Best Friends Forever Part 5

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Request: Best Friends Forever Part 5 kenzie_nikiforov73

Their drunkenness fully wore off over the course of breakfast. Legolas still felt flustered after his confession last night, but was determined not to let it show. Every time he looked at Aragorn especially, he felt as though his hidden love would be remembered. (Y/N) was completely aware that something was off with the prince, but could not think of what it might be.

Aragorn was oblivious to Legolas' slightly strange behavior and continued unperturbed in conversation, "When I arrived yesterday, I noticed some tracks in the forest by the river. I want to check them out and was wondering if you two would accompany me. I think they may be orc tracks but I did not think orcs had been that close to the palace in decades."

Legolas took a moment to consider this proposal. He had duties to attend to and could easily send other elves to investigate. (Y/N) on the other hand thought this would be a great opportunity to spend time with Legolas and figure out what was bothering him. To ensure she was not going this alone with Aragorn, she answered for the both of them. "We would love to go with you. If there are orcs nearby, we need to know about them. Right, Legolas?" She looked at him enthusiastically with a smile. A smile that he could not say no to.

Legolas smiled reluctantly in return, knowing he would regret caving in later, "Yes, we will go with you."

After walking for several hours, way longer than it should have taken, the trio had to stop and let Aragorn reorient himself. He turned in circles, staring at the river next to them and then back into the forest, in every which direction, pointing and thinking. The river was several feet below the rocky verge the trio was standing on. "I could have sworn the tracks were around here somewhere..." 

It was a sweltering day and Aragorn took off his travelling cloak and placed it on a branch next to him to keep it off the ground. He pulled at the top of his shirt trying to cool down a bit. "I just need a moment to think."   

This is my moment, (Y/N) thought. She turned to Legolas and took a deep breath, hoping he would open up to her. She felt their bond had grown over the past few weeks and that he would have no reason not to trust her with his concerns. "Legolas," she said sheepishly, "is something troubling you?"

Legolas stared at her, unbelievingly. Was his anxiety radiating off of him? Was it that obvious he was hiding something? 

Hearing no response from Legolas, (Y/N) decided to try again, "I noticed that you didn't seem yourself this morning. Is there something I can help with?"

Legolas opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the sounds of a breaking branch. Both elves whipped round to see the spot where Aragorn had been was now empty. A quiet "AH" was followed by a loud plunging sound.

"Aragorn!" (Y/N) called as she ran to the edge of the rocky ground to peer over into the water. Legolas was right beside her searching the water with his eyes frantically for his friend. Luckily, this part of the river was not fast flowing and Aragorn could swim. Bad news was that the water was freezing at this time of year and he might get a shock to his system as soon as he entered the water, paralyzing him from making it back to the surface of the water and over to land. 

"Aragorn!" (Y/N) and Legolas both yelled. Nothing.

Legolas pulled back from the edge and began removing his weapons from his body.

"What are you doing?" (Y/N) she asked astounded at his apparent disrobing.

"Going in after him. He should not have been under for that long." Legolas replied. To (Y/N)'s somewhat disappointed surprise, he kept his clothes on and readied himself to jump.

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