Chapter 8: Trespassers

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I decided to get ready for school today. Yes, my boring life at school. I wish I could get accepted into the Main Course, but I'm not talented at anything or blessed with Komaeda's luck. Well, it's fine. I got used to this lifestyle.

I grabbed my bag and headed in the direction of the school. When I got to the school, I saw a large crowd of students in front of the Main Course building. I walked up to try and see what's going on. I noticed Nanami, so I walked up to her to ask. "Hey, Nanami."

She looked at me. "Oh, hey."

"Do you mind telling me what's going on...?"

"It's the terrorist group. They're here and they have guns. It's like Warzone. We were strictly ordered to stay here as they go and try to take care of it."

"Huh? Really?! Where are they now?"

"They've basically escaped to the roof of the building and the guards are trying to figure out how they can go up there to stop them."

"Wait...!" An epiphany suddenly hit me. "No wait... I have to go there!"

"Huh? No, you can't do that. It's too dangerous. Leave it to the guards. They're professionals."

"No... you don't understand." I was stressed. "Look, the guards haven't made it to the top, right? They're still trying to figure out how?"

"Um... yes, but–"

"Look, Nanami, I have to go."

"You can't! They have weapons and it's not safe. Why do you want to even go up there? Because you think you can help stop them? Hinata, please."

"No... that's... not it."

"Then what is?"

"Someone's in danger and I don't care if my life is on the line. Please, I hope you understand..."

"I know that no matter what I do, I can't stop you. But do you promise you'll be safe?"

"I can't make any promises, but I'll do my best." I nodded to her and ran around the school territory. I know exactly where it is and how to get there. I walked to the back of the Hope's Peak building. Luckily I wasn't spotted by anyone...

Komaeda was right: there was an easy way to climb there from the back. I climbed up as quickly as I could. I had no time to waste. When I finally got there: I saw the scene. Komaeda was near the edge of the platform and was being approached by these men who were wearing sketchy black clothing. The only ones with guns were the ones in the back. But why? What's their gain here?

The ones who were closer toward Komaeda were armed with nothing, as if they believed power comes in numbers. Well, there's no way Komaeda had a chance against them all.

"Seems like we got the chance to get close to one of the talented students here." One of them said. "How convenient."

"This is how it'll begin then." Another said.

Komaeda was standing still, eyeing them. Why did he look so calm? I mean, he did have a serious look on his face, as if he was silently challenging them.

Another one, who was holding a gun, pointed it directly at Komaeda. "How about we put him out of his misery already and end things here?!"

Without hesitation, I ran and stood in front of Komaeda, as if to shield him from the gun. Komaeda seemed surprised. "H-Hinata-kun?"

"Another one?" One of them said. Then they glanced at my uniform. "Oh, he's one of those useless Reserve Course brats. Look, we don't want to play with you, you useless piece of shit."

"It's not like I'd let you play with him, either." I said, trying not to sound shaky.

"Hinata-kun... you don't have to. I'm fine, really." Komaeda said from behind me.

I turned my head to look at him. "You were just about to die. Do you really think that I would let that slide past me, you idiot?!"

Komaeda then went silent. I looked back at the group of trespassers. They don't seem to want to shoot the gun at me. Are they allies with the Reserve Course– no, that's stupid. Like, Super High School Level stupid. Seems like these guys were cornered by the Hope's Peak guards so they came up here. Komaeda surely wasn't lucky this time... I wonder what he was doing here so early...

He was definitely up to something. I'm sure of it. Komaeda has always been the most confusing guy I ever met. He's really hard to read. But... he has this... kindness to him. I don't really get it, but even his priorities are confusing. He seems to put hope above everything. It's strange...

I whispered to Komaeda. "Run."

"But why would I leave you here alone?" Komaeda responded.

"If there's any of us who's safer in this situation than the other, it's me. You have to run. I can't let them kill you." I said.

Before Komaeda could move, one of the guys in the front spoke. "I think I have a genius way to kill him." He grinned.

I shook. Would that require my death too? Honestly, I know I told Nanami I was fine with putting my life on the line, but to tell you the truth, I'm terrified. Why did I think this was going to be easy...? I'm just an untalented nobody in the Reserve Course... no way I actually thought I could save Komaeda's life. That was stupid. More so, you can't expect me to actually be able to do something in a scenario like this...

The guy in front stepped toward us. So much for running away... "Prepare to say goodbye." He said to us, and without hesitation, pushed my chest, causing me to bump backwards into Komaeda. I luckily kept my balance and turned around. I saw an awful sight, which was none other than my friend, falling from the building.


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