Unspoken Feelings

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You were tired of your normal life, being chased by ellons everywhere for your beauty. You did not want to be courted by any of them, and as a result, you always had to scare them off by pulling out your daggers. Luckily, not many ellons liked a lady who could fight them off. That is why being on this journey was like a new beginning, it was refreshing and allowed you to escape the confines of the Mirkwood palace. The quest to destroy the one ring was dangerous, but you knew you were capable and would help in any possible way you could.

Although, something came out of this journey that you did not expect. You left Mirkwood to escape love and yet ended up finding it. The other elf in the group just happened to be the prince of your realm, Prince Legolas. You had never met him before, but always admired him from afar. He had grown up motherless and with his father being distant and cold. He took on princely duties at a young age and never seemed to complain. He did it for his people.

But there was something different about him from other ellons. He was kind, graceful, and very handsome. Over the months you had spent together on this journey, you had a chance to get to know one another and on a deeper, more personal level than you ever expected to with your prince. In fact, you had grown very fond of him. You could always make each other laugh or comfort the other when feeling homesick or tired from the journey. Being elves, it was easier and felt more relaxed to confide in each other rather than a dwarf or man. This helped strengthen your bond.

As you were busy collecting firewood for your constantly dying fire, you could not help but think of Legolas and your times spent together. One of your fondest memories was only a few weeks ago. You were sitting peacefully, minding your own business when all of a sudden you heard a rustle next to you. When you look to your side, your daggers were gone. You looked around in confusion, not understanding who took them because there was no one in sight besides Aragorn, Gimli, and Boromir who all had their eyes closed around the fire fighting off sleep. You thought for a moment and with your keen eyes noticed that there was one member of the fellowship missing.

You got up and decided to search the forest for a certain blonde elf. Not long after you began searching, he appeared from behind a tree, balancing your blades on his pointer finger. "You know you really should keep a more careful eye on your belongings. Someone could snatch them and then you'd be defenseless," Legolas teased.

You folded your arms, "Or you could not be so annoying and give me back my possessions."

"Nah, these are some nice daggers, good craftmanship," Legolas commented

You rolled your eyes, knowing exactly what he was referring to. His kinsman had crafted the daggers and he was clearly proud of their work and appreciated that you liked them so much. "Hand them over, Legolas."

He raised an eyebrow, "Or what?"

"Or I'll take them by force," you threated.

"Oh, is that so, mellon nin?" Legolas laughed. You could not help but smile at his perfect teeth and how his face lit up at your words. You could not believe that you had befriended your prince.

You looked at your fingernails, pretending the situation was no big deal, like you could kick his ass with no effort at all, which was pretty likely, but he was also very skilled in combat.

Realizing you were probably pretty serious, Legolas dashed away, which was not good for you since he was faster than you. You caught up to him after he slowed down a bit and turned to you. He held your daggers as high as he could, "Are you sure you really want these?" He taunted as you stood on your tippy toes and stretched as far as you could.

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