Best Interests

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You had finally made a decision on a subject that was troubling you for months. It was the hardest decision you have ever had to make, but you had finally forced yourself to confront the issue and take action.

You deliberated for days, running your plan over and over again in your head, making sure it was foolproof. You wanted to make sure there was not the slightest chance that an unexpected obstacle would get in your way. The outcome of the plan was not going to be easy on anyone involved and tripping over a hurdle in the process would only make things worse.

Today was the day you were going to act. You walked through the Mirkwood palace, looking up at the numerous majestic columns as you walked among them, running your fingers along the sides of the columns. Your thoughts quickly turned to the lively elves around you who were going about their business. You tried to feel their energy because you weren't sure when you would witness the hustle and bustle of the palace again.

You rounded a corner and finally saw your destination in sight: Legolas' chambers. You knew his schedule and that he would be in there now. You had spent a lot of time thinking where to talk with him and you decided his chambers would be the most private. You approached the door and stood hesitantly in front of it. You took a deep breath and slowly raised your hand to the door before weakly knocking on the wood.

It was only a brief moment before you were face-to-face with Legolas. Once he realized who was at his door, he relaxed his shoulders and flashed you a smile. "And what do I owe this pleasure, meleth nin?"

Did he have to call you that now? You looked down at your feet, "H- Hi, Legolas. Do you have a moment to spare?"

"I always have time for you, (Y/N). Come in." He stepped aside to let you pass and then shut the door behind you.

You struggled to make eye contact with him and subconsciously fidgeted with your hands and bit your lip.

Legolas already knew something was wrong. He could read you like a book. Sometimes you thought he knew you better than you knew yourself.

"(Y/N)..." Legolas coaxed to urge you on.

You looked up at him, determined to get through this sooner rather than later. "There is something I want to discuss with you."

He looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to continue.

You swallowed hard and then cleared your throat, dreading what you were about to say. "This is not easy because I do care for you, but it would not be fair on you if I stayed silent."

Legolas leaned in slightly and drew his eyebrows together, trying to piece together where this was going.

"Our past few years together have been very pleasant, and I have greatly enjoyed getting to know you better, but I find that I do not return the feelings you have for me. It would not be fair on you for us to continue our courtship when I cannot give you what you want and deserve." Once you finished, you let out a breath you did not know you had been holding.

You had been so focused on getting each word out and not sounding like you had rehearsed that little speech way too many times, which you had, that you were finally able to register Legolas' reaction. His mouth was agape as he stared at you in astonishment. You felt as if he was boring holes in you almost as if to peer into you and see the truth. You felt your cheeks get warm. Was he going to see right through this lie? You loved this elf more than anything, but you were a lowly elf and could not compare to the standing of a prince. You knew deep down that there was no way you could be with Legolas due to the difference in your statuses. It had taken you too long to come to terms with this.

"I- I don't understand where this is coming from," Legolas stammered.

Your mind raced as you grasped for anything that would be a valid response, but you were saved as Legolas continued. "We were happy. And in love. I know we were. What changed? Did I do something wrong?" There was some desperation in his voice. He was trying to salvage the relationship.

Legolas ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now