Chapter 20: One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure

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He smiled and I sat next to him as my heart leapt. He then took his eyes off me and looked in the distance. "Hinata-kun... I don't think we're very different."

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I stood up on my knees. "I'm in the Reserve Course and you're in the Main Course. You have strangely good luck, you're p-"

Komaeda raised a hand to stop me from talking. Thank god he told me to stop at the right time. I was just about to say that he was pretty in front of him. That would've been so embarrassing... "Hinata-kun. We're both untalented."

"Huh? What do you mean? If you have no talent, then how the hell did you get accepted in the Main Course?!"

"I just simply won the lottery."

"Simply?! Not just anybody can do that!" I dangerously drew my face closer to Komaeda's. "You're lucky! It might not seem much to you, but at least you have a talent!"

"I... I see why you would say that." He lowered his voice.

"Huh?" I backed my upper body away and sat back down all the way.

"But we also don't know what to do with our lives. Isn't that... right?"

"I mean... if you put it like that–" He... kind of shares a good point. One that only the two of us understand.

"I admire you, Hinata-kun." Komaeda dragged in. "Even though you were never accepted into Hope's Peak Academy, you still do your best. Even though you may not be happy with being in the Reserve Department, you don't let that keep you from having any fun."

Hearing him say that automatically made me blush pretty hard. Komaeda... admires me? I thought I only felt that way about him... I didn't know he felt the same way towards me. "Komaeda... the truth is... I admire you... too."

He looked at me with a confused expression on his face. "Me? There's nothing to admire about me..."

"Yes, there is!" I grabbed his hand and blushed a little. Komaeda had this surprised look on his face. Is he... blushing too? "Even though you're kind of an idiot, you're kind... and the way you immediately made friends with me when I was a stranger to you... and you're even a part of the Main Course, even though you claim to have 'no real talent'. This may sound stupid, but I think your luck is an amazing talent."

Komaeda tilted his head at me. "You... think so?"

"I know so." I realized I was still holding his hand, which flustered me so I let go.

"No one's..." Is that a tear? "...ever said that to me..." His words shattered my heart in pieces. He wiped away his tears and started laughing. "You don't have to try being kind to trash like me. I know you're just trying to be nice."

"No, I'm being serious. Now quit it with the trash crap." I nudged his shoulder.

And then something unexpected happened. Komaeda grabbed my head and wrapped his arm around my waist, and forced my lips onto his. My face was super red at the sudden kiss, but I was into it. It lasted for about a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity. I grabbed onto the back of his head. His hair is so soft... Then we both pulled away, almost simultaneously.

"What's funny is that... the entire reason I came out here to see you..." I gave a small laugh.

"So you felt the same way?" Komaeda blinked.

"It wasn't obvious?! You were super good at hiding it, all right!"

"That's what I wanted to do all along. Somehow get these feelings taken care of during the party."

"I..." I was stunned. He... actually liked me back all this time? So Nanami was right... "So... that's why you invited me?"

"That and..." He smiled. "...I wanted us to have fun."

I laughed. "Alright then." I stood up from the ground and brushed my pants. I then lent out a hand to Komaeda. "C'mon, we have a party to attend."

Komaeda grabbed my hand and stood up as well. He gave this heart-warming smile. Even though sometimes he can be a creep, he can also be very sweet... in a way. I still need time to understand him though...

At the party, we had fun. Of course, as usual, I only hung out with Komaeda and Nanami. There were games that we played together.

"My luck is bound to run out soon enough," said Komaeda as he was trying out the ring toss.

"Just go on." I laughed.

Komaeda then steadily held one of the three rings in his hand and tried landing it in the cones. He ended up landing all three of them on the farthest cone, which really surprised us at first, but this is Komaeda. He's called the "Super High School Level Lucky Student" for a reason.

"One second. I'll be right back." Komaeda said to us with a wave and headed in another direction.

"So... how'd it go?" Nanami asked me as soon as we were left alone.

"How'd what go?" I tilted my head.

"Did you already forget? Komaeda."

"Ooh... yeah that... went better than I thought it would."

"He accepted?! That's great!"

"Hey... keep your voice down."


"Yeah, turns out, he actually liked me back after all and was also planning on confessing today. It was... kind of a shock. At first, I was scared and worried that he would think I'm a weirdo and not want to be my friend anymore. But... I knew Komaeda isn't like that. But it's not like I've known him for a long time so anything is possible..."

"Well... you did help him get his memories back. Which is... pretty romantic if you ask me." She giggled and I blushed.

"Maybe it was..." I was flustered.

Nanami smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. She's a great friend.

Komaeda eventually came back. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Where did you go?" Nanami asked.

"I just spoke to a few friends of mine before coming back here." He smiled and as usual, it made my heart leap because of how beautiful it was.

"Oh alright." Nanami responded, smiling as well.

"Hey, Nanami-san!" We heard a voice and looked to see what the source was. It was the pretty blond royalty-looking girl from their class. "Want to join us? Mioda-san and Tsumiki-san are joining too. We're going to have fun together as girls!"

Nanami looked at both me and Komaeda. She then looked back at the girl who called out to her. "Okay! Coming!" She waved at us. "Cya later, guys!" She ran over to the other girls. And, of course, leaving me with Komaeda.

"So...?" I shifted awkwardly.

Komaeda laughed. "Want to go get some drinks?"

"Yeah," I smiled.

We both headed over to the counter and grabbed something for us to drink. The second we fetched a few drinks, Komaeda grabbed my head and kissed me on the lips again, but this time, it was for just about three seconds. I blushed at the sudden gesture. "Heh..."

Komaeda smiled. "Let's go have some fun."

I smiled back. "Right behind you."


Ok... that's the end. :)

Sorry it took me a while to upload this chapter... I have school.

Hope you guys enjoyed this story! See ya' in my next one!

                                                                                                              - Jaymoon

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