about that game I just brought?" Nanami asked after seconds of awkward silence.

"Yeah, sure, let's play."


As I was returning home, I couldn't help but think about today. Well... I met someone new. It's not like it doesn't happen every day. But... something about him... is making me nervous. He's somewhat a strange person. I can't really explain it.

I heard a buzz from my phone. Nanami's texting me?

Chiaki Nanami: Hey, Hinata. Our class made plans to all go to the beach together on Saturday. Would you like to tag along?

What the hell?

Hajime Hinata: But we didn't know each other for long. You can't just invite me to your guys' meetup like you've known me for years...

Chiaki Nanami: Yeah but it would be unfair to leave you out of the fun.
I asked the class if I could invite someone I knew and they were fine with it.
So what do you say?
It's okay if you refuse, but I'm looking forward to seeing you there.
I was thinking of bringing some games since I'm not fond of swimming.
It'd be fun... I think.

Hajime Hinata: Oh ok... I'll see.

Chiaki Nanami: Okay.

Great. Nanami asked the class if she could invite me. Honestly, it'd be embarrassing for her if I didn't come. And besides, it should be fun but... I don't really like the idea of hanging out with a bunch of people I don't know. I guess I'll have Nanami there to talk to. So I'll guess I'll have her at least.

Wouldn't that mean that guy from earlier... Komaeda... would be there too? I'll bet two nickels he'll try to chat with me. The guy has been interested in me ever since he sat beside me on the bus. I figured, as a Reserve Course student, he would just consider our encounter as just a normal everyday greeting with a stranger. Why did he bother to talk to me after that? Well... I can save those questions for later. Saturday is in a few days.

Well it seems we'll be going to the beach. Honestly, I don't mind but I'll probably hardly talk to anyone but Nanami.

When I arrived home, I shut the door behind me. All I ever wanted was to be an elite. But talents don't come out of nowhere. I wish whenever I meet someone, I could enthusiastically tell them about my talent and what I can do. But... not everyone is gifted the same way.

And that's why I'm so boring.

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