A New King

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(Y/N) was sitting on the branch of a tree, waiting to be graced by the presence of the her beloved. Her mind was in a far away place, dreaming of a future with her prince. Long horseback rides, competitions to see who can kill the most orcs, feasts and balls to dance the night away at. The future was loaded with possibilities, but what really mattered was that he would be a part of it.

(Y/N)'s thoughts were disrupted by a weight next to her pulling down the branch she was sitting on. She opened her eyes to see concern hidden in her prince's eyes.

"Legolas, what is it?" her hand shot out to hold his, delicately embracing his smooth skin.

He looked down at their hands and back up again, "I have some news." He gulped, "I spoke to Ada this morning and he said he is stepping down as king." There was a pause, "meaning I am to be crowned king."

(Y/N) could see the panic in his eyes that he so desperately tried to hide. "This is wonderful news. Your father believes you are ready," she spoke softly.

"I am not ready to rule a kingdom, not by myself. And certainly not in a week's time" Legolas retorted.

"You are ready whether you want to believe it or not," (Y/N) stated.

Legolas gazed deeply into her eyes solemnly trying hard to believe what (Y/N) was saying.

As the coronation approached, (Y/N) could see the growing anxiety in the prince and felt she was not able to calm him. If anyone would be able to, it should be her. She was getting ready in her room, sitting at her vanity with what seemed like thousands of maids around her. One was making her hair perfect, another fixing her dress, and yet another putting her crown on. (Y/N) was the princess of Rivendell, Arwen's younger sister, and therefore understood the apprehension of taking on the duties of being a royal and taking over a throne.

A light distracted her, shifting underneath her door. Someone was pacing and she knew all-too-well who it was. There was a knock and (Y/N) beckoned who it was to enter. "Leave us," she commanded the maids as soon as Legolas peered round the door. He was clad in elegant, silver robes for the ceremony with his hair perfectly brushed and his crown adorning his head. He quickly strode up to her, "I don't think I can do this. I am not ready to rule a kingdom."

"Legolas," (Y/N) soothed, "You just have pre-coronation jitters. This is a big step and anyone in your situation would be nervous. If I were being crowned queen of Rivendell, I would feel exactly the same way." She cupped his face, "You are simply lacking in confidence, but think back to all the times you successfully led hunts and took over your father's stead when he visited another realm. And on top of your leadership skills, your people love and adore you. All the proof is there, you just need to look."

Legolas placed his hand on hers and buried his face in her hand, "This is different. This is a more permanent position. The whole kingdom will depend on me. What if I'm not cut out for it?"

(Y/N) sighed. "Legolas, is your family and friends having faith in you not enough? We love you, believe in you, and have watched you grow into a fearless leader. Now it is time to take on your role as king like you would have to sooner or later."

Legolas pulled (Y/N) in close and buried his face in her hair, taking in her familiar and beautiful scent, "You're right. You're always right. I'm just scared." He was worried he would not have her by his side as often. He depended on her a lot more than she knew, always asking for advice on matters and turning to her in times of need. What if he needed her at times and she wouldn't be there? He was afraid to let go of her in that moment.

(Y/N) slowly pulled away from Legolas's grasp and looked up at him, "You don't want to be late for your own coronation, now go." She smiled at him sweetly.

"Thank you, meleth nin." He kissed her on the forehead and as slowly as possibly let go of her hand, as if to savor her touch. as he moved towards the door.

Before he left the room, (Y/N) added, "I am always here, my prince."

The ceremony began on time and Legolas took his place on the throne as the those invited were sitting in rows watching in adoration of their soon-to-be king. As one of the king's advisors spoke a few words, Legolas searched for (Y/N) in the crowd and found her. She mouthed "smile" and he could not help but smile at her for doing that. He looked away quickly knowing that if he did not, he would laugh. Once he was crowned, (Y/N) could see the weight of responsibilities hit his shoulders as he straightened and raised his chin. Her heart dropped for him for she knew how his life would change. When the ceremony in the great hall was done, Legolas walked down the aisle seemingly confident on the outside as he was beginning to fulfill his new role.

The more relaxed part of the ceremony continued in a smaller room with higher-status elves and friends of the royal family. Legolas sat in a chair as the guests went up to him individually and laid a gift, generally flowers, at his feet to symbolize their appreciation of their new king. Of course, not all elves participated because not everyone agreed with Legolas becoming king, whether it was because they thought he was too young or immature or they had no faith in his leadership abilities. When it was (Y/N)'s turn, Legolas smiled at her and smiled even wider when he saw that she had a bouquet of his favorite flowers. As she placed the bouquet at his feet, she smiled and winked hoping to put him at ease.

When that line ended and everyone had their turn, Legolas was able to join the party. Unsurprisingly, the first elf he went to was (Y/N).

"We are immensely proud of you, meleth nin," (Y/N) said. She looked at him questioningly still seeing that he was anxious. "Look at how many gifts you received. If that doesn't show you how much confidence your people have in you, I don't know what does."

Legolas smiled in agreement and took (Y/N)'s arm. They went around the guests together, just as he wanted it. With her by his side, he knew he could conquer anything.

After they had parted ways that night, (Y/N) heard a knock at her door and Legolas barged in. He ran to her, picked, her up, and spun her repeating, "Thank you." Once he sat (Y/N) back down he continued, "Your gift was so thoughtful. First, there were my favorite flowers and then I saw the hidden bag attached." Inside the bag (Y/N) had placed black pearls, a symbol of good luck. "You don't know how much the pearls mean to me."

"You don't know how much you deserve them. You are going to be a wonderful king and all your subjects will look to you for guidance. Your wisdom and kindness have captured their hearts, and mine, and they will follow you and trust in everything you do. You are ready to be king."

"I am beginning to believe you," he laughed, "but there is only one thing I'm missing," Legolas teased.

(Y/N) looked at him curiously. Then her eyes widened as she realized what he was doing.

On one knee, with a ring in his hand, Legolas said, "(Y/N), you are the most wonderful and supportive ellethI have ever known. I know this journey as king will not be anything like I have experienced, but I have come to realize that I do not want to embark on it alone. I want you to be by my side at all times. You are a light in the dark, and breath of fresh air. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Will you take me as your husband?"

(Y/N) could tell every word he said was genuine and tears rolled down her cheeks. This was so unexpected but she has known for a while now that Legolas is the one for her. "Yes! Of course!" she replied.

Legolas jumped up and placed the ring on her finger. He then pulled her into a tight embrace, his hands getting lost in her hair, and tears welling in his eyes. He could not be happier. "A king needs a queen," he whispered, sending chills down her spine.

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