Choose Me Part 3

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"Tauriel," (Y/N) said with caution.

"Yes, my lady" Tauriel replied.

"I need you to explain something to me." Tauriel shifted uncomfortably. "This is going to sound terrible, but I overheard your conversation with an elleth. She was informing you on the attention that Legolas has been giving you lately, and you basically said to her that there was a chance of you returning his feelings. But what confuses me is that you denied his request that you join us for training. Why not give yourself the opportunity to see if you share his feelings?"

"Ah, well I don't appreciate you spying on my conversation, "Tauriel reprimanded, "but to answer your question, I believe you slightly misunderstood what I was trying to convey to my friend. I do enjoy Legolas's company; he is a wonderful ellon who is understanding and kind, but my heart belongs to another. I realize that I have not voiced this probably making the situation worse. However, I would love to train with you and Legolas because I am sure my skills would improve, but I am aware of Legolas's feelings and Ido not want to entertain the idea of there being a chance of us having a relationship."

(Y/N) let out a breath she did not know she was holding in.

"This seems to have given you a lot of relief," Tauriel observed.

"I just needed some clarification, so I thank you." (Y/N) said trying to make it less obvious.

"Mhm. You like him, don't you!" Tauriel presumed.

(Y/N) face reddened and she bit her lip.

"There is absolutely no reason to be embarrassed about that, mellon. Most elleths go all gooey-eyed for him, you are no different. Luckily for you, you have known him long enough to know him for the ellon he is and vice versa." Tauriel comforted.

"Thank you, Tauriel." (Y/N) was delighted with Tauriel's comments. She was right, Legolas and Y/N have known each other from a very young age, giving her an edge. Maybe there was some hope. Plus, Legolas had admitted valuing her friendship, *sigh* but if only he wanted more.

Dinner was served that night and it was the first time (Y/N) had seen Legolas all day. He had not shown up for their training in the morning which she did not blame him for. He had his heart broken yesterday.

He kept silent for most of the meal until he was addressed by his father, "Legolas, I want you to scout the forest tomorrow and count how many spider nests are left."

"Yes, ada." Legolas said quietly.

His mood upset (Y/N) since he was not his usual, cheerful self. Frankly, she missed her best friend. She tried to closely watch his actions attempting to read his exact emotions, but each time she looked at him she caught him staring at her. (Y/N) was surprised every time and would direct her attention elsewhere.

Later that evening, (Y/N) found her wandering to her and Legolas's secret spot hoping to clear her mind of the whole Legolas situation. She was not alone for long when she felt extra weight on the branch she was sitting on.

"I knew I'd find you here," said the silky voice next to her.

"Any particular reason why you were in search of me?"

"I was hoping you would go on the scout with me tomorrow."

"That's an offer I would never turn down," (Y/N) smiled at him, seeing a glint in his eye.

"Then I look forward to it," Legolas grinned showing his teeth, something he rarely did unless truly happy, and slid off the branch.

During the scout the next day, Legolas was quiet again. When they stopped to mark a nest, (Y/N) could feel his eyes on her. When they were moving, he requested her to walk next to him. He put it down to needing her keen eyes, but (Y/N) knew that was not the case since he was the one with the superior senses.

A few weeks passed and (Y/N) barely spoke to Legolas as he kept his distance. She would see him occasionally but he acted strangely and kept staring at her. She knew it did not work out with Tauriel but she did not expect it to take this toll on him, causing him to behave this way. She missed him. Was he blaming her for Tauriel not loving him?

(Y/N) was getting ready for the Feast of Starlight where there would be plenty of socializing and dancing. She enjoyed getting to dress up every once in a while and don a pretty gown rather than a tattered tunic. (Y/N) was also excited since lots of her friends from other realms would be in attendance, and there was the chance of getting to speak with Legolas since he was required to be there.

As she entered the hall where the feast was being held, she could barely see anyone for all the bodies; it was packed. She slid through the clusters of elves to a spot where she could see where some of her friends were. When she reached a little clearing, a warm hand laid on her shoulder and she turned in the direction of it.

"You look gorgeous, (Y/N)," Legolas beamed.

"Thank you, mellon," Legolas visually cringed, "You don't look so bad yourself." (Y/N) giggled. She was happy to be with him again.

He took her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles, his eyes not leaving hers. He had a light in his eyes that (Y/N) had never seen before; a light that convey tenderness affection. She could not conceal her blush at his adoration. As he placed her hand back at her side, his thumb rubbed the back of it. He refused to let go and led her to a balcony overlooking the forest.

He looked out into the darkness and began his speech, "You've probably noticed my absence over the past couple of weeks. I feel the need to explain myself," It was clear Legolas felt ashamed of his behavior. "You see, I've needed a lot of time to think and muddle through my feelings. I had almost convinced myself that I was falling in love with Tauriel but it was all a lie. I was too afraid to admit my true feelings. I wanted something that was attainable since I thought you weren't" (Y/N)'s head shot round at him in shock. Did he just choose her?

(Y/N) opened her mouth to speak but did not know what to say. She had dreamt of this moment so many times and now that it was here she was speechless.

Legolas returned his gaze to the forest and cleared his throat, "I'm afraid all of this has put a dent in our relationship. I honestly don't know what I would do without you; you are my best friend, my rock, and above all, the elf that I hold most dear," he paused waiting for her reaction, "And I realize now that I almost ruined that. I lost myself in thinking you would never reciprocate my feelings, but I suppose I never gave you the chance to share them. So, in a panic, I distracted myself with the elleth that was most similar to you in heart and character."

(Y/N) delicately placed her fingers on his lips, urging him to say no more. "If only you could have given me the opportunity to let you know how deeply I care for you, but it seems you prefer not to use your words," she teased, "so neither will I." (Y/N) got on her tip toes and placed her lips against his.

Legolas deepened the kiss and placed his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. When they finally broke apart they were both breathless.

"I had been waiting too long for that," (Y/N) stated and they both laughed.

For the rest of the night, they smiled, danced, and laughed. Legolas could not stop complimenting her on her beauty and (Y/N) could not help but be mesmerized by her prince.

Both were excited for training in the morning. 

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