Chapter 16: Hopeless

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"Komaeda!" I ran over to him and hugged him tightly, with tears in my eyes. "I... didn't think it was possible..."

"Heh, so would you care to explain to me what happened exactly? I found you passed out like a baby so I decided to take you to my house. You were exhausted, weren't you?" He asked.

I laughed. "Don't worry about it..."

Komaeda hugged back which made my face turn red. "So what were you doing exactly to have made you so exhausted? Chasing squirrels like a dog?" He asked in a playful tone.

I unwrapped my arms from him and grabbed his shoulders. "Your memories just returned and you're messing with me?!"

"Oh, was that what happened? I had lost my memories? No wonder..."

"You don't even remember that part?!" I held his hands. "Look, I'm so sorry for everything that happened. I should never have stepped in and it was all my fault. You never would have lost your memories in the first place if it weren't for me..."

"But I would've died." He smiled. "It's not your fault at all. No wonder my head felt weird... But you have no reason to protect trash like me–"

And before he could finish what he was saying, I slapped him in the face without hesitation. Then we stared at each other for a few seconds. "I've... wanted to do that for a long time." I finally said.

Komaeda smiled. "Ahaha, you really are hopeless." That carefree laugh again... It has a strange way of cheering me up.

"Let's just go."

"Where to?"

"Nanami. She'd like to hear the news."

"Who's that?"

I stared at him with wide eyes in confusion. There was an awkward silence filling the room.

Then Komaeda laughed. "Kidding! I was just messing with you!"

"When we're done here, I'm going to kill you." I narrowed my eyes at him in annoyance.

"Ahaha, some attitude, Hinata-kun." He responded.

I rolled my eyes and we both walked out of the room and out of his house. His house appeared to be just a few blocks away from mine. I led him down the sidewalk. I led him all the way to Nanami's house. "Let's just pray she's home." I rang the doorbell and we waited. About 10 seconds passed, and no one came out.

"Are you sure she's here?" Komaeda asked.

"She's probably asleep again." I said as I rang the doorbell again. A few seconds later, the door opened, revealing a really sleepy Nanami.

"Hinata... can it wait? I'm trying... to sleep." Her eyes were half-closed and she wasn't even making eye contact.

"Sorry, Nanami. I just wanted to tell you that–" and before I could finish, Nanami's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Komaeda...?!" She hugged Komaeda and I smiled. Then she let go and looked him in the eyes. "Since when...? I thought..."

"That's what I wanted to tell you. He remembers us and everything again." I said.

"That's a relief." She smiled. Then she looked him dead in the eyes. "So, what's my current favorite video game?!"

"Nanami... that's not necessary." I said.

"Gala Omega. Don't worry, I'm not lying." Komaeda said.

"Okay, good. Do the two of you want to play some games with me later? There are newer ones that came out pretty recently." How does she switch her mood so quickly? I could've sworn she was about to fall asleep on her feet a few seconds ago...

"I'm looking forward to it." Komaeda smiled.

"Yeah, same." I said.


"KOMAEDA?!" Said Souda, the guy from earlier.

I stood back, not wanting to interrupt anything as Komaeda's classmates approached him quickly. Nanami was smiling.

"Ibuki heard about what happened! Are you alright?!" This punk-looking girl with black hair and white, pink, and blue streaks said as she walked up to him.

"You worried us, you freak." Said a short guy with a blond buzz-cut as he crossed his arms.

"Does he... not remember us?" Said a really beautiful blond girl who gave off a royal aura.

"Oh I remember you guys now. My memories returned today." Komaeda smiled.

"R-really?!" Said a shy-looking purple-brown haired girl. "B-but th-that was a p-pretty big fall... I wasn't s-sure getting your memories back w-was possible..."

"Well, it happened. Fate, probably? My luck is something else, isn't it?" Komaeda laughed.


"Well, that's what happened. There's others who know more details than me... since I don't remember what happened when my memories were lost. But... I think there's someone who can give you more information." Komaeda looked over at me.

"...?" I stared at him in confusion.

"Tell them the details. They're eager to know. And you know what happened, don't you?" He said with a smile and all of the students simultaneously turned to look at me.

"O-oh... not much... after you got discharged, I just took you somewhere in hopes of getting your memories back. And then you got them back a little after. That's all..." I said.

Komaeda then narrowed his eyes on me. "Really? Even I can give a better description than that."

This guy... I clenched my fists. Yep. He's still the old annoying Komaeda from before he lost his memories. I just glared at him without a response to share.

"Alright, alright. Kidding, kidding. It was just a joke." He said.

"Want me to punch you in the face as a 'joke'?"

"Ahahaha, you're easy to mess with, Hinata-kun."

I just rolled my eyes as I looked away. Didn't want to lash out in front of these people. That would be bad.

"It's not like I actually worried for you, you creep." Souda said as he crossed his arms.

"No, he was worried. He was very worried. He looked absolutely devastated when he heard the news. You have no idea how disappointed he felt." The short blonde boy said, deadpan.

"SH-SHUT UP! IT WASN'T LIKE THAT!" Souda snapped. And with that, everyone laughed.

I looked at Komaeda. I just realized recently that I now have... feelings for him. I don't even know what sprouted these feelings. Was that what I was feeling when I was making that phone call with him? Love? I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't believe it... the guy is an annoying idiot. But... I can't run away from the truth. I'm... in love with him. Why does this have to be so difficult?

I don't even know when I'll ever be able to confess my feelings for him... I really am hopeless.

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