Chapter 6: Strange Feelings

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I woke up feeling much better than I did yesterday. So it really was just a brief cold, huh? I guess I have to head over to the Reserve Course building now... I grabbed a quick snack and headed out. As I approached the building, I saw Nanami sitting by herself. I should probably stop by to say hi.

I walked up to her. She still didn't take her eyes off her game. "Hey, Nanami."

She looked up at me. "Oh, hey, Hinata. What's up?"

"Just... wanted to say hi."

"Oh, okay, then. Hi.

"Hi," I watched as she quickly reverted back to her game. It was really painful how awkward that was. "U-um..."

"Hey, Hinata-kun and Nanami-san!" I heard a familiar voice.

I turned and saw Komaeda walking towards us. As he got closer, my heart skipped a beat. Why... am I feeling this way? Nanami looked up from her game once more. "Hi, Komaeda."

"Hey," I looked down. For some reason, I can't make eye contact.

"Hey, Hinata-kun? Is something the matter?" Komaeda asked.

"N-no, i-it's nothing-!" I quickly told him.

"Your face is a little red." Is it?! "Oh, I know what it is. You still don't forgive me for what happened that day, right? It's deserved for someone like me. I'm sorry,"

"No, th-that's not it! I forgave you, remember?!"

"I know, but I was considering the possibility that it may have been a lie." He replied with a smile.

I'm so done with this guy. "H-hey-!"

"Hey, lovebirds, can you two stop fighting? Class is starting in a few minutes." Nanami interrupted.

I think my face was as red as a tomato. "H-HUH?!"

"Ahahaha, right, class is starting soon. I forgot." Komaeda laughed. Did it literally slip through one ear and out the other?!

"Y-yeah, class..." Why am I becoming all stuttery all of a sudden? It's stupid... Nanami was joking... wasn't she? Yeah, of course she was. She's always making jokes like that. If so... then why did it make me feel weird? I shouldn't take a joke literally, or else I'll look like a loser.

"I guess we should be going or we'll be late." Nanami stood up and kept gaming. "Let's go, Komaeda."

"Alright then," Komaeda waved to me. "See you, Hinata-kun!"

"See you!" I waved. I then headed to the Reserve Course building. I guess it's now another day... just another... day.


It was a normal, boring day at the Reserve Course campus. Some students even picked fights with others but no one cared and went along with their day. When school was out, I was about to walk out of the Reserve Course territory, until some unexpected company began to block my way. It was the same two Reserve Course students who pushed Souda and almost punched Komaeda in the face.

"Well, well, look who we have here." One of them said to me.

"Can you move? I need to head home and I don't feel like wasting my breath with you guys." I told them as I narrowed my eyes.

They seemed to have gotten angry. "Hey, you little shit. Show a bit more respect, will you?!" His tone got much more strict.

"Respect? But aren't all of us Reserve Course students on the same level?" I pointed out. Without warning, I was kicked in the stomach by the other guy.

"SHUT UP, YOU CRETIN! We fight for status and if it means kicking your ass, we'd gladly do it." One of them told me.

I was on the ground, with minimal amounts of blood dripping from my mouth. I held my stomach in pain. He... really went hard on that one and definitely didn't hold back. I feel... like hell at the moment... What is their game? My thoughts were interrupted by painful pressure on my back.

One of the guys was stomping on my back with his foot, which only increased the pain. I... can't breathe. I was trying to avoid a fight but... I guess this one was unavoidable. I shut my eyes to prepare for the worst... until...

"Fighting like babies again instead of using verbal language to argue? How pathetic..." ...?!

"Again...?! It's the Main Course slob. Why the hell do you even bother getting yourself involved in so-called 'pathetic' Reserve Course fights?!" One of the guys said in an angry tone.

"It's because the one you're attacking is a friend of mine. Why wouldn't I get involved?" Komaeda... Ever since I met him, we've always been coming across each other. I guess, when you have someone to stand by your side... you...

"YOU–" The Reserve Course guy tried landing a punch in Komaeda's face, but stopped his fist the second it touched his nose. Komaeda didn't even flinch... this guy...

"Why are you hesitating to retaliate? Let me guess... you're afraid. Afraid of the consequences of assaulting a Main Course student." Komaeda pointed out.

The guy put down his fist slowly. Komaeda then approached me and I began to get the weird feeling again. He reached out his hand to me. "Hey, Hinata-kun, not getting yourself dirty on the ground, are you?" There it is... his carefree smile.

I hesitated to grab his hand. I looked into his eyes, which were almost impossible to read. I took a deep breath and grabbed his hand and I was pretty slowly brought up to standing.

"Whatever! F*ck this! You two jerks are practically made for each other!" One of the Reserve Course students hollered before they both walked off.

My entire face turned red and I realized I was still holding Komaeda's hand. I let go quickly. "S-sorry..."

"Ahahaha, nothing to be sorry about." He laughed it off. "Now then, shall we get going? I should take you to get properly healed up. One of my classmates, Tsumiki, the Super High School Level Nurse, would be able to really help you."

"N-no, I'm fine... R-really..."

"Do I have to insist on everything? If I say you're going, you're going. Do I make myself clear?" Woah, he suddenly went hardcore strict on me!

"U-um... right..."

"Ahaha. Alright, then. Let's go." He switched quickly to being the laid-back guy he is.

"Nice change." I narrowed my eyes. We both walked away from the area. Those guys... really had some nerve beating me up. I could still feel some of the pain. Well... Komaeda's going to help me get a look at it by a nurse. Things are going to be fine... I'll just convince myself of that.

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