Chapter 19: Flier

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I was pacing back and forth during breaktime in the Reserve Course building, clutching the party flier, trying to figure out how I can confess to Komaeda. All of the awful possible outcomes are just swarming around in my mind. I can never gain the proper confidence to tell him how I feel. Why... is this so difficult?

I have a feeling some of the other Reserve Course students noticed me strangely walking back and forth but decided to leave me be. Until...

"Hey," said a familiar voice. I turned around to see Natsumi, who's from the Kuzuryuu clan. She isn't... the nicest person on the planet... "You're kind of bothering me with that pacing you're doing there... Why go around in circles? Got something in mind?"

"If I do, then why would it be any of your business?" I asked.

"Ooh, Hinata's got some attitude today. I wonder... are you daydreaming about the Main Course again? Obsessed loser."

I so badly wanted to snap at her. "Nnnnyes? Y-yes. Yes I am." Nice dodge. She's definitely going to think of you as a fucking idiot. I can't let her know that I have a crush on a boy from the Main Course... she's totally going to make fun of me!

"Heh, I mean, I can't say I'm not the same. I've always dreamed about being in the Main Course as well. I don't want to be left behind by my brother, that's all." She looked down and frowned at the crumpled flier in my hand. "What's that?" She pointed at it.

"Wait...!" Before I could stop her, she snatched it from my hand, uncrumpled it, and began reading it.

"Oh... you're going to that party thing?"


"I might go. Is there someone special you want to see there?" She gave this threatening, horrible evil smirk on her face which obviously didn't mean something good.

"N-no...! Wh-why would you think of that? I just... have some friends in the Main Course... that's all." I mean, that's not a lie. Komaeda and Nanami are friends of mine, as of now.

"Haha, just joking around with ya'. Sheesh, you're no fun." He handed back the flier by force on my chest, practically punching me. I winced, and she continued, "well, anyways, see you I guess." She walked off. That was... something, huh?


Today is now Friday. The day before the party. If I recall correctly from the flier, it's going to start at 9:00 PM. Honestly, if I don't show up, Komaeda would be upset. I wouldn't want to let him down. He was the one who invited me, after all. It's not like I actually want to go to a stupid party in the Main Course building... but I'm only going for Komaeda... and Nanami, if she's coming. Oh, that's right. Maybe I should ask...

I pulled out my phone and texted Nanami.

Hajime Hinata: Hey, Nanami. Are you going to the school party tomorrow?

I waited for a response and then...

Chiaki Nanami: Are you going?

Hajime Hinata: Um... yeah, I am. Komaeda was the one who told me about it and begged me to come

Chiaki Nanami: Of course he did 😂
You know, there's a possibility that Komaeda likes you too

Hajime Hinata: Huh?

Chiaki Nanami: You love him, right?
If he's so eager to have you come to the party, then he must feel the same way about you

Hajime Hinata: What?
No, he definitely invited me because we're friends
There's no way he likes me back

Chiaki Nanami: I don't think so
Maybe you actually have a chance with him after all
Perhaps confess at the party?
There's no way he'd refuse
You helped him get his memories back, there's no way he'd make fun of you

She does bring up a good point...

Hajime Hinata: Maybe you're right
So I've got to try, right?

Chiaki Nanami: Mhm

Hajime Hinata: Ok

You never answered my question
Are you coming?

Chiaki Nanami: 😂 Of course I am
I wouldn't miss out on an opportunity to see my friends

Hajime Hinata: Yep, you got that right

Chiaki Nanami: Anyways, I'm busy defeating the final boss so talk to you later

Hajime Hinata: Okay but make sure to sleep at night
I don't want you to stay awake all night playing video games
You'll come tired

Chiaki Nanami: Don't worry about it, Hinata

Hajime Hinata: Bye 👋

I shut my phone. Guess she's coming. That's great. It'd be awkward if it's just me and Komaeda since I don't know that many people. And now she's telling me to confess to him at the party... If he refuses, it could ruin the whole party for me. I don't know... but I don't want to let Nanami down by not taking her advice. I'll just have to force myself. It can't be that hard, right?

I've got to stop lying to myself just to make excuses. Why would he refuse? Unless... unless he doesn't see me that way.

I shook my head. I just need... confidence. Not negative thoughts that would just get in my way.


Today was Saturday, the day of the party. It was almost 9. I was getting myself ready to go. I showered, changed my clothes, and headed out. When I finally got to the Main Course building, I took a deep breath and stepped in. I was kind of excited, because this is the only time they're letting Reserve Course students enter this building. So you could say... I've never seen the interior of Hope's Peak Academy's Main Course.

When I walked in, there were crowds of students. It was a little rowdy there. There were tables of food, cool lighting... I recognized a few people but I hardly knew any of them. I walked through, saying loads of "excuse me"s.

Personally, one thing I eventually learned about Komaeda, is that he would never get himself in a crowd like this. He's the type to like peaceful places. That almost gave me a hint on where he must be–

"Hinata?" I heard a familiar voice.

I turned around. "...Nanami?"

"Oh, Hinata, I'm so glad you're here!" Nanami smiled.

"I'm glad you're here as well. I don't want to be a loner." I smiled back. "By the way... is Komaeda outside?"

"Yeah, I think he's outside the back door. He hated all the noise..." She replied. "Are you going to do it?"

"Depends on whether or not I run away." I joked.

She giggled softly. "Okay, you better catch him."

"Will do." I waved to her and headed to what looked like the back door. When I opened it, I saw Komaeda sitting on the ground, his back facing me. He turned around at the sound of the door shutting behind me.

"Hinata-kun?" He looked at me with pretty, gray-green eyes. It was dark outside, since it was now around 9:00. But Komaeda... he looks so... beautiful. It suddenly made me super nervous to get this over with.

"Komaeda... I have something to tell you." I took a deep breath.

"I have something to tell you too."

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