Chapter 3: Beach

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It was time to go to the beach. Days passed, and I received multiple reminders from Nanami. I prepared and walked out of my house and looked up to the sky. I placed my hand in my view of the sun. "It's a perfect sunny day out. They chose a perfect time to go." I began to walk there. It shouldn't be that far. I should be able to make it on foot.

As I was on my way, my phone rang. I picked it up and looked at the number. It's from an unknown number. I don't have many contacts so it's strange to see that. I'll pick up and make sure it's not some random stranger who scams people. "H-hello?" I answered as I held the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Hinata-kun! I heard you were coming!" The receiver responded.


"H-huh?" Somehow, it feels like I recognize the voice. Oh no wait– I do recognize that voice.

"Sorry for calling you out of the blue like that." He doesn't sound sorry. "I had Nanami-san give me your number." And why in god's name would she do that...?!

"R-right. I never gave her permission to give out my number like that, but I guess here we are."

"Don't sound so salty about it, Hinata-kun. Today's going to be a fun, hopeful day. Will it not?"

"I just met you half a week ago. Why are you acting as though we've been friends for a while? And why even give a shit about me, a student of the Reserve Course?"

"Ahahaha, you don't really mean that, do you?"


"Anyways, see you at the beach!"

"W-wait–" Crap. He hung up. He's gotta be the least straightforward guy I ever met. "You don't really mean that, do you?" What did he mean by that? If anything, that clearly seemed like a way to dodge the question. But why?

I quickly changed his contact name to "Komaeda" so I wouldn't forget if he ever decides to ring me again.

I headed down the sidewalk, on my way to the beach. When I finally arrived, there appeared to be many people at the beach today. Well, today's a really good day to go to the beach, so I don't blame them. I checked my text messages.

Chiaki Nanami: We're beside the cliff. Meet us there.

Hajime Hinata: Alr

I looked around and spotted the cliff. There seemed to be a bunch of students there. I feel awkward joining them. I hardly even know any of them to begin with. Luckily Nanami's there. I had already changed into my swimsuit prior to arriving, so no difficulty required.

I headed over by the cliff, where they all were. I can't believe they managed to find such a good spot when there's a lot of people here. They looked like they were having a fun time. I spotted Nanami, who was sitting under the umbrella and playing video games. She doesn't seem to be making contact with anyone. I walked up to her. "Hey, Nanami."

She looked up at me. "Hinata! You're here!"

"Yeah. So, what are you playing?"

"Gala Omega. I can't stop playing it."

I sighed with a smile. "I can see that..." I sat down beside her to watch her play, since I didn't know what to do once I arrived.

"Hey! Hinata-kun, I knew you would make it!" A voice called out to me. I could already guess who it was. It was none other than the laid-back voice of Komaeda.

I turned to look at him as he approached me and sat down. "Yeah, of course I would come. I can't turn down an invitation."

"Haha, that's good to hear. So how's your day been?"

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