Chapter 13: Waterfall

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I was still dangling from above the river. I struggled to heave myself up, but unfortunately, I wasn't strong enough. My hands accidentally slipped off and I fell. "AAAAAHHH~!" I yelled as I fell into the river water. The current was unexpectedly really strong. I tried to find something to grab onto as it dragged me along.

I couldn't find anything to grab onto so I tried kicking my legs to the opposite direction but the current was too strong for me to make any progress. I looked behind me and saw an awful sight. I'm getting close... to a waterfall. I'm seriously gonna die if I fall down there...! I rapidly pushed my arms and legs even harder in the other direction, but it was hardly even working.

I shut my eyes to accept my fate. I was then right beside the edge of the waterfall. Then I fell off. I was internally screaming with my eyes shut. A few seconds later, I was confused. How am I still alive? I heard a voice. "Gotcha!"

I opened my eyes and saw myself in someone's arms. I looked up and saw Komaeda looking down on me with a smile. "Were you surprised?" He asked.

Before I knew it, my entire face was red and my heart skipped a beat. I jumped out of his arms and accidentally fell into the water underneath. I looked up at Komaeda, who was standing with his feet in the water. "I... thought you left me..."

"Sorry for the unexpected appearance... I'm really sorry for how I acted earlier. I shouldn't have turned on you like that. And if I stick with you, I might end up getting my memories back. I realized you were really trying to help me. So I hope we can try again and continue on that mission of yours." He reached out his hand to me.

I grabbed his hand as he heaved me up. I was dripping wet. "No, I'm the one who's sorry. I shouldn't have stayed quiet." Then I looked around. "Wait... how did you find me?"

"You went west from where we split up, right? That's exactly what I did." He said.

"Oh, that's great!" I smiled.

"Also, I brought you a little something. I thought you might be hungry by now." Komaeda brought out a granola bar from his pocket and handed it to me.

"Oh, thank you...!" I took it from him. I wonder where it got that from too, but it's better not to ask. All that matters is that he got it. I opened it and began to eat.

He appeared to be looking in another direction. "Wow, would you look at that... we made it to our destination after all."

I looked to see where he was looking. I saw a really sketchy-looking building in the distance. That... must be it...! Without hesitation, I hugged him. "We did it!"

Komaeda looked at me. "Um..."

My face turned red again and I immediately let go of him. "A-ah, I'm sorry–"

"Nah, it's alright." He gave out a little cheerful laugh. He's... beginning to have the same spirit and attitude as the old Komaeda. He really is the same person. I couldn't help but smile. Yeah sure, Komaeda has always been annoying and weird, but he was a pretty good friend. But... deep inside... maybe we could be much more– "Now, we should get going, shall we?"

"Mhm." I nodded. He and I walked out of the water together and headed towards the direction of the building. Since my clothes were soaking wet, I took off my shirt so I could squeeze the water out of it. Then I put it back on along with my suit and tied my tie again. I followed Komaeda's lead. He seems really confident about this. Before, I would be the one leading him. Well, it seems like he really wants to help. We helped each other get around obstacles that were in our way. And eventually, we were standing directly in front of the building.

"Hmm... the constructors of this building have horrible tastes." Komaeda commented.

I gave out a little laugh. "Let's just go." It was sketchy how there weren't any guards around the building... strange... What if this was a trap?

I took a deep breath and tried turning the knob of the door. Huh...? It wasn't locked? This is strange... yep. Definitely a trap. But we have to get through this no matter what...!

I opened the door quickly. The room was surprisingly dark. I took Komaeda's hand as we walked forward a few steps. The door slammed behind us so hard that I jumped from the noise. I let go of Komaeda's hand as well by accident, and it was pitch-black in the room so I couldn't see him. I tried adjusting my eyes to the dark. "K-Komaeda...?"

"I'm still here." I heard him say. I was shaking in terror. I was never good in the dark. Then suddenly, without warning, the lights switched on.

I saw a group of men in black clothing standing before us. "Dammit...! We thought the Hope's Peak staff would be coming! It's just two high school boys!" One of them said.

"Oh, I recognize them! They're from Hope's Peak Academy. The Main Course trash who fell off that building like a weakling and that Reserve Course rebel." The other one said.

"Why are they dressed in black in a black building? It's horrifyingly cliché.' Komaeda asked.

"Don't ask." I told him. Yeah, right... he lost his memories so he doesn't remember these guys. There's less than there were before, meaning some of them were caught. Just like Nanami said...

"We should kill them! They're weak so it's easy to do!" One of the guys said.

"No, we can't do that! Let's use them to our advantage and keep them as hostages! Maybe then Hope's Peak's staff would come here to save them and we could kill them!" Another said.

"Good idea!" Another said as they began approaching us.

"Do you think we should try to run?" Komaeda asked.

I nodded quickly as we both ran towards the exit. I tugged on the door handle about 10 times quickly. "It's locked!"

They began running towards us. Komaeda grabbed my arm without hesitation and ran. I was struggling to keep up with his speed. He took us to the other side of the room. He was panting. "I can try... keeping us alive and free for at least 5 minutes... but I doubt... I can consistently help for long..."

I looked at him with a troubled expression on my face.

"SPLIT UP!" Said one of the men.

Oh crap! We're doomed. It's... over, isn't it?

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