Best Friends Forever

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Legolas and (Y/N) were inseparable. Every summer Galadriel would bring her daughter to Mirkwood while she spoke to Thranduil about grown-up business that (Y/N) never paid attention to. Throughout the summer, her and Legolas would go on little adventures and make trouble with the palace staff either by breaking valuable things or getting in their way. Legolas was only a few years older, thinking it was best if he usually took the lead on such adventures.

One day Legolas came up with what he thought was a brilliant idea. He wanted to go into the palace kitchens and make dessert with (Y/N) which he decided his father would not find out about; of course he was wrong.

Early one morning, Legolas covered (Y/N)'s eyes and led her to an empty kitchen. He uncovered her eyes and they doubled their size, "Are we going to make something?" (Y/N) asked excitedly.

"I thought we could make some brownies," Legolas suggested.

"That's my favorite! Where do we start?" (Y/N) hastily inquired.

"With this," Legolas said as he climbed onto the countertop and took the jar of flour out. The jar slipped from his fingers and fell to the floor next to (Y/N)'s feet and shattered getting flour everywhere. "Oops..."

(Y/N) wiped her eyes and stared down at her new dress that her mother just got for her. Her jaw dropped and she look angrily up at Legolas.

He gave a nervous smile, having a feeling about what was coming.

(Y/N) leaned down and grabbed a handful of flour and launched it at Legolas.

"Hey!" Legolas yelled playfully.

(Y/N) giggled and ran out the room. She headed outside to the gardens where she planned to hide in the bushes.

Legolas chased after her with some flour in his hand ready to peg her. He caught up to her and hit her square in the back, making her fall over into a pile of mud. Legolas paused having a feeling the mud was going to be the last straw.

To his surprise, a hand sprung out from the mud and grabbed his tunic, pulling him into the mud pile face first. He sat up to see a floury and muddy elfling sitting next to him holding her sides because they hurt so much from laughter. He flicked some mud at her, "It's not funny, I got you first!"

"You're still filthy too. I'll always get you back, mellon."

He smirked at her comment which she couldn't see because she was busy rubbing her face from all the mud. Happiness filled his heart because he knew she was the only elleth to allow such silly behavior. Any other elleth would've been extremely angry at her new dress being ruined.

They both skipped back into the palace deciding they should clean up the flour. They knew Thranduil would discover it was them if they didn't try and hide it. They were almost at the kitchen when they heard, "Legolas Thranduilion!"

They both stopped dead in their tracks. And slowly looked to each other and then turned to see Thranduil towering above them. "What in Middle Earth are you two doing so filthy and leaving my palace in a state behind you?" the elflings peered around Thranduil to see muddy and floury footsteps where they had just been, "I will not tolerate such a mess. You two are not the only ones that live here. Come Legolas, we need to talk."

Legolas's shoulders and head dropped preparing himself for his impending doom. He hated it when he made his father mad. He parted from (Y/N) who ran to her and her mother's chambers to get cleaned up.

Lady Galadriel heard about what Thranduil had run into and even the state of the kitchen. She thought that was disgraceful for how a little lady should act. It was time (Y/N) grew up and learned to be a lady of Lorien without the influences of her Mirkwood friend. At the end of that summer she took (Y/N)'s hand and led her out of Mirkwood without the intention of returning.

A hundred or so years later Galadriel once again had business in Mirkwood. (Y/N) begged to go with her mother. She eagerly wondered how Legolas was doing and longed to see the wood again. Her happiest memories were made in Mirkwood where she played all day long with her best friend and was not forced to behave like a princess. Galadriel unexpectedly agreed understanding that (Y/N) was ready to begin learning the diplomatic side of being a princess and this was the perfect opportunity.

They arrived at the Mirkwood palace to be greeted by Thranduil and Legolas. The ellons only expected to welcome Lady Galadriel and were very surprised to see a younger elleth exit the carriage behind Galadriel. Her (H/C) shone in the light and Legolas stared hard at her as recognition slowly set in.

"Thank you for having us, Thranduil. I hope it does not inconvenience you that my daughter has accompanied me," Galadriel said.

"Not at all, it has been a while since we've seen either of you," Thranduil replied smiling.

Legolas could not believe the elleth before him. She had matured and her beauty had blossomed. Her (H/C) hair was long and silky with strands being carried by the wind. Her figure was sturdy and strong with her beautiful dress accentuating her curves and fitting her body perfectly. Her features were sharper and her eyes shone with health and wisdom. That was his childhood best friend standing in front of him and he couldn't believe it. He was beginning to think he would never see her again since it had been so long.

(Y/N) was in awe of how handsome Legolas had grown. He too had matured and had a strong jaw. His features were also sharp and he had bulked up with training. His blue orbs held a slightly childish light that she recognized.

Neither could stop taking the other in. Legolas just wished for time alone with her so they could catch up; he wanted to know if she was still her unique self or whether she was like all the other elleths who swoon over him.

After their parents spoke to each other for quite some time, they excused themselves to discuss business of the realms. Legolas led (Y/N) to the gardens where he knew they would have some privacy to talk.

They sat on a stone bench in silence taking in the beauty of the flowers and of the surrounding forest.

Legolas turned to (Y/N), "I am surprised at your return. When you left all those years ago, your mother made it clear she did not want you here," He looked away from her and focused on an elf in the distance. "I am afraid I am to blame for preventing you from coming back," Legolas stammered.

(Y/N) smiled sweetly, "Do not blame yourself for my mother's decisions. You know she is strict. Besides, I was going to get myself back here one way or another. It seems silly to stay away from a place that holds your fondest memories."

Legolas was slightly shocked at her words. Could this really be where she was happiest? "I didn't know Mirkwood held such significance for you, mellon." The "mellon" slipped out but it felt so natural. Legolas bit his tongue slightly worried for (Y/N)'s response.

She smiled, "All I get back in Lorien is how to be a lady and not be myself. Here, it's different. I know I was a child when I was last here, but there's something about this place. The atmosphere, the elves." She subtly emphasized "elves".

"Well, it's good to have you back. I've had no one to do some mischief with."

"How unfortunate for you, mellon. I sense some change on the horizon."

The corners of Legolas's lips turned up at this. They looked into each other's eyes as if there was something holding them locked there.

"How long do you intend to stay?" Legolas asked.

"The whole summer I believe... possibly longer. There's something I have to do before I go."

Legolas tilted his head with curiosity.

"You see, my best friend has been deprived of some mischief having and I can't let that continue."

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