Chapter 14: Getting Our Way Out

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"They're splitting up. This should make it much harder..." Komaeda pointed out.

"You said that way too calmly!" I said to him in panic.

"Watch out...!" Komaeda said as he grabbed my arm and tugged me away as one of the guys almost rammed into me but ended up hitting his head on the wall instead. I fell on top of Komaeda. My face began turning super red. "Hey... can you get off me before we get caught?" Komaeda said as his cheeks were red as well.

"Y-yeah, right." I got off him and we both stood up to face our enemies.

They all began launching at us. When I didn't know what to do, Komaeda tapped my shoulder and quickly signaled me to split up. He's right: it'd be easier for us to dodge them if we split up. Sticking together only makes it easier for them. Who knew that even with his memories lost, Komaeda can still be really useful.

We split up as soon as they got close and began to run. Then, without expecting it, I was backed into a corner. Many of them were cornering me and I couldn't move anywhere. "Ah..." I didn't know what to do.

Komaeda came in quickly and pushed away two of the men so they fell. He then grabbed my arm and got me out of that mess quickly. "You really are hopeless..." He said. He isn't really different from how he's always acted before he lost his memories.

"So... what do we do now?" I asked him.

"We should try to find an exit and dodge them all at the same time. Once we find an exit, we shouldn't get out until we've called the police. When we do that, we could stall them and then escape as soon as we hear the sirens." Komaeda responded.

"You thought of a plan?"

"Yep." He's... smart.

We continued to dodge the attackers, without attacking them ourselves. Whenever one of us would get cornered, we would help the other. We make... a great team. It was way too hard for them to corner both of us at once so there would always be one to help the other. We also both kept our eyes peeled for an opening or anywhere we could use as an exit. No luck so far.

But about a minute later, something caught my eye. Why does this box here look so sketchy...? I saw a cardboard box sitting beside the wall. It seemed out of place somehow. "Komaeda! Stall for me, please!"

"You called it." He responded as he prevented and distracted any of the men to get near me.

I approached the box carefully. I moved it aside: and there I saw it. There was a hole in the wall: big enough for a grown man to crawl through. This appears to be an emergency exit for these guys. Luckily I found it. Before the men could find out about what I had found, I quickly moved the box back to where it originally was. Then I ran to help Komaeda out.

I ran over beside Komaeda and whispered in his ear. "I found an exit behind that box over there. That's where we'll go."

"Good. I knew I could count on you." Komaeda whispered back and smiled and that appeared to have made my heart leap. "I'll stall for you once more. Dial the police."

I nodded and Komaeda distracted their attention from me. I headed to a corner and tried to secretly take out my phone. I entered 9-1-1 and waited for them to pick up. When they finally did after a few seconds, I spoke in a soft voice, hoping the men wouldn't hear me. "Hey, could you come quick? There's a terrorist group where we're at and they're trying to taker us in as hostages...!"

"Alright. Stay put and stay safe. We're on our way." The receiver responded and ended the call. When I put my phone back in my pocket, I was startled by something. Then I realized that I f*cked up.

"HE CALLED THE POLICE!" One of the men said.


"Let's kill them already!"


I ran beside Komaeda. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep it a secret– they probably have figured out our whole plan by now–"

"Yeah, you ruined it, but... it's fine. The police would take them in either way as long as we guard the secret exit and make sure none of them escape." Komaeda responded.

"So much for trying to make me feel better, you good-for-nothing." I replied.

"Oh?! You wanna play that now, huh?!" Komaeda said.

Some men came dashing towards us, causing us to split. "OKAY, NOW'S NOT THE TIME FOR ARGUING–"

"You're right!" Komaeda responded and we both worked to keep the men away from the exit while dodging them. God... how are we still alive?!

Eventually, we heard the sirens from outside. I ran over and grabbed Komaeda over to the secret exit. We crawled out of the hole one after the other and saw the police. We made sure we were in their sight so they knew exactly where we were.

We waved our arms. "OVER HERE!"

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