Chapter 17: Video Games

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I sat in my house, bored as hell. I was thinking about Komaeda. Honestly, I feel like confessing to him on the spot would be so freaking weird. He'd think I'm an absolute psychopath or he'd just think I'm crazy. He probably doesn't feel the same way about me. Ughhhh why am I overthinking too much?! This is stupid. He might not want to be friends with me anymore either...

Hang on. What am I so afraid of? Komaeda's not like that... at least I don't think he is. Do I really know him that much? Why is this so hard...?

You know what? It's unhealthy to stress out over little things. Why don't I just let it all play out itself. Right now, I should go to the park to help me calm down.

I headed out of my house and headed straight for the park. When I got there, I sat down at the nearest bench and looked at my phone. It looks like Komaeda was texting me last night and I never knew about it.

Nagito Komaeda: Hey, Hinata-kun! Just wanted to say good night. And thanks for helping me get my memories back. I really mean it! :D

I stared at the text message for a few minutes. How do I respond? Ugh, whenever you like someone, you suddenly forget how to communicate with them. It's stupid, really. And why him of all people? As I was about to send a response to him, I heard a voice.

"Oi! Hinata-kun!" The sound of Komaeda's voice startled me so much that I quickly shut my phone and stuffed it in my pocket. I turned my head to see Komaeda and Nanami both walking towards me. "Ooh, Hinata-kun... what are you hiding to make you put your phone away so quickly like that~? Not looking at something naughty, are you?" This guy... I can't stand him. But my stupid face had to turn red.

"N-no, of course I'm not!"

"You suureee...?"

"SHUT UP!" My face was super flushed and Komaeda started laughing. Honestly, when his memories were gone, he acted way more chill than this.

"Alright, enough, you two." Nanami said.

"Right." I tried to calm down. "Why are you guys here?"

"I don't know. Nanami-san and I just happened to run into each other. What a hopeful situati–" And before he could finish, Nanami nudged him.

"We both guessed you would be here. It seems we know you well." Nanami told me.

"Yes, it's just my luck." Komaeda smiled.

"Do you guys... need me or something?" I asked.

"You forgot already?" Nanami asked.

"It's very like you, Hinata-kun, to forget something like that." Komaeda said as Nanami nudged him again.

"Huh?" I asked.

"We were going to play video games together! Remember? Let's go over to my house." Nanami declared.

"Oh yeah... wait... why didn't you send me a text message?" I asked.

"I tried calling you last night but your phone was on silent." Nanami said.

Crap...! Was that the reason why I didn't see Komaeda's text message? "Oh... sorry about that."

"It's alright. Now, let's go. We should walk there together." She smiled.

I stood up from the bench and stood beside them. "Right," I nodded. Then we all walked together to Nanami's house.



"Ahahaha, oops."


"Wow, you're bad at this game, Hinata."


We were having a blast playing video games on the couch. Before we knew it, the round was over.

"You came in last, Hinata." Nanami said.

"I KNOW THAT!" I snapped.

"Ooh, Hinata-kun's gonna wet himself." Komaeda laughed.


"Well you're behind me by over 700 points." He smiled.

"DAMMIT! I'll just remind myself that it's just a game and I didn't just lose against this clown." I muttered to myself.

"Who's a clown?" Komaeda asked.

"N-nothing!" I responded quickly.

"Okay, I'll go bring some snacks. You two... stay put and... don't go anywhere." Nanami told us.

"So... are we zoo animals or something?" I responded.

"Probably." Nanami said.

"What do you mean, 'probably'?!" I snapped and she just left us.

"Calm down, Hinata-kun." Komaeda smiled at me.

"Yeah, okay..." Crap...! I'm all alone with Komaeda now! I hope my stupid self doesn't make this awkward. Just talk to him like you always did... that's all.

"Are you alright?" Komaeda said as he brought his head closer to me.

I was blushing like a stupid idiot and my face turned red. "Y-YEAH, I'M FINE!" I said that a bit too loudly and then I covered my mouth. Stupid... stupid... stupid...

"You're acting strange and you don't look alright. Is something the matter?" He asked.

"I'm... fine." Then Komaeda put his hand on my shoulder, so I quickly blushed and brushed it off.

"You're definitely acting weird. Are you sick?"

"I said I'm fine."

"I sure hope so. Now, calm down. Nanami-san is going to bring some snacks soon if that'll make you feel better."


Once Nanami returned with some prepared snacks, she looked at the both of us. "Did I miss something?"

"Nanami-san, you're back! And no, you didn't miss anything at all." Komaeda smiled.

"Yeah," What a relief...

"Okay," She said as she set the snacks down on the table and sat in between us. "Let's play another round."

"Sure, and I'm definitely going to win this time!" I declared.

"Yeah right, Hinata-kun."

"Shut up, Komaeda!"

Then we all laughed and had a great time. Sooner or later, it was time for us to leave and I ended up with only 1 win and the other two definitely had way more than me.

"Thanks for having us over, Nanami-san." Komaeda smiled.

"Yep, thanks." I waved to her.

"You're welcome! We could maybe do this again another time." She said as she waved back.

"I'm looking forward to it." I smiled as Komaeda and I separated and headed to our homes.

Great. I acted like an idiot in front of Komaeda today. Honestly... when am I ever just gonna man-up and confess to him already? It's not that easy...

I hope I can gain the confidence I need soon.

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