Chapter 7: Rain

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The next day, I felt unreasonably exhausted. Komaeda had taken me to the Super High School Level Nurse yesterday, and she helped fix me up. At the moment, I was inside of the Reserve Course building, and it was almost time to leave. When it was finally time, I began to go and step outside. Huh? It's raining... pretty hard actually. I reached in my bag and brought out an umbrella. I always bring this, just in case. Seems it came in handy after all.

I walked out and went down the route to my house. The rain was getting pretty rough.

"Oh, hey, Hinata!" I turned and saw Nanami, under her own umbrella, approach me.

"Hey, Nanami. I'm trying to head to my house so I don't have to stay out any longer in this rain." I told her.

"Good idea." She smiled. "Want me to walk with you? My house is down this way too."

"Sure," Nanami and I walked together down the sidewalk. I then saw a familiar figure, standing in the rain looking up.

"Ah, my luck's at it again. I guess there's no helping it then." He said softly as his hair and clothes were soaked with rainwater.

"Komaeda! What the hell?! Why don't you have an umbrella? You're going to get sick!" I told him furiously as I walked up to him.

Komaeda turned and looked at me. "Oh, hello, Hinata-kun." He smiled as he used his hand to move his wet hair from his view. His eyes darkened. "My umbrella has unfortunately flown away in the wind and I'm unable to get it back. I guess I really am unlucky."

"Oh, the wind is pretty strong today." Nanami pointed out.

I was a little hesitant. "H-hey... you could... go under mine... if you want."

"Really?!" Komaeda's eyes widened a bit. "But are you really okay with... worthless trash like me going under your umbrella?" I've never seen someone trash-talk themselves in such a calm-sounding way. This guy... sometimes I can't stand him.

"Just shut up and accept it." I looked away.

"Aww, you're so kind, Hinata-kin, to think about someone like me..."

"Shut the hell up or I'm going to throw this umbrella at you...!"

"C-calm down and just take a deep breath..."

That angered me more and before I could land a punch on him, Nanami stopped me. "Hey, remind me what happened to letting you both share an umbrella?"

I exhaled softly. "Yeah... right." I let Komaeda step under my umbrella, which made me feel nervous all of a sudden. Well... he could get sick. That would be bad.

Komaeda basically led me to his house so he could get there. When I dropped him off, I waved good-bye. After a few minutes, I left Nanami at her house with a wave as well. Eventually, I was by myself. It was awkward– If anyone saw me, they'd think I'm some kind of depressed kid in the rain alone with an umbrella.

When I finally arrived at my house, I thought I saw some movement from the corner of my eye. I turned to see what it was. There were some... sketchy looking people walking together in a certain direction. Is that the direction to Hope's Peak...? I quickly shook my head. Nah, there's no way. Ever since the word about a terrorist group, Hope's Peak Academy has been taking things to safer measures. They even have extra security and active guards. There's no way anyone can just trespass freely without any issues. They're probably going somewhere else.

I decided to just go on with my day and entered my house. I set my umbrella and bag down by the door and sat on the couch to relax for a bit. I then received a text from someone. I checked my phone to see who it was.


Nagito Komaeda: Hey!

Hajime Hinata: What do you want?

Nagito Komaeda: Some response 😅

I just want to tell you that I have some business to do tomorrow.

Hajime Hinata: I'm listening...?

Nagito Komaeda: Well, I just recently found out that there's an easy way to get to the top of the roof in the Main Course building. You can climb up there from the back of the building.

Hajime Hinata: And...?

Nagito Komaeda: And I was thinking of using it for research purposes. I'm telling you just in case. If you can't find me when you need me, I'll be there.

Hajime Hinata: And when am I ever gonna need you?

Nagito Komaeda: You're a funny guy, Hinata-kun 😅

Hajime Hinata: Right...

Nagito Komaeda: Anyways, cya for now.

Hajime Hinata: Yeah, right. See you.

I shut my phone. I'll have to go there when I need to find him...? And when would I willingly go look for him? Honestly, I feel like it's just a crazy coincidence how we keep running into each other. But whatever... and he needs to do research? About what? I really don't think I'll ever be able to understand this guy...

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